
  • 网络Dish;dish antenna;parabolic antenna
  1. 这个位于波多黎各的巨型碟形天线就像雷达的发射机一样,向附近天体(如水星和小行星带)发射信号。

    This massive dish in Puerto Rico can function as a radar transmitter , bouncing a signal off nearby targets like Mercury and the asteroid belt .

  2. 地面站:接收和发射卫星信号的一个碟形天线和附属电子工程。

    Earth station : a parabolic antenna and associated electronics for receiving and transmitting satellite signals .

  3. 与现代的卫星碟形天线相比,普通电视天线肯定显得太过时了。

    Compared with modern satellite dishes , ordinary TV aerials look positively antiquated .

  4. 原来位于甲板上有二个大型雷达碟形天线,可能用于导弹跟踪用途。

    Originally there were two large radar dishes located on the deck , possibly for missile tracking purpose .

  5. 卫星的碟形天线不是指向本地电视台,而是朝向他们自己原来的国家。

    Satellite dishes are not pointed to local TV stations , but to stations in the country of origin .

  6. 该齿轮座外套设外套管,该齿轮座在座体上旋转带动该外套管和碟形天线旋转。

    An outer sleeve is sheathed at the outside of the gear seat which rotates on the base to drive the outer sleeve and a dish-shaped antenna to rotate .

  7. 位于智利北部沙漠高地的阿塔卡玛大型毫米波阵列天文台拍摄的一张图片显示:就像鲜花吸收阳光一样,望远镜的碟形天线好像将它们的面盘对准星空。

    Like flowers soaking up sunlight , telescope dishes seem to turn their faces toward the starry sky in a picture taken at the site of the ALMA observatory , high in Chile 's northern desert .

  8. 编码信号由碟形卫星天线接收。

    The coded signal is received by satellite dish aerials .

  9. 碟形卫星天线的定向性非常强。

    Dish aerials are highly directional

  10. 然后由那里的碟形卫星天线

    and then we have a satellite dish that takes the data

  11. 拖到绘图页上,并与卫星、碟形卫星天线、无线网络一起使用。

    Drag onto the page and use with satellite , satellite dish or wireless network .

  12. 在网络图中添加通信设备(如碟形卫星天线或无线网络)之间的链接。

    Adds a link between communications devices such as satellite dishes or wireless networks to your diagram .

  13. 使用卫星、碟形卫星天线、无线网络等表示通信链路。

    Use with satellite , satellite dish , wireless network , etc * to indicate a communication link .

  14. 太阳能用来驱动连接外面世界的碟形卫星天线和电脑。

    Energy from the sun powers the satellite dishes and computers that link the areas with the world outside .

  15. 它的造型像个碟形卫星天线,通过将太阳光反射到黑色炊具基座的反射板上来产生热量。

    It resembles a satellite dish and works by bouncing light off reflective panels on to the base of black cookware , creating heat .