- dermatology;dermatological department

This research reviewed in-patients whoes eosinophils of the peripheral blood elevated in dermatological department of the second hospital of Hebei Medical University in 2009 and analyzed the distribution of diseases among those cases .
Comment on the clinical applications of lasers in the dermatological department
The general practitioner referred her patient to a dermatologist .
Ponder the fact that a dermatologist must sign his name to forms almost 30000 times a year , according to a 2008 article in the Southern Medical Journal .
Others offer the same technology as your dermatologist , such as the PaloVia Skin Renewing Laser , which uses " fractional photothermolysis " to combat acne .
Scleroderma and psoriasis are two common skin diseases , and their relation with integrin and ECM have been studied for years .
RESULTS : Among the 241 cases , 39 ADRs were induced by topical preparations , 202 ADRs by oral or injecting preparations .
' This is great fodder for us to encourage people to use sunscreen , ' said Jeffrey Dover , a dermatologist in Chestnut Hill , Mass .
Con clu sions : Drug eruption , bullous diseases , dermatomyositis and SLE were the main skin diseases causing death . The most common cause of death was secondary infection .
Psoriasis is a commom disease in dermatology , the cause of which is complex , and the pathogenesis of which has been and still will be the research focus in dermatology field .
Objective : Alopecia areata ( AA ) is the common one of the hair disease . However , the definite etiopathology of AA is not complete clearing .
Like Dr. Toumazou , SkinShift 's founder , Dr. Ruthie Harper , is not a dermatologist ; she 's an internist .
Another dermatologist gave Dr. Akridge this mandate , he recalls : ' You have to make cleansing sexy . '
In the corridor of the hospital , she talked to Costa Soares , her dermatologist , about her case and expressed her concern .
Mesotech evolved from the extensive scientific research and dedication of a team of dermatologists .
One of the study 's leaders , Angela Christiano , is a dermatology professor and geneticist who herself has alopecia areata .
Consumers are fascinated with the idea of fixing themselves , says Dr Joshua Zeichner , director of cosmetic and clinical research in the dermatology department at Mount Sinai hospital in New York .
The NI pathogens scattered in hospital , and some strains , most of which were MRSA ( methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus ), were endemic in ICU , oncological ward , neurosurgical ward and dermatological ward .
Stephanie Samuel , a 28-year-old attorney in Chicago , told her dermatologist , ' I get the squeaky clean feeling . ' To which the doctor responded , ' No !
You can 't wash the pimples off your face , ' say Katie Rodan , a dermatologist and co-founder of the Proactiv three-step system , which is owned by Guthy Renker .
Applications of 308 nm excimer laser in dermatology
Among which Thiostrepton has been used in veterinary medicine in mastitis caused by gram-negative organisms and in dermatologic disorders . It is also active against gram-positive bacteria .
Method : The scores of PASI and its components in patients with psoriasis vulgaris were obtained by three dermatologists independently , and then , Kappa value of each component was calculated .
According to Dr. Ariel Ostad , collagen expert and Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology at New York University Medical Center , two grams " isn 't enough collagen to make a remarkable difference for your skin 's complexion . "
It had been verified that UVA had the function of anti-inflammatory , immunomodulation and improve the local microcirculation , and which had been applied on the treatment of other diseases of dermatology for many years .
Methods : Histologic slides of 72 cases of MM from 1982 to 1996 in Department of Dermatology , Kyushu University Faculty of Medicine were retrospectively reviewed . The general data , premonitory lesion , pathological type , TNM classification and present state were analyzed .
Dermatologist Dr Bianca Costa Soares credits the annual campaign with an increase in the number of people coming to the AC Camargo Hospital in the State of S ã o Paulo for skin checks .
Evaluation of a novel 308 - nm monochromatic excimer light delivery system in dermatology : A pilot study in different chronic localized dermatoses
Dermatologist Charles E. Crutchfield III , MD , describes it this way : " It 's a product that will do anything from gently adding moisture , to sealing in the moisture you 've achieved , to helping your skin produce more moisture - and which type you choose should be based on your skin 's individual needs . "
Methods Nightingale environment theory was applied in the nursing on physics and mental and social environment of 5 patients with Stevens-Johnson syndrome in Department of Dermatology , and the situation was analyzed retrospectively .