
cí běi
  • magnetic north
磁北[cí běi]
  1. 磁北的发现让人们可以探索世界。

    The discovery of Magnetic North allowed man to explore the world .

  2. 一种旋转的像罗盘的片状指南针,所以零度或北方能够指向磁北。

    In the form of a card that rotates so that 0 degrees or North points to magnetic north .

  3. 基本的磁体是磁偶极子。磁北极与磁北极互相排斥。

    The fundamental magnetic entities are magnetic dipoles . North magnetic poles repel .

  4. 磁北;罗盘上的指针指向北方。

    The magnetic needle points to the north .

  5. 正北方是地理的北极。磁北极与磁北极互相排斥。

    North magnetic poles repel .

  6. 当真北和磁北相吻合的时候,确实存在一些被称为无偏线的地理线。

    Geographical lines do exist where true north and magnetic north are aligned , and these are called agonic lines .

  7. X线平片对人工耳蜗植入电极位置判定的意义(特殊位置上的)磁北与真北之间的夹角。

    The Role of Plain X-Ray Aiding Cochlear Implant the angle ( at a particular location ) between magnetic north and true north .

  8. (特殊位置上的)磁北与真北之间的夹角。北风吼叫着说:真好玩。

    The angle ( at a particular location ) between magnetic north and true north . This is fun , @ roars the North Wind .

  9. 自差表现为船磁场致使罗经北偏离磁北方向一个夹角而产生自差。

    The auto heterodyne appears as ship magnetic field makes a deflection angle between compass north and magnetic north so as to form auto heterodyne .

  10. 磁方向测量是利用磁方向传感器感测运动物体相对地磁北的方向角。

    He principle of the magnetic heading measurement lies in the use of magnetic heading sensors to sense the heading of the moving object with respect to the magnetic north .