
  • 网络Matrix Theory
  1. 密度矩阵理论在动态NMR中的应用

    The applications of density matrix theory to dynamic NMR spectroscopy

  2. WDM光网络中OADM的矩阵理论

    The matrix theory of OADM in the WDM optical network

  3. 应用密度矩阵理论,研究了光子晶体中光子通过N个二能级原子的偶极&偶极共振相互作用(RDDI)的跳跃传导。

    The density matrix theroy is used to study photon-hopping via resonance dipole-dipole interaction in photonic crystals .

  4. 介绍了一种Q矩阵理论,并将其用于确定本文提出的自适应各向异性扩散方程的迭代次数。

    Introduced a Q matrix theory , and use it to determine the iteration number of the proposed adaptive anisotropic diffusion equation . 3 .

  5. 基于矢量Lyapunov函数法和M矩阵理论,得到了平衡点随机稳定的充分条件。

    By using vector Lyapunov function and M matrix theory , some sufficient conditions for the stochastic stability of the system are obtained .

  6. 通过构造适当的平均Lyapunov函数,利用M矩阵理论,研究了一类具有反应扩散的Hopfield神经网络的全局稳定性。

    Even type Lyapunov functions were constructed based on M-matrix theory to study the globally asymptotic stability of Hopfield networks with reaction-diffusion .

  7. 利用Lyapunov稳定理论和矩阵理论研究了具有输入饱和的不确定非线性广义交联系统的分散鲁棒控制问题。

    Studies the decentralized robust control problem for the uncertain nonlinearly generalized interconnection systems with saturation input by using Lyapunov theories of stability and matrix .

  8. 文章以矩阵理论为工具,研究了广义系统奇异二次指标最优控制问题(简称广义系统奇异LQ问题)的解法。

    Based on the theories of matrix , linear quadratic optimal regular problems for generalized systems was studied .

  9. 基于非负矩阵理论的同步网络AIMD算法分析

    Analysis of AIMD Algorithms in Synchronized Networks Based on Nonnegative Matrices Theory

  10. 基于随机矢量和矩阵理论,分析了相关MIMO信道下的最大似然(ML)和MMSEMIMO信道估计的统计特性。

    Based on the theorem of random vector and matrix , the statistics of maximum likelihood ( ML ) and MMSE MIMO channel estimations are analyzed under correlated MIMO channels .

  11. 采用转移矩阵理论来分析TM模在任意形状皱阶周期波导中的传播问题,用精确的转移矩阵方法来得出TM模下的分布反馈系数(耦合系数)的解析公式。

    In this paper , we 'll use the Transfer Matrix method to analyze periodic arbitrary shape wrinkly rank wave-guide in TM mode and get the analytical formula of distributed feedback coefficient .

  12. 阐述了满足位移制约条件的结构形态创构方法的基本思路,建立了受位移限制的优化数学模型,提出了利用一般逆矩阵理论的求解方法,并采用Fortran语言编制相应的计算程序。

    Its optimized mathematical model under displacement constraint is established . Solving method with generalized inverse matrix theory is raised and corresponding programs are coded by FORTRAN language .

  13. 结合抽象代数,组合数学,矩阵理论等知识,提出一种有限阿贝尔群上Jacket矩阵的构造方法,扩展了Jacket矩阵家族。

    The combination of abstract algebra , combinatorial mathematics and the matrix theory knowledge , we propose a new construction of Jacket matrix based on finite Abelian group , which expand the Jacket matrix family .

  14. 通过把曲线拟合方法与广义逆矩阵理论相结合,给出了把两相邻n次和m次Bézier曲线合并成一条k次Bézier曲线的方法。

    By combining the fitting method of curves with the theory of the general inverse matrix , an approach is proposed which deals with approximating two B é zier curves with adjacent degrees by one B é zier curve .

  15. 设计了掺杂KTP的一维光子晶体光开关器件,利用传输矩阵理论对于掺杂KTP的一维光子晶体的传输特性行了研究。

    A kind of optical switching which based on one-dimensional photonic crystal doped by KTP is investigated . The transmission properties of the structure are studied by transfer-matrix method .

  16. Gal所做的工作基础上,应用矩阵理论和对偶理论,对技术矩阵A含线性参数的参数线性规划问题进行了讨论。

    Gal , through matrix theroy and dual theroy , the auther deals with a problem concerning a linear parametric programming ( LPP ) of A-matrix with linear parameters .

  17. 首先建立了一个引理,该引理用以处理扩散项;然后,基于矢量Lyapunov函数法和M矩阵理论,得到了这些系统的稳定性判据。

    Firstly , a lemma is established to deal with the diffusion terms . Then , by using vector Lyapunov function and M matrix theory , some criteria are obtained for judging the stability of the systems .

