
  • 网络vulcanization process
  1. 我们对接头型式及硫化工艺进行了深入的研究,接头强度可达到胶带强度的90%以上,接头寿命可达6a以上。

    After the further studies of joints form and the vulcanization process , it has showed that the joint strength is more than 90 per cent and its service life will be 6 years .

  2. 不同硫化工艺对PPVL胶膜的热氧稳定性有一定影响,起始降解温度和DTG峰温度与起始放热温度和第一放热峰温度之间有呈反比的趋势。

    Different vulcanization process has a certain effect on the thermo oxidative stability of PPVL film . The tendency of the initial degradation temperature and DTG peak temperature shows the inverse relation with that of the initial exothermal temperature and the first exothermal peak temperature .

  3. 基于DSP的翻胎硫化工艺的双模糊控制器

    DSP Based Dual Fuzzy Controller for Tyre Moulding and Curing Process

  4. 采用Fe膜硫化工艺制备不同厚度的FeS2薄膜。

    Fe layers were converted to FeS 2 thin films of different thickness by thermal sulfidation .

  5. 比较了不同的动态硫化工艺和硫化体系对聚丙烯(PP)/三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)共混物性能的影响。

    Effectiveness of different dynamic sulfurization processes and sulfurization systems to the properties of polypropylene ( PP ) / ethylene-propylene diene copolymer ( EPDM ) blends is compared .

  6. 文章通过对橡胶行业硫化工艺热循环水泵压力调节控制实例地介绍,阐述了双PLC完全热备技术,实现数据共享,进而实现无扰动切换,提高系统运行可靠性的方法。

    Double PLC Hot standby technology realizes the date sharing and the undisturbed switching , reinforces the system reliability . The paper analyzes a water-pressure control system of thermocycling pump in vulcanization discusses the application of this technology in practical projects .

  7. 前人的工作发现,在高温高压的硫化工艺过程中,RCN的微观结构会发生显著的变化。

    It was discovered that , obvious micro-structural change would yield during vulcanization process with high temperature and high pressure .

  8. 讨论了掺入导电粒子浓度、结构和表面性质以及混炼硫化工艺等对该类材料的室温电阻率及PTC效应的影响。

    The influences of some factors on the room temperature resistivity and PTC effect are discussed , the factors including the content , structure and surface characteristics of conductive particles and the processes of milling and vulcanizing ete .

  9. 液压胶管加压盐浴连续硫化工艺(PLCV)是液压胶管连续化生产工艺的重大突破。

    The pressured liquid continuous vulcanisation ( PLCV ) represents a significant breakthrough in the manufacturing process of hydraulic hose .

  10. 对钢绳芯胶带硫化工艺的探讨

    Discussion on Vulcanization Technique of Joint of Belt with Wire Rope

  11. 注压硫化工艺在药用卤化丁基橡胶瓶塞中的应用

    Application of Injection Molding to Pharmaceutical Closure of Halogenated Butyl Rubber

  12. 翻胎硫化工艺单片机控制系统

    Single Chip Computer Control System of Sulfuration Technique in Tire Reforming

  13. 硅橡胶医用导管的辐射硫化工艺研究

    Study on the radiation vulcanization technology of medical silica rubber tube

  14. 输送带接头硫化工艺分析及维护方法

    The Vulcanizing Process Analysis and Maintenance of Conveying Belt Joint

  15. 浅析天然胶乳预硫化工艺

    Analysis of Vulcanization Craft in Advance of the Natural Latex

  16. 橡胶硫化工艺过程微机控制系统

    The Computer Control Systems in Technological Process of Rubber Vulcanization

  17. 模具硅橡胶材料热硫化工艺的有限元模拟

    Finite element simulation of hot vulcanization process of moldable silicone rubber material

  18. 高温硫化工艺的探讨及其应用

    The discussion and application of high temperature curing processing

  19. 国外补强橡胶软管硫化工艺概述

    General Description of Vulcanization Technology of Soft Rubber Tube with Reinforcement from Abroad

  20. 导热油炉在橡胶硫化工艺中的应用

    Qil Furnace in the Application of Rubber Curing Technology

  21. 轮胎硫化工艺用除氧加热器的工艺控制

    Processing Control of Deaerating Heater for Tire Curing Process

  22. 硅橡胶模具硫化工艺的按需设计

    Required design of mold curing process for silicon rubber

  23. 高强度钢芯胶带接头硫化工艺及操作方法

    Vulcanizing Technique and Operation for Joints of Rubber Belt with Strengthened Steel Wires

  24. 钢丝绳芯输送带接头硫化工艺安全管理

    Safety management of sulfidation process for the connecter of rope core conveyer belt

  25. 模糊温度控制系统在橡塑制品硫化工艺中的应用

    The Application of Fuzzy Temperature Control System for Vulcanization of Rubber and Plastic Products

  26. 基于计算机自动化控制系统的硫化工艺优化综合实验台的开发研究

    Research and Development of the Composite Experiment Platform for Optimizing the Parameters of Vulcanization Technology

  27. 橡胶硫化工艺条件的优化选择Ⅱ.最佳硫化程度范围的确定

    Optimization of Condition in Rubber-curing Process : II . Determining Range of the Optimum State of Cure

  28. 采用先进的橡胶硫化工艺,高精度的模具设计,高科技的管理方法生产出高质量的胶带。

    We use the advanced rubber-sulphidized process , highly accurate model designs , and modern scientific managing system .

  29. 本文具体介绍高强度钢芯胶带接头的硫化工艺和操作方法。

    This paper introduces the vulcanizing technique and operation for joints of rubber belt with strengthened steel wires in detail .

  30. 在此基础上,可以实现硅橡胶模具硫化工艺的按需设计。

    Based on the condition , realized the needed design of the curing process for the silicon rubber curing mold .