
zhí jiē kònɡ zhì
  • direct control
  1. 数字方向流量阀的PLC直接控制及特性

    Direct control of digital direction & flow valve by the use of PLC

  2. 遗传算法用来寻找直接控制层最优的PI参数。

    Genetic algorithm is used to find the optimal PI parameters of the direct control layer .

  3. 警方应该不受政府的直接控制。

    The police force should be independent of direct government control .

  4. 采用ac马达调速系统直接控制切割进刀及速度,以达到高品质之切条。

    Using AC motor speed control system directly and cutting feed rate to achieve high quality cut .

  5. 一种用低压信号直接控制直流高压SSR的新技术

    A Novel Technology for High Voltage DC SSR with Low Voltage Signal Control Directly

  6. shell通常由CLI驱动,可以直接控制或破坏系统。

    Typically driven by a CLI , the shell can literally make or break your system .

  7. 另一方面,您对于与线程调度有关的选择也有更多直接控制,因为您可以直接使用线程API。

    On the other hand , you have more direct control over choices related to thread scheduling since you use the thread API directly .

  8. 随着软件可控Cache机制的出现,编译器开始可以直接控制Cache替换,改善Cache行为。

    With the advent of software-controlled cache , such as cache hints in EPIC architectures , the compiler has the means to steer the cache replacement directly and to improve the cache behavior .

  9. 它可以直接控制目标板的命令、读/写寄存器和存储器的值、处理器的调试代码,编译内部或者外部FLASH存储器器件。

    The user can then directly control the target 's execution , read / write registers and memory values , debug code on the processor , and program internal or external FLASH memory devices .

  10. 他也没有对该银行的全球银行和市场(gbm)业务进行太多直接控制。

    Nor did he exert much direct control over its global banking and markets ( GBM ) operations .

  11. 本文说明了如何利用DELPHI软件开发平台和PC机自带的I/O端口实现步进电机的直接控制,同时介绍了该系统的外部信息处理。

    This article describes how to realize the direct control for step motor by use of DELPHI and I / O ports of PC. It also introduces the external information processing of this system .

  12. 电网要求每台机组的出力都由电网调度直接控制(AGC运行方式),因而传统的经济调度手段在电厂内部已经不再适用。

    The network requests that the contribution of every unit must be directly controlled by the dispatch of the network ( AGC mode ), so the traditional method of economical dispatch is no longer suitable in plant .

  13. 根据滑模变结构控制原理和方法,通过直接控制和间接控制两种途径,设计相应的控制器,实现了Buck变换器中的混沌控制,使输出电压稳定到期望值。

    Using the theories and methods of sliding mode control , the variable structure controllers are designed to control chaos in DC-DC Buck converter by means of direct and indirect control . Some desired output voltages are obtained using this control method .

  14. 由于动态矩阵控制预测控制算法无法直接控制带有积分环节的过程,针对这一困难,研究了一种适用于积分过程的DMC算法。

    Aiming to solve the big difficulty that the dynamic matrix control algorithm ( DMC ) could not be directly applied on the process with an integral unit , a DMC that can deal with integral process was investigated .

  15. DTC思想把电机和逆变器作为一个整体,在定子静止坐标系中利用逆变器输出电压矢量直接控制定子磁链和转矩,获得了快速的转矩响应。

    The DTC considers the motor and inverter as a whole , and controls the stator flux linkage vector and electromagnetic torque directly by applying an optimal space voltage vector during each sampling period in the stator reference frame .

  16. 提出了一种直接控制的自适应神经元模型和神经网络结构,以及一种快速学习算法(FLA),并把该神经网络和算法用于驼峰速度控制系统。

    A class of neural networks containing direct controlled adaptive neuron and the corresponding fast learning algorithm method are proposed for developing this new humping speed control system .

  17. 通过在SLA中包含例外情况,服务供应商能够保护自己,免除对自身无法直接控制的事项的责任,比如故障、网络中断、计划维修和其他网络问题。

    By including exceptions in a SLA , a service provider can protect itself from liability in case of , for example , failures , network outages , scheduled maintenance , and other network issues not within direct control of the provider .

  18. 本文提出了一种新型的有源滤波器的两相控制法,该方法通过坐标变换abc/αβ,直接控制α-β坐标系下的补偿电流分量,从而得到逆变器的三相开关驱动信号。

    This paper proposed a novel control method for active filters , by which three phase switching driving signals can be obtained on the basis of directly controlling the components of compensation current in α β coordinate through the transformation from abc to α β coordinate .

  19. 借用飞机重构控制方法,采用MoorePenrose逆法,对飞机的操纵效能提出了一套直接控制冗余算法,使操纵舵面之间达到最佳配置。

    In this paper , by using Moore-Penrose inversion method borrowed from aircraft reconfigurable control method , a set of direct control redundance methods is brought up and the optimal control efficiencies of different effector deployments core obtained .

  20. 本文介绍了目前三相电压型PWM整流器电压定向功率直接控制(VODPC)系统及基于输出调节子空间的功率直接控制(ORSDPC)系统的原理,分析了直接功率控制系统的性能;

    This paper introduces the direct power control ( DPC ) principle for the three phase boost type rectifiers of prior art , which contains voltage oriented direct power control ( VO-DPC ) and direct power control based on output regulation subspace ( ORS ), and analyses their performances .

  21. 在哺乳动物中,细胞分化周期由Cdks直接控制,Cdks由各种调控蛋白控制,包括Cyclins激酶和磷酸及cdk抑制物。

    In mammals , the cell division cycle is governed directly by cyclin - dependent kinases ( cdks ) . The cdks are controlled by a variety of regulatory proteins , including cyclins , kinases and phosphatases , and cdk inhibitors .

  22. 六阶精度的群速度直接控制紧致格式及其应用

    Sixth Order Accurate Compact Scheme with Group Velocity Control and Application

  23. 应用直接控制图监控小批量毛条质量的方法

    Method of small-scale wool sliver quality control based on direct control chart

  24. 直接控制网格节点分布的网格生成方法

    A Grid Generation Method with Direct Grid Point Distribution Control

  25. 三级火山构造直接控制着矿田(床)的成生。

    The third volcanic structure controls the forming of mineral deposits directly .

  26. 基于电压直接控制的光伏系统最大功率点跟踪策略

    MPPT Strategy for Photovoltaic System Based on Direct Voltage Control

  27. 某些不受您直接控制的因素。

    Some diathesis that can 't immediate manipulate by yourself .

  28. 湖平面的升降变化直接控制了层序的形成和发育。

    The development of those sequences was controlled directly by lake level variation .

  29. 利用LPT1:并行口直接控制显示模块

    Using LPT1 : to directly control display module

  30. 坐标直接控制法在市政工程测量中的应用

    Application of Coordinate Control in Municipal Engineering Measurement