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shěng shì
  • easy;save trouble;simplify matters;handle official business work;save trouble, simplify matters
省事 [shěng shì]
  • (1) [save trouble, simplify matters]∶减少事务;精简手续

  • 这样一改就省事多了

  • (2) [easy]∶不费事;便利

  • 吃方便食品省事

  • [handle official business work] 视事,今称办公

省事[shěng shì]
  1. 为了省事,他决定在食堂吃饭。

    To save trouble , he decided to take his meals in the canteen .

  2. 你会发现准备这样的饭既快又省事。

    You 'll find these meals quick and convenient to prepare .

  3. 给他们发个电邮吧,这比打电话省事多了。

    Send them an email ─ it 's a lot less hassle than phoning .

  4. 等我们把数据库弄好以后,就省事多了。

    It will be a lot easier when we have the database up and running .

  5. 这看起来确实省事,对吧?

    It does seem a bit convenient , doesn 't it ?

  6. 我通常都买切片面包——比较省事。

    I usually buy sliced bread — it 's less bother

  7. 把我们的失败归罪到别人头上倒是省事。

    It is the easy way out to blame others for our failure .

  8. 慢慢来,不要图省事,要严格按照说明去做。

    Take your time , don 't cut corners and follow instructions to the letter .

  9. 在食堂里吃饭省事。

    It 's more convenient to eat in the canteen .

  10. 伯尔曼说:“这可能是因为直接开个药方把这个病例处理完要比进一步诊断更简单省事。”

    Presumably it 's because it 's simple and easy to write a prescription and consider a patient case closed rather than investigate further , Polman says .

  11. 这个句子有三层关系,比较、条件和结果,按这种逻辑关系翻译就十分省事。同今天地面城市里的居民相比,新洞穴里的居民如果在比较健康的生态环境中生活,会有更多的机会见到青枝绿叶。

    The chances are that the dwellers of the new caves would see more greenery , under ecologically healthier conditions , than dwellers of surface cities do today .

  12. 用Nortonghost做数据备份及恢复既简单又省事。

    The copying of datas and resuming are simple and easy with the help of Norton ghost .

  13. 在调查中,智能照明和省事巨龙收到了SEC的摘牌通知。

    China Intelligent Lighting & Electronics and Century Dragon Media have been delisted by the SEC due to their financial problems .

  14. 如果你想图省事,可以选择eclipse中的标准插件JDT,它支持从格式和句法两个方面对源代码做标准检查。

    And if you want to start out really light , eclipse has support for stylistic and syntactical coding standards within the standard JDT .

  15. 他表示:一个和打印版一模一样的简单PDF文件既便宜、省事,又不用再送给审计师彻底审查。

    He said : A simple PDF file , exactly as it was printed , is cheap , easy and does not have to be vetted all over again by the auditors .

  16. 在《100天真正的食物》(100DaysofRealFood)的引言中,丽莎·利克(LisaLeake)说我以匆忙、焦虑以及配送食物式的想法思考晚餐是在图省事。

    In the introduction to " 100 Days of Real Food , " Lisa Leake calls my hasty , anxious , food-delivery way of figuring out dinner " fall [ ing ] prey to " the lure of convenience .

  17. 他说,吃冷冻餐点已经很省事了,但Soylent是一种更健康、更便捷的选择。

    He said a frozen dinner was already a shortcut , but Soylent was a healthier , quicker alternative .

  18. 通用汽车全球产品开发执行副总裁马克o罗伊斯声称,FNR将“在你工作时为你处理琐事,或是自己开到经销商那里维修,为车主省事。”

    The FNR could " run errands for you while you 're at work , or take itself to the dealer for service so you don 't have to , " says Mark Reuss , GM executive vice president of global product development .

  19. 测试越多代码就越好,程序员以后也就越省事。

    More tests , better code , and happy programmers follow .

  20. 不便;麻烦事我通常都买切片面包——比较省事。

    I usually buy sliced bread - it 's less bother .

  21. 微波炉晚餐和实时餐点使得在家烧饭省事又快速。

    Microwave dinners and instant foods make cooking at home a snap .

  22. 这份工作很省心省事。

    The job doesn 't need much attention or time .

  23. 仅仅作几个简单省事的决定是没有用的。

    It 's no good just making a few quick easy decisions .

  24. 搬家时肯定很省事

    Well it must make things easier when you have to move .

  25. 他们这样做是为了使顾客省时间,省事。

    They did this to save customers time and trouble .

  26. 商品将送到您家门口,方便又省事。

    Goods will be delivered to your door , convenient and easy .

  27. 直接通话更快更省事。

    I found that calling them directly is always better and faster .

  28. 我告诉你,在这儿打扮起来省事。

    I tell you , it 's easy to clear up here .

  29. 这样你多省事呀。

    Think out how much you save on bus fare .

  30. 也许她直接认出你了还省事了

    Or maybe she 'll save you the trouble by recognizing you .