- 名mineralogist

THE ENDLESS POLYMER SCIENCE FRONTIER Aiming at the Earth Science Frontier and Being Courageous to the First Person & The Famous Crystal Mineralogist Peng Zhizhong
And so the mineralogist considers the relatively formless marble as a special formation of rock , differing from other equally special formations , such as sandstone or porphyry .
Pure nickel was first isolated in 1751 by Swedish chemist and mineralogist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt , and the name that the miners had been calling the worthless ore for centuries stuck .
The first observations of fluorine came from the 1500s , with a German mineralogist who described it as a material that served to lower the melting point of ore. In 1670 , a glassworker accidentally found that fluorspar and acids would react and used the reaction to etch glass .