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zhí jiàn
  • advise/admonish (the emperor) frankly
直谏 [zhí jiàn]
  • [advise frankly] 耿直劝谏

  • 直谏之士几许?

  • 终莫敢直谏。--《史记.屈原贾生列传》

  1. 选择与重组:在突破中超越&由直谏风波谈起

    Choice and Reorganization : Surpassing in the Breakthrough

  2. 明代言官勇于直谏的可贵精神,是中华民族精神在古代优秀知识分子身上的一种折射,值得肯定和发扬。

    The valuable spirit that the Supervisors in Ming Dynasty advised bravely is the refraction of Chinese national spirit in ancient outstanding intelligences , which deserves affirmation and development .