- 网络fragment peak;MSn

But the presence or absence of the key fragment peak at m / z 247 is the typical characteristic of the mass spectra to differentiate the chemical structures between magnolol and honokiol .
C and H of it were elucidated in detail and possible cleavage pathway was brought forward according to the main MS fragment ions .
In the IR spectrum after being degraded , C-N absorption peak disappeared , in addition fragment peaks appeared .
In APCI / MS the structures of small molecular drugs and CID voltage affected their molecular ion peaks and fragment ion peaks obviously .
It was indicated that the fatty acids are concentrated efficiently with the total content of 84.21 % by molecular distillation , meanwhile the fragment peek of impurities have fewer interference by assayed GC-MS.
No Sample fragments are found in negative ESI process , but a lot of fragments are almost presented in FAB process . Comparing these spectra , the fragments or molecular ion can be distinguished .
The components were identified according to the molecular weight and its major mass fragment ions .
Research on Compound Bearing of Sliding and Rolling So it was determined that the compound was ursolic acid .
Different from that of nanosecond , benzene phtoionization using femtosecond laser has predominent molecular ion peak with very small percentage of fragments .
Both IBA and JA standard chemicals showed almost same changes of mass spectrum pattern . Optimum drift voltage for most intensity was 60 V , as drift voltage increased , the intensity of molecular ion peak decreased and the fragment ion peaks shifted to smaller m / z one .
A VUV soft ionization source was adopted in the mass spectrometer , which can avoid the formation of fragment ions and analyze volatile organic compounds in ambient air without pre-separation .
Single photon ionization and fragmentation of benzonitrile is studied using synchrotron radiation . The ionization potential of benzonitrile , and the appearance potentials of spontaneous or prompt and metastable fragment ions for different flight time are measured precisely .