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  1. 他让我等了这么久,我真生他的气。

    I was angry with him for keeping me waiting so long .

  2. 我可真生那些在公园里乱扔废纸的人的气。

    I 'm really steamed up about people who throw papers in the park .

  3. 游园的人在公园里乱丢瓶子和废纸。我可真生那些在公园里乱扔废纸的人的气。

    The visitors have littered the park with bottles and waste-paper . I 'm really steamed up about people who throw papers in the park .

  4. 亲爱的BOC:你真是生逢其时。因为谷歌1月宣布,今年它将大举招聘。

    Dear BOC : Your timing is terrific , since Google ( GOOG ) announced in January that it is embarking on a hiring spree this year .

  5. 你真的生我的气

    and you 're really upset with me ...

  6. 妈妈真的生我的气了

    Mom 's really mad at me .

  7. 有些人就是因为心中的愤怒、怨恨和不肯饶恕而真的生起病来。

    There are people who are literally and physically sick because of anger , hate , and unforgiveness .

  8. 我知道每个父母都会这么说,但是咱们真的生了一个可爱的宝宝干得好

    I know that people say that all the time , but , wow , we made one good-Iooking kid . Nice work .

  9. 他按自己的旨意,用真道生了我们,叫我们在他所造的万物中,好像初熟的果子。

    He chose to give us birth through the word of truth , that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created .

  10. 研究真盐生植物的耐盐机理、利用遗传王程育种提高植物的耐盐性已成为当前的研究热点之一。

    Studying the salt-tolerance mechanism of euhalophytes and improving plant ability of salt tolerance by genetic engineering breeding has become one of the central issues .

  11. 但她还没来得及张口,我丈夫便微笑着说:“真想不到生个孩子能使你变化如此之大!”

    But before she could say anything , my husband smiled and said ," I didn 't know having a baby would change you this much !"

  12. 实用主义从真理发生学及其实际经验兑现价值的角度,提出了独特的真理效用论;

    From the perspectives of the genetics of truth and the empirical cash value of truth , Pragmatists propose their distinctive pragmatic theory of truth ( PTOT ) .

  13. 格尼思:我真有点生玛丽的气。

    Gwyneth : I 'm rather put out with Mary .

  14. 只有那些有生养坚苦的家庭才会真的计划生宝宝这件事儿。

    Only people who have trouble making babies actually plan for them .

  15. 我觉得你真的该生个小孩

    I think you should definitely have a baby .

  16. 他真的还在生你的气吗

    Is he really still mad at you ?

  17. 我真的很生玛丽的气。

    I 'm really mad at Mary !

  18. 我很多在台湾的朋友真的很生我气,他说道。

    Many of my friends in Taiwan are really angry at me , he says .

  19. 她那样子召他前来,然后又把他忘掉,真是好生奇怪。

    It was odd to have summoned him in that way , and then forgotten him ;

  20. 真的要生了吗

    Is the baby really coming ?

  21. 她真的很生我的气,并声称不再做我的好朋友。

    She got really mad at me and said she didn 't want to be my best friend anymore .

  22. 这或许不关我的事,但你真不该生他的气。

    Perhaps it 's none of my business , but you really shouldn 't have been mad at him .

  23. 郝思嘉真的很生克拉克·盖博的气,因为他说了很多不好听的话。

    Um ... Scarlett is ... really mad at Clark Gable , because , um , he says so many bad things .

  24. 科学家声称,女性真的与生俱来便有“同志雷达”的潜力,并且让他们看着对方的脸,她们就知道这个男人是“直”还是“弯”。

    Scientists say women really do have ' gaydar ', which helps them spot whether a man is straight or gay just by looking at his face .

  25. 好几个星期过去了,有时候他真想寻衅生非,对他失去的这段缠绵深情明确表态。

    There were moments as the weeks went by when he would have liked , by some almost aggressive act , to take his stand on the intimacy of his loss .

  26. 我现在真的有点生他的气。

    I 'm a little mad at him now .

  27. 然而,这还不单单是我们所说的话,我们的行为也表明自己是否真的是由真道所生。

    However it is not just the words that we speak but also our actions that will show that we truly have been begotten by the Word of God as His children .