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pí ǎo
  • fur-lined jacket
皮袄 [pí ǎo]
  • [fur-lined jacket] 中式毛皮上衣

皮袄[pí ǎo]
  1. 老程开了灯,披着件破皮袄,开了门:怎么啦?祥子!三更半夜的

    Old Cheng turned on the light , threw a tattered fur-lined jacket over his shoulders , and opened the door . " What brings you here , Xiangzi , at this hour of the night ?"

  2. 她最近添置了一件皮袄。

    She has replenished a leather [ fur ] coat recently .

  3. 魏文侯在出外游玩途中,看见一个农夫反穿皮袄,毛朝里,皮板朝外,肩上扛着一捆木柴在路上走.

    Once on his outing trip , Wei Wenhou saw a farmer waking with a buddle of firewood on his back and wearing his fur-lined jacket inside out .

  4. 就问他:“你为什么要反穿皮袄背柴呢?”农夫说:“我很喜欢这件毛衣的毛,担心柴草把它磨坏了。”

    He asked the farmer , " Why do you wear your jacket inside out , carrying a bundle of wood ? " " I like the furs of this jacket very much and I am afraid that the buddle may abrade the furs . " The farmer answered .

  5. 他那件穿破的皮袄上有一绺绺羊毛挂下来,象是一条脱毛的狗。

    Tufts of wool hang from his shaggy sheepskin like a mangy dog .

  6. 过路客人用那老年人习惯做事的手收拾好东西,扣上皮袄。

    After packing his things with his practised old hands , the traveller buttoned up his sheepskin .

  7. 要是他掉进水里,他还有新棉裤,还有老羊皮袄。

    If he dropped into water , he had a new wadded pants , and one sheepskin coat .

  8. 第二天彼得和他的仆人拿到了通行证,普加乔夫送给彼得一匹马和一件羊皮袄供他旅途上用。

    The next day Peter and his servant were given safe conduct , and Pougatcheff gave Peter a horse and a sheepskin coat for the journey .

  9. 皮埃尔说,尽管气温是零下十度,他仍旧敞开熊皮皮袄,露出他那宽阔的、喜悦地呼吸的胸脯。

    " Home ," said Pierre , throwing open the bearskin coat over his broad , joyously breathing chest in spite of ten degrees of frost .

  10. 克雷里卓夫身穿土皮袄,头戴羔皮帽,嘴上包着一块手绢,看上去更加消瘦和苍白。

    Dressed in a sheepskin coat , with a fur cap on his head and his mouth bound up with a handkerchief , he seemed paler and thinner than ever .

  11. 他被子褥子齐全,还有一件老羊皮袄,按平均主义的原则,他也应该睡在门口。

    He had quilts and ticks , and also had a old sheep skin fur-lined jacket , by the equalitarian rule , it was his turn to sleep at the door .

  12. 不晓得怎么样,今天会这样累,张太太换上一件旧湖绉皮袄,倒在床前一张藤椅上,感叹地说。

    " I don 't know why I 'm so tired today . " Mrs. Chang sighed . She had put on a fur-lined silk jacket and sat wearily in a cane chair beside the bed .