
kuànɡ wù xué jiā
  • mineralogist
  1. 发展前景无限的聚合物科学盯准地学前沿敢为天下先&记著名结晶矿物学家彭志忠教授

    THE ENDLESS POLYMER SCIENCE FRONTIER Aiming at the Earth Science Frontier and Being Courageous to the First Person & The Famous Crystal Mineralogist Peng Zhizhong

  2. 所以矿物学家便把这相对地没有形式的大理石认为具有某种石的结构,有别于其他特定类型的石,如沙石或云斑石。

    And so the mineralogist considers the relatively formless marble as a special formation of rock , differing from other equally special formations , such as sandstone or porphyry .

  3. 1751年,瑞典化学家兼矿物学家阿克塞尔·弗雷德里克·克龙斯泰特首次分离出了纯粹的镍。矿工们用了几个世纪的无用矿石这一名字也就此打住。

    Pure nickel was first isolated in 1751 by Swedish chemist and mineralogist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt , and the name that the miners had been calling the worthless ore for centuries stuck .

  4. 16世纪一位德国矿物学家开始研究氟,并把它描述为一种能降低矿石熔点的物质。1670年,一个玻璃厂工人偶然发现氟石和酸性物质能够发生化学反应,并将这一发现用于蚀刻玻璃。

    The first observations of fluorine came from the 1500s , with a German mineralogist who described it as a material that served to lower the melting point of ore. In 1670 , a glassworker accidentally found that fluorspar and acids would react and used the reaction to etch glass .