
First , compared with world fine arts , regional arts obtain more emotional value .
Although our world experiences many problems , I think we should pay attention and make this our first priority .
Exercising self-exertion and unshakable will-power , he had liberated himself from attachment to the sense-objects of the relative universe .
Using the relationship of the projective transformation between 3d points and 2d points , the translation and the rotation angle can be computed .
You are a channel for information between the higher and the lower , between the realm of the archetype and the relative world .
Totapuri asked the disciple to withdraw his mind from all objects of relative world , including the gods and goddesses , and to concentrate on the Absolute .
Therefore , one must be fortunate enough to have found the ultimate Truth in the relative world . A lucky soul indeed , fully blessed by all the good fortunes !
Within the imagination , there is the fantasy and reality in the relative world .
These parameters is the internal parameters in the system , and can be calibrated through different world coordinates .
The practical world as opposed to the academic world .
For without it , the world of relativity would not exist .
The author will give toys personified remain relatively independent of the world .
As the crisis eased into the relatively stable world economy has become better .
Relatively stable world orders do not easily adapt to the emergence of new powers .
The comparative wealth of western Europe or North America is broadcast across the world .
Your Theory of Relativity nobody in the world understands , but you have already became a great man .
Social contract theory developed as an alternative world view rejecting notions of divine law and religious conceptions of sovereignty .
In a world where we will soon be relatively few , our goal must be to become a niche of excellence .
In a world with even moderately stronger inflationary pressures , central banks matter more than during periods of near-perfect price stability .
The simulation experience result shows that the method greatly improves the accuracy of robot self-location , thus obtain a relatively accurate world model .
Although the Chinese government attaches great importance to E-commerce legislation , but the technical level is still lagging behind developed countries in the world .
they leave you exposed to the world and exposed to your own vulnerability and fallibility in face of , frankly , a fairly indifferent universe .
Different modes of experience are patterns of thinking with different presuppositions and modifications . They are arrested worlds of ideas , abstract compared with the concrete whole world .
In this instance , the location of camera in the world coordinates is unnecessary to calibrated , and the rotary matrix and horizontal movable matrix is needless too .
With the rapid development of economy and science , there is an increasing shrink of modern humane world , and in education field , the same situation also appears .
Chinese auto sales have proved to be a relative bright spot so far this year , even as the rest of global automobile industry struggles to cope with tough economic conditions .
Spiritual world isa unique and extremely complex world to man and it is decided by the material world , but as a relative independent world it hashis own special rules and constructions .
The origin of civilization is not a historical event that was completed once and for all . Rather , it is a world historical process that had been going on for as long as 5000 years . It is a relatively independent world historical epoch that has three phases .
The results of the study showed that the higher the blood lactate level ( 3 mM ) was , the slower were the Chinese swimmers compared with world-class performers .
One reason many individuals and businesses have been slow to move on from XP is it 's relatively stable , thus made it roughly 30 % of companies , computers being used by businesses and consumers around the world are still running on XP .