
pò chuán
  • derelict ship
  1. 那艘旧船要开往破船场。

    The old ship is going to the breaker 's yard .

  2. 最后,他来到了一个孤岛。幸运的是,他从他乘坐的破船上得到了一些工具、食物和饮料、刀枪。

    Finally , the man gets to a lonely island . Luckily , he gets some tools , food and drinks , knives and guns from the broken ship he took .

  3. 真是怪事,那个大澡盆似的破船怎么能航海?

    I wonder how seaworthy that over-sized bathtub really is ?

  4. 你准备离开这个破船回到文明生活吗?

    Ready to get off this heap , back to civilized life ?

  5. 当初设计这些个破船就没打算浮起来,敢情还底朝天呢

    These ships weren 't designed to stay afloat , upside down .

  6. 巨浪将破船击成碎片。

    The big waves pounded the wrecked ship to pieces .

  7. 搁浅在荒凉海岸上的破船。

    To the broken boat stranded on a desolate coast .

  8. 除了买那艘破船

    I mean , besides for buying that idiotic boat .

  9. 如今废弃的沙滩只剩几片水藻,还有一艘破船在岸边停靠。

    And a piece of an old ship that lies on the shore .

  10. 海水冲撞着破船的残骸。

    The sea was breaking over the wrecked ship .

  11. 而傩送宁肯继承一条破船也要与翠翠成婚。

    The Tan Song prefer to have inherited a wreck and Tracy married .

  12. 这条破船无法把我们带离此地!

    The bucket of bolts is never going to get us past that blockade .

  13. 在那破船后面吗?

    Is it behind that old boat ?

  14. 我不喜欢那艘破船

    I just hate that stupid boat .

  15. 我们看见一人紧抱着破船的桅杆。

    We discernde the figure of a man cling to the mast of the wrecked ship .

  16. 要是这条破船完蛋了。

    If the ship is unsound .

  17. 这破船开往大连。

    The ship was for Dalian .

  18. 那艘破船加装了柴油引擎,和一具深海绞机。

    The old ship had been refitted with a diesel engine and a new sea winch .

  19. 飞片撞击产生冲击波暴风雨将破船冲击成碎片。

    Shock wave induced by flyer impact The wrecked ship was battered to pieces by the storm .

  20. 它是撞上了暗礁呢,还是撞上了一只沉没的破船?

    Had it run afoul of an underwater rock or the wreckage of some enormous derelict ship ?

  21. 自从她上船以来,这一星期总是起风暴,这艘破船免不了要晃动。

    In the stormy week since she had come aboard , the old tub had yet to move .

  22. 在一个糟糕的暴风雨,我喜欢假想那个破船是我自己私有的。

    In a bad storm , I like to pretend that this old boat 's my own private ark .

  23. 我停留了一会儿,思绪围绕着这些残存的古迹,它们就这样如破船般遗弃在这遥远的时间之岸上。

    Remained some little while , musing over these casual relics of antiquity , thus left like wrecks upon this distant shore of time .

  24. 同样地,说它是一只浮动的船壳或是一只巨大的破船,这假设也不能成立,理由仍然是因为它转移得那么快。

    Also discredited was the idea of a floating hull or some other enormous wreckage , and again because of this speed of movement .

  25. 他有一条捕鲸船,以往常常出海打鱼,如今气力不支,弄不了这条笨重的破船了。

    He has a whale boat and used to go fishing in it , but now he is no longer strong enough to manage its unwieldy bulk .

  26. 那里的沙滩很平,连一丝风也没有,周围都是树木,那条破船上开着鲜花,像座花园一样。

    Fine flat sand , never a catspaw , trees all around of it , and flowers a - blowing like a garding on that old ship . '

  27. 这艘老破船度过了辛苦的一生,迎来了辉煌的死亡,如同蒙受天恩,如同领赏获奖。

    A magnificent death had come like a grace , like a gift , like a reward to that old ship at the end of her laborious days .

  28. 至于什么巨大的独角鲸、潜在水中的海岛,沉没的破船、飞走的暗礁,以及什么神秘的东西,却都没有看见!

    Nothing remotely resembling a gigantic narwhale , or an underwater islet , or a derelict shipwreck , or a runaway reef , or anything the least bit unearthly !

  29. 14个月后破船带着幸存者和打包的大米以及成箱的精美陶器被冲上夫拉特黎角(在/位于现在的华盛顿州)的海滩。

    Fourteen monthslater the crippled junk and its survivors were washed ashore on Cape Flattery , in current-day Washingtonstate , along with the bales of rice and boxes of fine porcelain .

  30. 有时候,我还想上那条破船去察看一番,尽管我也知道,船上已没有什么东西值得我再次冒险出海了。

    For sometimes I was for making another voyage to the wreck , though my reason told me that there was nothing left there , worth the hazard of my voyage .