  18. 在SAMMY中所执行的中子共振理论公式,其用于由多能级R-矩阵理论计算截面的理论值;

    The formulae of neutron resonance theory , as implemented in SAMMY , are used for generating theoretical values of cross sections from multilevel R-matrix theory .

  19. 针对离散系统,介绍了几种迭代学习控制的分析方法:最优迭代控制方法、基于下三角矩阵理论的迭代学习算法、基于2-D系统理论的学习控制方法等。

    For discrete system , introduces several methods of iterative learning control analysis of optimal control method , under the iterative learning algorithm , based on the theory of 2 - D system of learning methods of control . 3 .

  20. 讨论了如何将R-矩阵理论用于电子-原子碰撞问题.纠正了Burke文中推导公式时出现的失误。

    Some discussions are done about how to apply R - matrix theory in electron-atom collision processes , and are corrected the errors in deducing formulas in Burke 's essay .

  21. 研究了全集成连续时间有源滤波器的设计方法,给出了基于实对称相似矩阵理论的跨导运算放大器(OTA)有源滤波器设计方法。

    Full-integrated operational transconductance amplifier ( OTA ) active filter design method is studied and a practical procedure to derive the OTA active filter from the prototype of doubly terminated LC passive filter is presented .

  22. 本文在充分考虑到网络化带来的不利因素的基础上,针对上述问题,利用Lyapunov稳定性理论、矩阵理论等一些现有结果,研究了网络控制系统的建模、控制与优化问题。

    In this paper , aiming at the aforementioned issues , modeling , control and optimization of NCS are investigated in terms of the existing results in Lyapunov stability theory and matrix theory under fully considering the unideal facts in NCS . 1 .

  23. 利用Hankel变换及矩阵理论,获得了位于水平刚性基础上的弹性层在其内部受垂直于边界的集中力作用下的精确解,推广了已有的结论。

    In this paper , an exact solution of an elastic layer on a rigid foundation subjected to an internal concentrated force perpendicular to the boundary is obtained by the use of the Hankel transform and matrix theory .

  24. 本文利用无穷切片模型和Jones矩阵理论,给出了主轴连续旋转的保偏光纤的等效矩阵,并讨论了主轴旋转对消光比的影响。

    Based on a model of infinite slices imaginarily out and Jones matrix theory , an equivalent matrix is proposed for describing polarization-maintaining fibers with rotation of their birefringent axes . The influence on the extinction ratio is discussed due to birefringent axes rotation in the polarization-maintaining fibers .

  25. 用密度矩阵理论、双能级模型和时间反演对称性推导了LICD的基本公式和存在条件。

    Its fundamental formulae and existent conditions have been deduced using the density matrix theory with a two-level model and time-reversal arguments .

  26. 最后,我们通过李雅普诺夫函数和加性复合矩阵理论发现基本再生数R0是一个临界阈值。

    Thirdly , by use of Lyapunov function and theory of additive compound matrix , we find that the basic reproduction number Ro is a critical threshold .

  27. 利用随机矩阵理论(RMT)方法除去肺癌基因表达数据中的噪声,并将去噪后的数据分别用模块方法和等级聚类方法进行处理。

    We used random matrix theory ( RMT ) to remove the noises in lung cancer gene expression data and used the modules approach and the hierarchical clustering approach to construct the gene networks .

  28. 采用谱域法分析和设计了平面微带线结构(PMS),并应用转移矩阵理论和有效折射率法计算和分析了电极结构与器件半波电压和串音度的关系。

    The characteristic of planar microstrip structure ( PMS ) is analyzed with spectrum domain method . The relations between extinction ratio , half wave voltage and electrode structure are analyzed and calculated with transfer matrix theory and effective index method .

  29. 利用推广的BCS场理论,考虑随机矩阵理论的能级统计,得到了适合奇偶两种电子数的金属小粒子能隙和超导转变温度的统一公式。

    Based on generalized BCS theory , considering energy level statistics from Random Matrices Theory , we have derived the unified formulas of energy gap and superconductor critical temperature suitable for ultra-small metallic grains with both odd and even number of electrons .

  30. 第二种算法把Hessian矩阵理论和小波理论应用在钙化检测中,先用Hessian矩阵对图像进行多尺度增强,再计算增强图像局部方差检测钙化点。

    The second one applies the theory of Hessian matrix and wavelet onto calcification detection , firstly uses Hessian matrix onto the image for multiscale enhancement , and then calculates the local variation of the enhanced image to detect calcification .