
mǎ tou qū
  • dockland;waterfront;pier area
  1. 遭毁坏码头区的真正重建看起来希望渺茫。

    The true regeneration of devastated Docklands seemed like pie in the sky

  2. 他猝死在码头区。

    He dropped dead on the quayside .

  3. 对英国商业地产的大部分投资来自海外,尤其是在接近年底时&非英国买家贡献了伦敦金融城和码头区(Docklands)四季度交易量的72%,西区(WestEnd)四季度交易量的75%。

    Most investment came from overseas , especially toward the end of the year – non-UK buyers made up 72 per cent of fourth-quarter transactions in the City of London and Docklands area and 75 per cent in the West End market .

  4. 他爬到了码头区公寓楼的六楼

    He scaled six floors of a Docklands apartment building ,

  5. 漫步城市重建的水边码头区是游客非常之举。

    A stroll along the city 's restored waterfront is also a must .

  6. 最近的一个是在码头区,至少有数百米那么远。

    The closest one is portside , at least hundreds of meters away .

  7. 主要内容包括:拟建码头区的自然条件分析;

    It includes as follows : analyzing the natural conditions of the terminal ;

  8. 在沿海城市,码头区是城市中最重要、最有活力的地区。

    In seaboard cities , the waterfront was the most important and colorful part of town .

  9. 青岛港液体化工码头区软基处理方法的对比分析研究

    Study on Comparative Analysis of Soft Foundation Treatment Methods for Qingdao Harbor Liquid Chemical Wharf Area

  10. 他爬到了码头区公寓楼的六楼,从阳台跳入,杀害了范孔。

    He scaled six floors of a Docklands apartment building , jumped the balcony and killed Van Coon .

  11. 位于水边码头区的右侧,是被公认为世界最雄伟的建筑之一的悉尼歌剧院。

    Located right on the waterfront , the opera house is one of the world 's recognized buildings .

  12. 上世纪60年代,伦敦码头区曾经异常繁忙,但到了80年代早期,已变得冷清下来。

    In the 1960s London 's docklands had never been busier but by the early 1980s they had collapsed .

  13. 码头区与码头、泊口或码头带相连接的区域,尤指在港口城市中海关手续是在码头区办理的。

    The area adjacent to a quay or wharf or a system of quays , especially in a port city . Custom formalities are carried out on the quayside .

  14. 在远远低于城市街道的地方,码头区依靠着城市东部的悬崖,坐落在一块狭长的陆地上。

    Far below the level of the city 's streets , the Docks rest at the bottom of the city 's eastern cliffs on a narrow strip of land .

  15. 针对港区附近围海造地造成的港区泥沙回淤量增大问题,以漳州港招商局中银码头区为例,全面分析了漳州港海域的地形地貌、水动力特征、泥沙特性和岸滩自然演变。

    Based on the accretion of sediment in harbor areas because of coastal reclamation nearby , the authors analyze the landform , hydrodynamic factors , sediment and coastal evolution in Zhangzhou Port .

  16. 强夯法在重力式码头前沿区地基处理中的应用

    Dynamic Consolidation Method Applied in Foundation Treatment of Gravity Wharf Frontier Zone

  17. 影响集装箱码头作业区检查桥效率的几个问题

    Several Problems Affecting Efficiency of Container Yard Checking Bridge

  18. 作者认为工业景观则是城市码头工业区再开发的价值所在。

    It is industrial landscapes that the values of redevelopment of these areas lie in .

  19. 牟平港化工专用码头倾倒区海域环境现状及评价

    Evaluation on present state of enviroment of the dumping zone for Special Chemical Wharf in Muping

  20. 图为广西钦州港勒沟码头作业区。

    The picture shows the terminal operations area of Legou Pier , Qinzhou Port in Guangxi .

  21. 江边的景色从摩天办公大楼和时髦的码头开发区转换成了整洁的花园和乡村。

    The riverbank changes from high-rise office blocks and trendy wharf developments to neat gardens and countryside .

  22. 采用特殊的小底面积置换夯锤,并采用渐变的夯击能量,应用强夯置换法对码头前沿区地基进行了加固处理。

    The foundation of wharf apron space was improved by use of special rammer of small base area , gradual tamping energy and dynamic replacement .

  23. 于是,世界各国陆续掀起了更新改造的热潮。近些年来,我国各滨水城市也开始了对码头工业区的改造,但并没有从根本上解决与城市分离的问题。

    In recent years , the waterfront cities have renewed wharf industrial districts in China , but , there is no fundamental solution to urban segregation .

  24. 接着,文章分析了滨水码头工业区再开发的难点、目标和价值观,并用大量的实例介绍了欧美滨水区再开发的模式。

    Then , the article discusses the difficulty , the aim and the value of the redevelopment of pier and industrial estate of waterfront , and introduces the redevelopment moulds in Europe and America with a number of practical examples .

  25. 对于滨水码头工业区的再开发,在微观层面上,产业类建筑的保护与再利用是体现其可持续性的一个突出方面。

    As far as the redevelopment of pier and industrial estate is concerned , the preservation and reuse of industrial architecture is considered as one of the outstanding aspects , which , at the micro-level , can embody the sustainable development of waterfront redevelopment .

  26. 本文首先从基础研究入手,简要阐述论题的相关概念及内涵,剖析了滨水码头工业区衰落的原因,并指出其再开发的必要性。

    Starting from the fundamental research , the article first briefly interprets related concepts and connotations of the subject , analyzes the reasons leading pier and industrial estate of waterfront to decline , and points out it is necessary to redevelop the declined waterfront .

  27. 基于集装箱码头作业区的生产特性,详细论述了海关、闸口信息采集、闸口停时、堆场、交通设施和查验场地等环节对检查桥效率的影响。

    Aiming at the production characteristics of container operation yard , the influences of the links such as customs , gate information collection , waiting time at gate , storage yard , traffic facilities and field for inspection on the checking bridge are expounded in detail .

  28. 得出的桩基码头前沿区流速、流向更加真实,贴合实际,对回淤强度的预报、减淤措施的提出及船舶靠系泊等都有重要的参考价值。

    The flow velocity and direction in front of the wharves supported on piles thus derived are more realistic and practical , which will be of significant referential value for forecasting of back silting quantity , preparation of measures for silt reduction , as well as mooring of vessels .

  29. 她驾车开过图尔内勒桥,穿过繁忙的码头开到拉丁区。

    She drove across the Tournelle bridge and across the busy quays to the Latin quarter .

  30. 通过这个桥洞我们就可以到达环形码头和岩石区。

    We can reach Circular Quay and the Rocks through that little tunnel .