
  • Pete;Peter;Brad Pitt
  1. 看!这一定是布拉德∙皮特!

    Look ! I 'm sure that 's Brad Pitt !

  2. 安东尼·霍普金斯+布拉德·皮特=一部伟大的电影。

    Anthony Hopkins + Brad Pitt = a great movie .

  3. 皮特不能去,我也不能。

    Pete can 't go and I can 't either .

  4. 你认识皮特吗?他风趣得很。

    Do you know Pete ? He 's hilarious .

  5. 皮特捕到了一条特大的鱼。

    Pete has caught a whopper .

  6. 皮特—布里格斯公司

    Pitt , Briggs & Co.

  7. 皮特和乔仍沉睡未醒,于是我就在晨光中出门散步去了。

    Pete and Jo were still in the land of Nod , so I went out for a walk in the morning sunshine .

  8. 皮特的脸上重新浮现出笑容,但却狰狞可怕。

    Pitt 's smile returned , and it was hideously diabolic .

  9. 皮特的一个朋友在那儿把他的汽车撞毁了。

    One of Pete 's friends wrote his car off there .

  10. 皮特跨上马,开始在田野间小跑起来。

    Pete got on his horse and started trotting across the field .

  11. 他和皮特差不多高,但更瘦。

    He was almost as tall as Pete , but skinnier

  12. 皮特关掉手电筒,停下来休息。

    Stopping to rest , Pete shut off the flash .

  13. 在我跟皮特说之前,我宁愿他不知道这件事。

    I 'd sooner he didn 't know till I 've talked to Pete

  14. 皮特正在给他们讲一件他们母亲的趣闻。

    Pete was telling them an anecdote about their mother

  15. “她为什么想进那里面?”皮特心想。

    ' Why does she want to get in there ? ' Pete wondered

  16. 他和皮特之间有着惊人的相似之处。

    There was a remarkable resemblance between him and Pete

  17. 皮特的火把映出了鲍勃和张的模糊身影。

    Pete 's torch picked out the dim figures of Bob and Chang .

  18. 1801年皮特倒台后,政府经历了10年的动荡。

    After the fall of Pitt in 1801 there was a decade of unstable government

  19. 皮特有一回给孩子们买了一辆便宜的老鼠货自行车。

    Pete once bought the boys a bicycle cheap off the back of a lorry .

  20. 皮特狼吞虎咽,把炖牛肉吃了个精光。

    Pete gobbled all the beef stew .

  21. 鲍勃一面挂念着丘辟特和皮特的生活状况,一面转身又去睡了。

    Bob turned over to sleep again , wondering how Jupiter and Pete were making out .

  22. 他气得几乎说不出话来,冲着皮特不知咆哮些什么。

    His fury was so great he could hardly speak . He growled some unintelligible words at Pete

  23. 雷切尔从沙发上猛地往前一欠身子。——“你的意思是你已经抓到了皮特?”

    Rachel started forward on the sofa . — ' You mean you 've arrested Pete ? '

  24. 我已经见过皮特几次了,是通过——怎么说呢——一些社会下层的朋友见的。

    I had already met Pete a couple of times through — how should I put it — friends in low places

  25. “你就帮我把话带给皮特,行吗?”——“不,不行,我不能。”

    ' Can you just get the message through to Pete for me ? ' — ' No , no I can 't. '

  26. “为什么?”皮特不耐烦地问。——“是啊,为什么呢?”鲍勃跟着问道,“我觉得这个主意不错啊。”

    ' Why ? ' Pete asked impatiently . — ' Yes , why ? ' Bob chimed in . ' It seems like a good idea to me . '

  27. 我们试图对皮特保密,但玛西娅说漏嘴了。

    We were trying to keep it a secret from Pete , but Marcia accidentally spilled the beans .

  28. (皮特称,怀特将在SEC主席这个职位上大有作为)。

    ( Pitt says white will make a great sec head . )

  29. 根据杂志封面的大标题,这组“私密照”由布拉德•皮特为33岁的茱丽拍摄,并由《W》杂志独家发布。

    The cover headline promises exclusive " private photos " of the33-year-old actress by her partner Brad Pitt .

  30. 皮特∙彼得森(PetePeterson),彼得森国际股份有限公司(PetersonInternationalInc.)总裁,澳大利亚维多利亚。

    Pete Peterson , president of Peterson International Inc. , Victoria , Australia .