
  • 网络Oil production;petroleum production
  1. 煤的质量不好,石油产量又远落后于目前的需要。

    Coal is of poor quality , while petroleum production is far below present needs .

  2. 石油产量的多层递阶预报

    Multiple staged stepwise prediction of petroleum production

  3. 20世纪80年代初期,石油产量达到了最高峰。

    Oil production peaked in the early 1980s .

  4. 到20世纪90年代的某个时候,英国石油产量可能会逐渐减少。

    At some date in the 1990s British oil production will probably tail off .

  5. 石油产量实际增长百分之四。

    Oil production increased by4 % in real terms .

  6. 与北海的石油产量相比,这只是沧海一粟。

    By comparison with North Sea oil production , it is a drop in the ocean .

  7. 灰色模型GM预测我国石油产量初探

    Predicting oil production in China by the grey system model GM

  8. 修正的GM模型在塔里木盆地石油产量预测中的应用

    Application of the improved GM Model to oil production forecasting of Tarim Basin

  9. 但美国能源情报署(EnergyInformationAdministration)的数据显示,在奥巴马担任总统的头三年,美国联邦土地上的石油产量(虽然不是天然气和煤炭产量)比此前的三年增加了13.6%。

    But in Mr. Obama 's first three years in office , oil production-though not gas or coal-rose 13.6 % compared with the previous three years , according to the Energy Information Administration .

  10. 伊朗石油产量降到了20年前两伊战争(iran-iraqwar)以来的最低点。

    Iranian oil production has plunged to its lowest since the aftermath of the Iran-Iraq war 20 years ago .

  11. 哈萨克斯坦投行VisorCapital的研究称,如今中国企业对哈萨克斯坦大约四分之一的石油产量拥有股权。

    Chinese companies now have equity ownership of about a quarter of oil produced in the country , says research by Visor Capital .

  12. 过去10年来,国际能源机构(iea)一再下调其对沙特石油产量的预测。

    The International Energy Agency has over the last decade steadily cut its projection for Saudi oil production .

  13. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)分析师预计,2015年石油产量和消费量都将上升,但供给的增长将超过需求。

    Analysts at Goldman Sachs predict output and use will both grow in 2015 , but supply will outpace demand . That should push oil down further .

  14. 上周四,由于石油产量占全球总产量1/3的石油输出国组织(OrganizationofPetroleumExportingCountries,OPEC,又称欧佩克)未能就眼下石油供应过剩的应对之策达成一致,国际油价跌至五年多来的最低位。

    Oil prices fell to their lowest level in over five years Thursday as the cartel that produces one third of the world 's output failed to agree on measures to tackle the current glut .

  15. 伊朗警告沙特阿拉伯及欧佩克(opec)其它成员国不要为了弥补西方制裁伊朗造成的供应缺口而提高石油产量。

    Iran has warned Saudi Arabia and other members of the OPEC cartel not to increase their oil production to make up any shortfall created by Western sanctions against Tehran .

  16. 共和党参议员彼得多麦尼斯(petedomenici)也在早些时候呼吁,“提高石油产量,降低石油价格”。

    Last week Senator Pete Domenici , a Republican , issued a plaintive appeal for " more oil and lower prices " .

  17. 今明两年美国石油产量将出现增长,尽管自去年6月中旬以来油价下跌了60%,并且欧佩克(OPEC)实行了旨在遏制北美页岩油繁荣的政策。

    US oil production will increase this year and next despite the 60 per cent slide in oil prices since mid-June and an Opec policy designed to rein in the North American shale boom .

  18. 在昨天(周一)举行的内阁会议上,我们一直在讨论是留在OPEC还是先退出,然后努力提高石油产量直到我们真正配得上OPEC会员的身份时,再回来。

    During the cabinet meeting yesterday ( Monday ), we were discussing whether we would stay in OPEC or quit membership while struggling to boost oil production until we become a worthy OPEC member again .

