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pán xiāng
  • incense coil
盘香 [pán xiāng]
  • [incense coil] 绕成螺旋形的线香

盘香[pán xiāng]
  1. 在现场窗户微开时应用该盘香能有效预防蚊虫叮咬,但蚊香点燃结束后2.5h,蚊虫叮咬率为13.3次/h;

    The burning incense could effectively prevent mosquito bites with windows open a little but 2.5 h after it was burnt the frequency of mosquito bites was 13.3 times per hour .

  2. 盘香式弧形闸门启闭机滑轮组均载装置及其分析

    A Load Balancing Device Incense-Coiled Pulley Blocks Used to Open and Close a Radial Gate and its Analysis

  3. 目的测试以富右旋反式烯丙菊酯和烯丙菊酯为有效成分不同品种盘香对淡色库蚊的防治效果。

    Objective To evaluate the control effects of twelve rich-d-trans allethrin coils and eleven allethrin coils against mosquitoes .

  4. 结论:0.2%富右旋反式烯丙菊酯盘香,在现场使用能有效预防蚊虫叮咬,但保护时间与蚊香使用时间有关。

    Conclusion : Mosquito-repellent incense with d-allethrin can effectively prevent mosquito bite but the duration is related to application time .