
  • 网络Short Wave Radio
  1. 我能用短波收音机收听到你的信号。

    I was able to pick you up on the short wave radio .

  2. 为环球广播电台的空中图书馆祷告。这个节目提供教牧一年期的培训录音带、广播稿、圣经注释和短波收音机。

    Pray for TWR s Resource Library program , which provides pastors with a years training on cassette and in scripts , Bible commentaries , and a short wave radio .

  3. 短波收音机用的波段是20–50米。

    Short-wave radio uses the 20-50 metre band .

  4. 我用短波收音机收听最新的战事新闻。

    I use the short-wave radio to get the latest war news

  5. 短波收音机如今看来可能像是一种很古老的技术。

    A shortwave radio might seem like ancient technology these days .

  6. 这部短波收音机是所有当中最贵的一部。

    The short-wave radio is the most expensive of all .

  7. 你可以用短波收音机来接收这些节目。

    You can use a short-wave radio to pick up the programmes .

  8. 在现代社会来看,短波收音机好像是很古老的科技。

    A shortwave radio might ancient technology these days .

  9. 调弄短波收音机的信号,你永远不知道自己会收到什么电台。

    Twiddle the dial of a short-wave radio and you never know what you will get .

  10. 我第一次对短波收音机萌生兴趣是在查尔斯顿度假期间。

    I first became interested in shortwave receivers when I spent a vacation in Charleston , South Carolina .

  11. 该组织为世界上一些最贫穷地区的学校和社区提供短波收音机。

    It provides shortwave radios to schools and communities in some of the poorest areas of the world .

  12. 为了提高你的听力水平,你可以用短波收音机来收听英语节目。

    You can use a short-wave radio to pick up English programmes in order to improve your listening .

  13. 我独自一人,但我并不寂寞,因为我有一个短波收音机。

    I am alone , but I 'm not lonely at all , for I 've got a shortwave radio .

  14. 利用单边带短波收音机(或短波气象传真机)接收气象信息,经分析确定气象传真信号已被接收并加载在此音频信号上,它是以音频的形式输出。

    Using shortwave weather fax ( or single sideband shortwave radio ) to receive meteorological information , the weather fax signal has been received and loaded in the audio signal .

  15. 尽管这时短波收音机已经问世,但因体积过于庞大,使用时必须背着很重的一个包裹才能实现信息沟通。

    Although shortwave radios had recently been invented , they were so massive that they had to be carried like a heavy backpack to communicate with other members of the search party .