
  • 网络petroleum additives;Petroleum Product Additive
  1. 该系统可应用于催化剂、煤化学、石油添加剂以及地质矿物学等领域。

    The system can be applied to the areas of catalyst , petro-addition , chemistry of coal , geology and mineralogy .

  2. 这一条款授权环境保护局管制危及公共健康和福利的石油添加剂的排放。

    This section authorizes EPA to regulate gasoline additives whose emission products " will endanger the public health or welfare " .

  3. 石油添加剂生产过程中产生一定量的高浓度含硫工业废水,通常处理办法难以达标排放。

    Industrial waste water with high sulphur content will be produced while producing petroleum addictive , and the common disposal method cannot satisfy the needs for environment protection .

  4. 润滑油是由基础油和各种石油添加剂调和而成,添加剂的选择直接关系到润滑油的使用性能,降凝剂是改变润滑油低温流动性能的最主要添加剂之一。

    Lubricant is made by base oil and various additives . The additives are directly related to the use of lubricant performance . Pour point depressant is one of additives which is to improve the flow properties of lubricant at low-temperature .

  5. 开发了一个适用于石油产品添加剂配方设计基于范例的推理器FORMULA。

    We present a case-based reasoner , FORMULA , that designs functional additive formula of oil products .

  6. 降凝剂是一种石油产品添加剂,它在加入量较少时就能大大地改变油品中石蜡的结晶形态。

    With a small amount of pour point depressant can largely modify wax crystal configuration .

  7. 不饱和脂肪酸在亚麻油中含量很高,其在医药、工业方面有着重要应用,广泛用于保健食品及石油制品添加剂、橡胶、涂料等方面。

    There is high content of unsaturated fatty acid within the flaxseed oil . Unsaturated fatty acid has important application in medicines and industry , and widely used as additive to healthy food , petrolic product , rubber product and paint .

  8. 制备高碱石油磺酸钙添加剂的原料选择

    Study on selection of processed materials of preparation of high TBN petroleum calcium sulfonate additive

  9. 糖类代替石油原料制取食品添加剂和配料发展动向

    Producing food additives and ingredients by carbohydrate instead of petrochemical

  10. 我国炼油及石油化工催化剂技术进展纳米材料及其在石油化工催化剂和添加剂中的应用前景

    The Technical Development of Refining and Petrochemical Catalysts in China PROSPECT OF NANOMETER MATERIALS IN PETROCHEMICAL CATALYSTS AND ADDITIVES

  11. 随着对石油产品质量和性能的要求越来越高,使用石油添加剂已成为提高石油产品质量最为经济有效的办法。

    Along with increasingly higher requirements for quality and properties of oil products , it is a kind of most economic and effective method using oil additives to improve the quality of oil products .