  19. 美国石油产量已飙升至10年来最高水平,原因是企业利用水力压裂(fracking)技术开采所谓的页岩储层。

    US oil production has surged to a 10-year peak after companies tapped so-called shale reservoirs , using a technique called hydraulic fracturing or " fracking " .

  20. 美国庞大的页岩储量开始重塑全球能源市场格局:不计欧佩克(opec)成员国和前苏联加盟共和国,过去三年全球石油产量的净增长全部来自美国。

    The US has accounted for the entire net increase in oil output over the past three years excluding OPEC members and former Soviet republics as its large shale reserves begin to reshape global energy markets .

  21. 随着欧佩克(opec)成员国减产,全球石油产量的下降速度超出了市场预期,同时来自部分非欧佩克石油生产国的供应大幅下滑,这加大了油价上涨的可能性。

    Global oil production is falling faster than market expectations as production cuts by OPEC members coincide with a sharp slide in supplies from some producers outside the cartel , raising the prospect of a price rise .

  22. 自2004年以来,cantarell已将墨西哥的石油产量拖低了五分之一。

    Cantarell has dragged total Mexican output down by a fifth since 2004 .

  23. 对于扭转南苏丹和尼日利亚的小规模供应冲击,或使利比亚的石油产量恢复到穆阿迈尔卡扎菲(muammergaddafi)在位时期的水平,他同样束手无策。

    Nor can he do much to reverse the mini supply shocks in southern Sudan and Nigeria , or to return Libyan production to levels seen under the regime of muammer Gaddafi .

  24. PFC表示,可能远远到不了2015年,伊拉克就能够大幅提高石油产量,足以给卡特尔组织欧佩克(OPEC)造成一个大难题。

    Even well before the middle of the next decade , Iraq will be able to raise its production enough that the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries , the cartel , might have a big conundrum on its hands , PFC said .

  25. 例如,IEA预计,到2030年,全球石油产量将从去年的8500万桶增至1.05亿桶,但它同时承认,其中约三分之二的产量将来自于尚未发现或开发的油田。

    For example , the IEA expects global oil production to rise from last year 's 85m barrels to 105m by 2030 while acknowledging that about two-thirds of this will come from fields yet to be found or developed .

  26. 而2000年西部地区的石油产量2805×108t,仅占全国当年石油产量的1722%,与其资源不相匹配。目前西部地区石油资源平均探明率仅为983%;

    While in regard of petroleum output in the west , it is only 2 805 × 10 8t and accounts for 17 22 % of China 's total , not matching with resources endowment .

  27. 德国商业银行(Commerzbank)分析师卡斯腾·弗里奇(CarstenFritsch)表示,即便伊朗不能马上提高其石油产量,油轮上贮存的数千万桶石油也会被投放市场。

    Tens of millions of barrels in storage aboard tankers could be released into the market even if Iran is unable to immediately increase its oil production , said Carsten Fritsch , analyst at Commerzbank .

  28. 这是埃克森美孚首次做出上述预测。此前由于北达科他州的巴肯页岩(BakkenShale)和得克萨斯州南部的鹰福特(EagleFord)等区块的页岩油产量大幅增长,该公司上调了对北美石油产量的预测。

    It is the first time the company has made the forecast , following an upward revision of its expectations for North America 's oil production as a result of the boom in shale oil from formations such as the Bakken of North Dakota and the Eagle Ford of south Texas .

  29. 在2003年时,俄罗斯石油产量的增幅是如此之快,就连沙特阿拉伯也对这批能源新秀产生了担忧其中包括尤科斯(yukos)和西伯利亚石油公司(sibneft)。

    Russian oil output in 2003 was increasing at such a swift pace even Saudi Arabia worried about upstart energy companies including Yukos and Sibneft then posting production gains of more than 20 per cent .

  30. 普金要缩减石油产量和石油供应渠道;

    Mr Putin talked of cutting oil production and rerouting supplies .