
dū bàn
  • supervise and handle;urge to handle
督办 [dū bàn]
  • (1) [urge to handle]

  • (2) 督促办理;督察办理

  • 督办粮秣

  • (3) 督促办理、督察办理的官名和机构名。清代后期中央和地方临时设置

督办[dū bàn]
  1. 督办行政许可事项的处理;

    It shall superintend the handling of administrative licensing items ;

  2. 总经理交办的其它工作的督办、协调及落实。

    Supervising , coordinating and implementing other work assigned by GM.

  3. 试论秘书的检查督办职能

    On the Secretary 's Function of Supervising and Handling

  4. 浅谈督查督办职能在企业科学管理中的作用

    The Function of Inspector Director Working Talent in the Business Enterprise Science Management

  5. 新疆三区革命后期的经济建设从督办政务处看清末新政

    The Economic Construction in the Later Period of the Three-district Revolution in Xinjiang

  6. 基于J2EE/EJB的网络办公自动化事件督办系统研究

    Research on Network Office Automation Event Supervision System Based on J2EE / EJB

  7. 二是要加大检查督办力度,确保班组建设各项任务的落实。

    The second is to increase the inspection supervision efforts to ensure the implementation of team-building tasks .

  8. 督办政务处作为清末新政的核心机构在清末新政研究中有很高的研究价值;

    Under the supervise government Office as a core institution in The new deal , it has a high study value ;

  9. 1875年,陕甘总督左宗棠就任钦差大臣,督办新疆事务。

    In1875 , Zuo Zongtang , governor-general of Shaanxi and Gansu provinces , was appointed imperial commissioner to supervise the affairs of Xinjiang .

  10. 在对中石油督办业务流程进行深入研究的基础上,对督办机构类型、各级人员类型、督办事件类型进行划分;对督办事件进行状态定义。

    Classify the supervision organization type , the type of personnel at all levels and supervision event type . Define state of supervisor event .

  11. 2010年,大连市人大督办的十三件事项中,保护老建筑老街区排在第四位。

    Among the13 issues that will be supervised by the municipal people 's congress in2010 , the protection of old buildings and old streets ranks fourth .

  12. 其中包括中央财税行政机构的改革,主要是户部的改革和税务处、清理财政处、督办盐政处的设立。

    The reform of central taxation agencies includes the reform of Ministry of Revenue and the establishment of Tax Section , Clearing Finance Section and Salt Department .

  13. 团学关系特指高校团委和校学生会的关系。高校团委在工作定位上,必须正确处理好指导而非领导、督办而非代办、想在前面与站在后面等三大关系;

    In orienting its work , the League committee of a college or university should draw a distinction between direction and leadership , between supervision snd substitution , etc.

  14. 本系统主要包括首页、纠纷管理、预警管理、督办调解、统计管理、辅助决策、个人信息等七大模块。

    The system consists of seven modules which respectively are Homepage , Dispute Management , Warning Management , Mediation Supervision , Statistics Management , Decision Support and Personal Information .

  15. 根据潍坊市政务办公督办查办实际情况,将系统角色划分为督查领导,督查员,承办部门。

    Weifang City Administrative Office under the supervision of investigating the actual situation , the system is divided into the role of supervision and leadership , inspector , contractor sector .

  16. 新时期大学校长办公室呈现出管理职能特殊化,协调工作复杂化,督查督办工作多样化,管理服务效能化等特点。

    In the new period , the work in university president office demonstrates the following characteristics : special management function , complicated coordinate work , diversified supervision work and useful management etc.

  17. 为了充分发挥办公室的参谋、沟通协调、督办检查和服务职能,就必须加强高校办公室的管理创新,特别是要突出管理队伍的创新、管理制度的创新和管理手段的创新。

    Managerial innovation , especially that of the managerial team , system and means should be strengthened to give full play to the function of counseling , coordination , supervision and service .

  18. 2006年哈尔滨气化厂因排放废水中污染物浓度超标,严重污染松花江水体水质而被环保总局挂牌督办。

    Harbin Gas Plant was listed on supervision by the Environmental Protection Agency in 2006 because the pollutants concentration was much higher than the standard and caused serious contamination of Songhua River .

  19. 高校办公室作为学校的一级综合性管理机构,承担着协调、服务、督办、信息传递等基本职能,其管理水平直接关系到全校各项工作正常运转。

    Office , as the first comprehensive administrative organization , undertakes the basic function of coordination ; service , supervision and information transfer . Its administrative level has direct relation with work operation .

  20. 在努力建设一流大学的新形势下,督办工作在高校管理和办公室建设中的作用将进一步突出,需大力加强并积极主动地研究新思路,创造新方法,以更好地适应新形势的需要。

    In the new situation of building the first-class university , the role of supervising and handling will be more prominent in the administering the institution of higher learning and in the administrative af - fairs .

  21. 这种项目造价管理模式主要是由政府的相关部门督办,由政府来确定建筑工程项目造价预算环节的各种价目,包括管理费,还可能限制了利润率。

    This project cost management model , supervision by the relevant government departments , including management fees by the government to determine the links of the construction project cost budget price , but also may limit the profitability .

  22. 那间近乎11米长、2.7米宽的接待大厅里的装饰,就好像由麦金托什亲自督办的一样&他总是坚持将装饰控制在自己的设计风格之内。

    The reception hall , almost 11 meters long by 2.7 meters wide , or 36 feet by 8.8 feet , is decorated as Mackintosh specified & he always insisted on controlling the d é cor within his designs .

  23. 地方管理中主要有总协理及督办,此外则为顾问官、议员、洋务总办、交通使、邮传使及铁路总稽查等。

    Besides the general assistant manager and supervisor , there were other officers in the local management , such as consultant , congressman , foreign affair general director , transportation official , post messenger and general railway inspector , etc.

  24. 那间近乎11米长、2.7米宽的接待大厅里的装饰,就好像由麦金托什亲自督办的一样——他总是坚持将装饰控制在自己的设计风格之内。

    The reception hall , almost 11 meters long by 2.7 meters wide , or 36 feet by 8.8 feet , is decorated as Mackintosh specified - he always insisted on controlling the d é cor within his designs .

  25. 政务办公督办查办的推广,使政府办公效率随之提高,对促进地方政治、经济的迅速发展起到了决定性的作用。

    The promotion of government office supervising the investigation and handling system , along with the government improving office efficiency , the promotion of local politics and it plays a decisive role to promote local politics and the rapid growth of economy .

  26. 在这次救济活动的实施过程中,督办处除了采取一些传统的救灾办法外,在资金筹措、以工代赈、灾民教养等方面都采用了一些近代化的方法,收到了良好的效果。

    In the implementation process of the relief activities , supervision in addition to some of the traditional approach , but the fund-raising , working for the dole , education of the victims and other aspects used some of the methods of modern with good results at the disaster relief .