
  1. 包括人才培养策略、专利代理培养策略的知识产权人才策略;

    Talent strategy covering talent training and patent agent training ;

  2. 实施知识产权人才战略大力创新人才培养模式

    Adopting the National Intellectual Property Strategy and Vigorously Reforming the Mode of IP Talent Cultivation

  3. 通过开展专业培训业务,形成一流知识产权人才的培训基地;

    By providing professional IPR consultation and training , CASIP will also form the outstanding IPR talents cultivation base .

  4. 另外,还结合国外发达国家和地区的知识产权人才培养模式,对我国知识产权管理人才的培养模式提出建议。

    In addition , referring to the cultivating model of IP law talents in developed countries and regions , this paper makes recommendations for the cultivating models of IP law talents and management talents in our country .

  5. 目前,知识产权专业人才严重缺乏和知识结构不尽合理的状态已成为我国知识产权事业发展的瓶颈。

    The state of serious lack and unreasonable knowledge structure of IP professionals has become a bottleneck in the development of intellectual property in China .

  6. 目前我国知识产权的人才培养目标首先是知识产权法律人才,其次是管理人才,再次是经营人才。

    Nowadays , the talents cultivation objectives of intellectual property right education in China are law talents , management talents and administration talents in turn .

  7. 当前,知识产权专业人才培养作为国家知识产权战略的一部分,成为教育界和企业界的广泛关注的问题。

    Nowadays , as a part of national intellectual property strategy , the intellectual property manager professionals cultivating has become the concern of the education and enterprises .

  8. 其中又应以高等院校教学培养为主,企业自主培养为辅,形成知识产权专业人才培养的合力,从而完善知识产权专业人才培养体系。

    It also should focus on cultivating teaching universities , enterprises , self-training supplement , creating intellectual property personnel cultivation efforts intellectual property rights so as to improve the professional personnel cultivation system .

  9. 此外,尽管持有1550亿美元的现金和证券,苹果公司一般都会把这些资金用于回购股票,或收购小公司,后者的主要目标是其知识产权或人才,而不是延续被收购方的业务。

    In addition , even though Apple has $ 155 billion in cash and securities on its balance sheet , it tends to use that money for share buybacks and for purchasing small companies primarily for their intellectual property or talent as opposed to sustaining its businesses .

  10. 对高校知识产权教育及人才培养的思考

    Consideration on the Intellectual Property Right Education and Its Talents Cultivation

  11. 在新形势下,如何进一步发挥高校在产学研合作的作用,本文从转变观念、知识产权保护、人才培养、R&D投入、中试基地建设等五个方面提出了应加强的工作。

    It puts forward some suggestions on increasing its function in following 5 aspects : concept transformation , IP protection , personel training , R & D investment and construction of middle test base .

  12. 主要的问题涉及信息安全、支付方式、物流等电子商务的共性问题,图书馆收费与免费问题,知识产权问题以及人才短缺的问题,并针对这些问题提出了可行的建议。

    The main obstacles might be common E-business problems such as information safety , payment manner and logistics , as well as change versus non-charge problem , intellectual property and intelligence shortage of libraries . Some feasible suggestions were given .

  13. 因此,探讨了在知识经济时代知识产权人才培养的问题。

    Hence , the topic to discuss cultivating talents for intellectual Property Rights is of both theoretical practical Value .

  14. 具体可细化为品牌战略、创新及知识产权保护战略、人才和科技战略和合作共赢战略。

    It can be detailed as the brand strategy , the innovation intellectual property rights protection strategy , the talents technology strategy and the win-win strategy .

  15. 培养目标应当逐步从单一培养法律人才走向重视培养管理人才,加速培养经营人才,尤其是培养最紧缺的专利类技术知识产权管理与经营人才。

    The cultivation objectives should gradually transform from single law talents to management talents , and accelerate to cultivate administration talents , particularly the management and administration talants for patent technology intellectual property right which is short most .

  16. 发展知识产权教育,加速知识产权人才培养,不断提升全社会的知识产权保护意识,是我国适应全球化竞争的必然选择。

    It is no doubt an inevitable choice of China to develop intellectual property education , speed up the training of professionals in intellectual property and improve the whole society 's sense of intellectual property protection .

  17. 因此,探讨学校知识产权教育,完善知识产权人才培养体系,对我国知识产权事业的进一步发展具有重要的理论价值和极强的现实意义。

    Therefore , discussing the education of intellectual property rights at school and perfecting the training system of the talent in intellectual property rights has not only theoretic value but also the practical meaning on the development of intellectual property rights in our country .

  18. 因此,加大力度开展知识产权教育,培养知识产权专业人才,以适应社会发展的需要,是我国必须面对的现实选择。

    Therefore , our country has to carry out the education of intellectual property rights and train the talent in intellectual property rights to adapt to the social demand .

  19. 面对激烈的全球化市场竞争,企业加强内部知识产权管理,建立自己的知识产权管理人才队伍,是大势所趋。

    Faced with the fierce global market competition , It is the trend that the enterprises strengthen the inner ip management and build intellectual property manager professionals of its own .

  20. WTO机制下知识产权地位的提升,迫切需求知识产权专业人才。

    The position improvement of intellectual property within the mechanism of WTO poses urgent demand for specialized manpower .

  21. 随着企业知识产权管理的日趋精细化,企业需要的是一专多能的知识产权管理人才。

    With the rapid development of intellectual property management , enterprises need more and more profession managers who were proficiency in IP knowledge and have some other talents in different subjects .

  22. 在全球性知识产权保护范围不断扩大、保护力度不断增加、保护水平不断提高的形势下,我国对知识产权人才的需求量迅猛增加,而人才培养的步伐却滞后于人才需求形势的发展。

    Under the situation widening protection scope , increasing protection measures and improving protection standard , the pace of training talents can 't keep up with the increase of demands .