
zhuān pī
  • Adobe;green brick;unfired brick;unburned brick;bat;hack
砖坯 [zhuān pī]
  • (1) [bat]∶一种晒干的砖

  • (2) [unburned brick]∶未经烧制的泥砖

  • 用砖坯建造的猪舍

砖坯[zhuān pī]
  1. 采用这项技术设计的远红外隧道干燥窑具有高效、节能、环保等特点,可取代耐火行业传统的干燥设备,广泛应用于物料和砖坯的干燥生产。

    The far-infrared tunnel dry kiln designed by this technique has the features of high efficiency , energy saving , environment protection , etc. , which may instead of the traditional drying equipment and extensively apply in dry production of material and green brick .

  2. 砖坯放在窑里烧。

    The bricks are left in the kiln to bake .

  3. 铜矿渣在砖坯中加入量在25%~35%,烧成温度1150~1180℃,烧成周期50~60min。

    The added amount of the rejects into biscuit is between 25 % - 35 % . with firing temperature of 1150-1180 ℃ and firing period of 50-60 min. COPPER Within the layer the copper ?

  4. 就地取材,研制出瓷质外墙砖坯体新配方,干粉料原料成本每吨下降33元,烧成周期由50min降至36min;

    A new formula of external walI brick biscuit of porcelain quality is developed with local materials . In this case , the cost of dry powder materials is reduced by 33 yuan per ton and the firing duration is reduced from 55 min to 36 min.

  5. 陶瓷外墙砖坯釉爆裂原因的探讨

    Discussions on Bursting of Ceramics External Tile Body & Glaze

  6. 也可用于捣固混凝土及砖坯等工作。

    It is also used for tamping the concrete and the adobe .

  7. 钙基物料在砖坯烧制过程中固氟特性的研究

    Study on fluorine retention of calcium - based materials in brick making

  8. 轮窑内燃烧砖与砖坯人工干燥工艺

    The Technology of Fired Bricks and Artificial Drying Brick Body in Circular Kiln

  9. 这样能帮助砖坯抵抗天气及湿度的变化。

    This will help the adobe resist changes in the weather and humidity .

  10. 冷却速度对砖坯显微结构及性能影响的研究

    Study on Microstructures and properties of vitreous tiles affected by different cooling rates

  11. 如何解决大规格砖坯干燥开裂问题

    How to solve crack in large - standard body

  12. 砖坯材质及泥浆细度对内墙砖热稳定性的影响

    The Influence of Tile Composition and Slip Fineness on Thermal Stability of Inner Wall Tile

  13. 用于将挤出的泥条切割成各种规格的砖坯。

    It is used in cutting the extruded clay bar into various type of green-brick .

  14. 砖坯烧制过程中氟逸出特性研究

    Fluorine Emission in Firing Bricks Process

  15. 本文打破瓷质抛光砖坯体中常规氧化铝含量17%~22%的界限,将坯体中的氧化铝含量提高到28%左右。

    The content of alumina in the porcelain tiles was increased to 28 % in the paper .

  16. 大约每隔一年,砖坯制的房屋应该再铺上一层泥。

    About once a year , houses made from adobe should be given a layer of mud .

  17. 水分加入量,成型压力及砖坯养护方式等对制品性能的影响;

    It also recommends the water content , pressing pressure and method of green-curing with respect to product property .

  18. 其中气动修边能有效地消除碟形磨边所产生的锯齿状边,使砖坯周边光滑平整。

    Pneumatic squaring head can square the sawtooth edge produced by disc heads , with smooth and flat edges .

  19. 根据砖坯成型原理确定设计压力为19.6MPa。

    Design pressure is set-ted at 19 . 6 MPa on the basis of the forming principle of brick-body .

  20. 世上的许多人发现,用砖坯制造房屋,或是农场建筑是个不错的选择。

    Many people around the world have found that adobe is a good way to make houses or farm buildings .

  21. 西安城墙东门箭楼砖坯墙体风化因素研究报告

    The research report on the rotten factors of brick in the east gate 's Arrow tower of the Xi'an great city wall

  22. 主油缸倒置结构,增大了活动横梁的受力面积,有利于大规格砖坯的压制成型;

    The structure of inverted main hydro-cylinder has increased the applied force area of the crossbeam , which help improve pressing large size tiles .

  23. 本实用新型公开了一种旋底进料式真空砖机,它涉及将泥料挤压成砖坯的机器。

    The utility model discloses a vacuum brick press in rotary-feed type towards the bottom , relating to the machine which presses the mud to be the brick billet .

  24. 通过对采用半干法压制硅酸盐砖的机理研究,探讨砖坯密实度和砖坯强度、成品砖的强度和压制时间之间的关系;

    Through mechanism study of semi-stiff pressed calcium-silicate bricks , This article investigates the relation between green density and green strength as well as that between fired brick strength and time of pressing .

  25. 针对实际生产中彩釉砖坯裂缺陷严重这一问题,运用全面质量管理方法,分析了产生坯裂缺陷的原因,提出了解决方法,实践证明效果显著。

    The reasons for making body crack defects are analyzed in actual production by using quality administrative methods , put forward some solving methods , and they are proved very effective in practice .