
  • 网络DC digital voltmeter;DC-DVM;DVM DC Digital Voltmeter
  1. 直流数字电压表标准装置

    A DC-DVM Standard System

  2. 直流数字电压表的误差及分析

    The Error and Analysis on Direct Current Digital Voltage Meter

  3. 三极点贝塞尔滤波器在直流数字电压表中的应用

    Three-pole Bessel Filter and Its Application to DC Digital Voltmeters

  4. 另两种方法用PZ&8型直流数字电压表,配不同的传感器,测剑杆织机的某些动态参数。

    C. digital voltmeter and corresponding transducers for the determination of some dynamic parameters .

  5. 详细介绍了用直流数字电压表法校准电阻箱的原理、数学模型及测量不确定度评定方法。

    This paper introduce in detail the principle of the calibration of resistance box by method of direct current digital voltage meter , mathematics model and the way of uncertainty evaluation .

  6. 三是大量的实践研究,理论是为实践而服务的,要靠实践来证明,本研究以直流数字电压表的校准及测量不确定度的评定为研究对象,对上述的理论进行实践的验证。

    Third , it involves a large amount of actual practice and research . Theory is developed to serve the practice and require the proof of practice . This article takes the calibration and measurement uncertainty study of DC Digital Voltage Meter as the research object .

  7. 交直流两用数字电压表

    AC-DC digital voltage meter