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  • destructive power
  1. 运用统计学方法拟合龙卷风破坏力参数。

    By using statistical method to make tornado destructive power parameter .

  2. 泥石流是一种暴发突然、破坏力极大的自然灾害。

    Debris flow is a natural disaster usually with sudden occurrence , strong destructive power .

  3. 爆炸的全部破坏力都集中在这所学校。

    The school took the full force of the explosion .

  4. 严重的损失表明了这场暴风雨巨大的破坏力。

    Severe damage witnessed the destructive force of the storm .

  5. 使用此脚本,您可以用集成的破坏力计算器创建基本武器图。

    Using this script , you can create a basic weapons chart with an integrated damage calculator .

  6. 长206米、1970年通车的单孔大桥阿苏大桥(GreatAsoBridge)崩塌,坠入了下方黑川(BlackRiver)深邃的峡谷中,此次地震的破坏力可见一斑。

    In a graphic illustration of the earthquake 's power , the Great Aso Bridge - a single span of 206m opened in 1970 - collapsed into the ravine of the Black River below .

  7. 地球放弃了她与行星X的“蛇形舞动”,将极力试图顺从由于行星X靠近而带来的具有巨大破坏力的磁场。

    The Earth , in giving up her Serpentine Dance with Planet X , will be making more desperate moves in her attempts to comply with the magnetic holocaust caused by the near presence of Planet X.

  8. 由柑橘速衰病毒(Citrustristezavirus,CTV)引发的柑桔速衰病是全世界柑桔生产中破坏力最强、经济意义最为重要的病害之一。

    Citrus tristeza disease caused by Citrus tristeza virus ( CTV ) is one of the most destructive and economically important diseases of commercial citrus worldwide .

  9. 由于其分布式的特性,使得DDoS攻击比传统的DoS攻击拥有更多的攻击资源,具有更强大的破坏力,而且更难以防范。

    Due to its distributed characteristic , DDoS attacks possess more attack resources and have more destroying power . So , it is very difficult to keep them away .

  10. P2P技术早已存在,但在网络普及以后所出现的基于该技术的下载程序对版权保护的冲击力和破坏力在表现的尤为突出,版权人甚至欲将其除之而后快。

    P2P technology has long existed , but after the popularity of the Internet , the download program based on the technology has great impact on copyright protection , copyrights owner really want to solve the problem .

  11. 英国一家大医院集团已经颁布了禁止探病者坐在病人床边的规定,目的在于希望可以遏制具有很强破坏力的耐甲氧西林的金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)的传染。

    A major hospital group in the UK has banned visitors from sitting on patients'beds in hospital in an attempt to curb the spread of the superbug MRSA .

  12. 大豆孢囊线虫(HeteroderaglycineIchinohe)是大豆生长过程中最具破坏力的病害之一,我国大豆孢囊线虫以4号生理小种危害最为严重。

    Soybean cyst nematode ( SCN , Heterodera glycine Ichinohe ) is one of the most serious diseases in the growth of soybean .

  13. 目前破坏力最小的解决方案或许是,把欧元一分为二。想象一下,北部成员国使用neuro,南部成员国使用sudo(在希腊语中是伪的意思)。

    The least damaging solution now might be a north / south split of the currency . Imagine a neuro and a sudo ( pseudo in Greece ) .

  14. 以及极具破坏力的焦虑——两年前,他甚至在好市多(Costco)的停车场里无法下车。

    The anxiety so crippling that two years ago , at a Costco parking lot , he couldn 't get out of the car .

  15. 由山羊关节炎脑炎病毒(CAEV)引发的山羊关节炎脑炎(CAE)是世界养羊业中破坏力最强、经济学意义最重要的病毒性传染病。

    Caprine arthritis and encephalitis ( CAE ) caused by Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus ( CAEV ) is one of the most destructive and economically important viral disease of the goat industry worldwide .

  16. 核盘菌(SclerotiniaSclerotiorum)是一种破坏力极强的致病真菌,引起菌核病,导致严重的经济损失,是农业生产上迫切需要解决的重要问题。

    Sclerotinia sclerotiorum , one of the most destructive plant pathogenic fungi , causes white mould disease , resulting in huge yield loss every year , and thus is a serious problem requiring to be solved urgently in agricultural production .

  17. 不知何故,鸡尾酒很有破坏力。

    Somehow , a cocktail here and there is very destructive .

  18. 它们具有足够的破坏力把一艘战舰炸裂。

    They have sufficient destructive power to blow a battleship asunder .

  19. 山东半岛地区龙卷风及其破坏力参数特征

    Shandong Peninsula Regional Tornado And Its Destructive Power Parameter Character

  20. 但这场旷日持久的战争还是产生了两个极具破坏力的后果。

    But its long-drawn-out war has still had two highly damaging consequences .

  21. 却拥有导弹的破坏力?

    With the destructive force of a ballistic missile ?

  22. 但这场危机还是那样危险、那样具有破坏力,一如既往。

    But the crisis continues to be as dangerous and disruptive as ever .

  23. 这种火箭具有足够的破坏力,可以把一艘战舰炸得粉碎。

    This rocket has sufficient destructive power to blow a battleship to pieces .

  24. 有些事预料得到,但并不会减弱其破坏力。

    That it was predictable does not make it any the less damaging .

  25. 库恩说,可能让好工作溜掉的一个最有破坏力的因素是态度。

    One of the worst killers of a good job search is attitude .

  26. 拒绝服务攻击是计算机网络中最具有破坏力的一种攻击方式。

    Denial of service attack is the most destructive attacking means on Internet .

  27. 自然灾害越发频繁,破坏力越来越大。

    Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and destructive .

  28. 次货危机的巨大破坏力,是当时很多人始料不及的。

    The enormous destruction of this crisis was beyond the expectation of many people .

  29. 本研究给出了破坏力、破坏能的计算方法。

    The computing methods of compression failure force and compression failure energy were given .

  30. 佩格林说那篇报告,破坏力太大。

    Pellegrin said the report was too damaging .