- fungal cell

Owing to the complexity of soil physical and chemical properties and the structural particularity of fungal cell wall , the extraction of fungal DNA is more difficult than that of bacterial DNA from soil samples .
As one of the most components of fungal cell walls , Oligo GlcNAc could induce hypersensitive cell death in rice suspension cells and seedling leaves , and H 2O 2 accumulation simultaneously .
Ergosterol is a main component in fungi membrane and precursor of vitamin D 2 . It is also an important raw material of medical chemistry industry .
As one kind of Pathogenesis-related protein ,β - 1,3-glucanase can hydrolyze β - 1,3-glucanase of fungal cell walls , and the degrading products are a source of elicitors for plant systematic defense response .
The fungal cells protect the algal cells from environmental extremes .
Effects of fungal cell-wall fragments on growth of soybean seedling
Study on the Methods of Breaking Wall of Fungus Cell
Production and Application of Fungal Cell Wall Degrading Enzyme
An agar plate method for the screening substances triggering autolysis of fungus cell wall
The Effects of Tea Polyphenol on the Growth and Membrane Permeability of Trichoderma sp
ConclusionsProteolytic enzymes can degrade the protein receptors on the surface of yeast cells .
Screening of Fungi Resistant Variant of Taxus and a Study on Its Physiological and Biochemical Properties
Influence of A Substance Distilled from Cell Walls of Fungi on Several Antifungal Enzymes in Post-harvest Grapes
FCM can be a highly reliable way to detect the microcosmic change of fungal cell surface .
Cell wall A rigid wall surrounding the cells of plants , fungi , bacteria , and algae .
Chitin was the essential component of fungal cell wall and did not exist in mammalian biological tissue .
RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS : The new dosage form , fungal inhibitors of cell membrane and triazole have developed rapidly .
Induction of β - 1 , 3 - Glucanase in Cotton by the Hydrolysate of Cell Wall from Fusarium Moniliforme
And where the fungal cells interact with the root cells , there 's a trade of carbon for nutrients ,
Lipopeptide produced by Bacillus plays an anti-fungal role by act on the cell membrane to elicit pores on it or induce apoptosis .
Plant defensins are thought to interact with specific receptor harboring in the cell membrane and inhibit the growth of fungi , especially filamentous fungi .
Chitinase can hydrolyse chitin , which is the main components of fungal cell walls , and play an important roles in resistance to fun-gal diseases .
Ergosterol is the important component of the fungal membrane , and having stable structure . This makes it a suitable indicator for growth of fungi .
Like some other substances in fungal cell walls , chitin forms strong chemical bonds to heavy metals in the environment , in a process we call adsorption .
The outer part of the fungal cell is the cell wall , which is mainly composed of polysaccharide , compared to that of an animal cell , which is membrane .
Hydroxylation by protoplasts of the strain indicated that its hydroxylase is endoenzyme which could be induced by steroid substrate and cell wall of this fungus is an important rate limitation factor .
Mushrooms ' cell walls are different from the cell walls of fruits and veggies , and cooking breaks those down , so our bodies can handle processing the tough fungal cells .
It is a major component of cell wall of pathogenic fungi , chitinase inhibits fungal growth by degrading chitin in the cell wall of pathogenic fungi , and cell wall debris degraded can enhance disease-resistance of host plant itself .
Trichoderma spp. produce various types of glucanases including α - 1,3 - ,β - 1,3 - ,β - 1,4-and β - 1,6-glucanase . The production of the enzyme is repressed by glucose but induced by glucose polymers such as fungal cell walls .
There has been little comparison of the various methods used to extract the cell wall proteins .