
  • 网络Tile
  1. 微软对Windows系统进行了大刀阔斧的改革,把深受用户欢迎的传统桌面换成了由不同颜色的磁贴构成的开始界面,这些磁贴代表的是不同的程序、文件和服务。

    Microsoft revamped Windows , replacing the beloved classic desktop with a Start Screen of tiles that point to programs , files and services .

  2. 要做一个即时磁贴,在烘焙前轻轻的把一小块PVC膜的磁铁片按入液体软陶内。

    To make an instant magnet , gently press a piece of PVC coated sheet magnet into the LS before baking .

  3. 现在每次启动一台新的PC电脑,就会进入Windows8那平板风格、布满磁贴的开始屏幕(StartScreen)。这一界面设计精美,在触摸屏上运行顺畅。

    The face of Windows 8-the tablet-like , tile-based Start Screen that comes up every time you start a new PC-is nicely designed and works well on touch screens .

  4. 比如,我很容易就创建了一个组标签为“生产力”的磁贴,把工作中最常用的一些软件固定在了主菜单上,包括用来查邮件和浏览网页的应用、Twitter、计算器和微软的文档处理软件Word。

    For example , I easily created a group of tiles labeled " Productivity " and pinned some of my most frequently used software for work , including apps for email , web browsing , Twitter , a calculator and Microsoft Word .

  5. 该操作系统在触摸屏上表现最好,用户可以直接碰触磁贴和图标。

    The operating system works best with a touchscreen , where users can swipe tiles and icons .

  6. 点击开始按钮,可以看到一组磁贴,用户可以按自己的喜好随意组合。

    Clicking on the Start button brings up groups of tiles that can be tailored to your preferences .

  7. 在智能手表狭小的屏幕上,磁贴这种软件设计似乎浑然天成。

    On a display small enough for a Smartwatch , the software design seems like a natural fit .

  8. 删除不想要的应用也很简单,只需选择“取消固定”那个磁贴。

    Removing unwanted apps from the group is easy - you just choose to " unpin " the tile .

  9. 磁贴穴位敷贴对哮喘患者肺功能及Th1/Th2细胞因子的影响

    Effects of Magic Magnetic Plaster Acupoint Application on Lung Function and Th1 / Th2 Cytokines in Patients with Asthma

  10. 那个那就是一块吸满磁贴的白板比起我你更在乎它

    That ? That 's just one board full of magnets ! Something I think you care about more than me .

  11. 在平板电脑模式下,应用占据整个屏幕,原先位于开始菜单上的磁贴被放大,更容易看见,也更容易点击。

    In tablet mode , apps consume the entire screen ; the tiles of the Start section are enlarged to be easier to see and touch .

  12. 早在社交媒体出现之前,她就已经是操纵社会与媒体的高手,有她肖像的冰箱磁贴走进千家万户,但她首先是一位艺术天才。

    She was a genius before she was a refrigerator magnet , an ace manipulator of society and media nearly a century before social media came into existence .

  13. 锤子的软件有很多让它有别于其他手机的特点,包括磁贴状的图标和一个允许用户隐藏应用的功能。此外,用户还可以对联系人进行多种分类。

    The phone 's software has a number of features that set it apart , including tilelike icons , a function that allows users to hide apps and a way to sort contacts by a variety of categories .