
  • 网络peabody
  1. 该计划是以苏珊·格雷在范德堡大学皮博迪教育学院提出的概念为基础的。苏珊·格雷是早期儿童教育研究领域的传奇式先锋人物。

    It was based on concepts developed at Vanderbilt University 's Peabody College by Susan Gray , the legendary pioneer in early childhood education research .

  2. 皮博迪教育学院一项针对田纳西州志愿幼儿园前教育项目的新研究报告指出,幼儿园前教育是有用的,但是从中所受的教益无法维持到三年级。

    A new Peabody study of the Tennessee Voluntary Pre-K program reports that pre-K works , but the gains are not sustained through the third grade .

  3. 美国矿业公司皮博迪能源(PeabodyEnergy)估计,去年中国进口了3500万吨炼焦煤,远高于2008年的700万吨。

    Peabody Energy , the US-based miner , estimates that China imported 35m tonnes of coking coal last year , up from 7m tonnes in 2008 .

  4. 2013年,《小镇疑云》在BBC美国台播出,因其精彩的故事情节而获得享用盛名的皮博迪奖。

    After " Broadchurch " aired on BBC America in 2013 , it received the prestigious Peabody Award for its storytelling excellence .

  5. 如果收购委员会不进行干预,皮博迪最后的希望就要寄托在Macarthur的股东身上了。

    If the panel does not intervene , Peabody 's final hopes rest with Macarthur 's shareholders .

  6. 北京还可以利用张艺谋来帮助申奥。这位中国著名导演一手执导的2008年奥运会开幕式令人印象深刻,足以获得皮博迪奖(Peabodyaward)。

    Beijing could also dangle the carrot of Zhang Yimou , the famous film director whose authoritarian choreography for the 2008 Olympics opening ceremonies was impressive enough to nab a Peabody award .

  7. 皮博迪还请求该委员会推迟Macarthur的股东大会,原定于本周一召开的这次股东大会将就Gloucester/来宝交易进行投票。

    Peabody is also calling for the panel to delay Macarthur 's shareholder meeting , scheduled for Monday , that will vote on the Gloucester / Noble transactions .

  8. 他的母亲制作过一部关于民权运动时期取消学校种族隔离的电影,并因此获得“皮博迪”奖(peabodyaward);他的父亲是电视电影制作人,一度曾效力于派拉蒙。

    His mother won a Peabody Award for a film she produced about school integration during the civil rights era while his father made television movies and worked , for a time , at Paramount .

  9. 例如,自2011年4月以来,面对环境监管、廉价天然气带来的竞争以及中国需求下滑导致全球市场低迷等因素构成的压力,美国产量最大的煤炭集团皮博迪能源(PeabodyEnergy)的股价已下跌了98%。

    For example shares in Peabody Energy , the largest US coal group by production , have dropped 98 per cent since April 2011 , under pressure from environmental regulations , competition from cheap natural gas , and a slump in world markets caused by falling demand in China .

  10. 皮博迪向该委员会申诉道,macarthur没有向股东提供与修改后的现金收购要约相关的信息,也没有向他们说明自己这份要约相对“gloucester/来宝”交易的优点。

    It complained to the panel that MacArthur had not provided shareholders with information relevant to its revised cash proposal , and to the relative merits of its deal compared with the Gloucester / noble transactions .

  11. 皮博迪是我们市里最好的学校

    Peabody 's the best public school in our city .

  12. 我们不在皮博迪学区范围�

    We are not in the Peabody School district .

  13. 爱国者煤炭从皮博迪能源公司拆分出去,并于去年申请了破产。

    Patriot Coal has spun off Peabody Energy and filed for bankruptcy last year .

  14. 我得了皮博迪奖

    Yeah , we won a Peabody .

  15. 皮博迪这步棋走得很聪明。

    Peabody has played this smartly .

  16. 《辛普森一家》已获28次黄金时段艾美奖,30次安妮奖和一次皮博迪奖。

    The Simpsons have won 28 Primetime Emmy Awards , 30 Annie Awards and a Peabody Award .

  17. 皮博迪图片词汇测验修订版(PPVT&R)上海市区试用常模的修订

    The Revision of Trail Norm of Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Revised ( PPVT-R ) In Shanghai Proper

  18. 孟斐斯之旅包括住在皮博迪酒店并有机会品尝孟斐斯著名的烧烤。

    The visit to Memphis will include a stay at The Peabody Hotel and the chance to try Memphis'famous barbecue .

  19. 其中,以皮博迪和比洛为代表的初期,是福禄培尔主义思想在幼儿园中占主导地位的时期;

    The initial stage represented by Peabody and Blow is the period occupying an leading position in the kindergarten of Froebelian thought ;

  20. 他说我们没有住在皮博迪学区你和费瑟必须去林肯区上学

    He said that we don 't live in the Peabody School district and that you and Faith have to go to Lincoln .

  21. 然后在皮博迪音乐学院与莱昂弗莱舍一起获得音乐艺术博士学位。

    True went on to Juilliard to study with Sascha Gorodnitzki , and then earned the DMA with Leon Fleisher at the Peabody Conservatory .

  22. 来宝接下来的话让业内许多人士感到困惑不解,它称皮博迪投机取巧且诡计多端,毁了自己的复活节周末。

    In language that bemused many in the industry , Noble added that Peabody was opportunistic and crafty and had ruined its Easter weekend .

  23. 这宗预定在未来两周内交由股东投票的友好交易,无法与皮博迪的敌意收购同时推进。

    That friendly transaction , due to go to a shareholder vote within the next fortnight , cannot proceed in tandem with Peabody 's unfriendly one .

  24. 皮博迪在澳大利亚煤炭行业已经坐上了第五把交椅。这家美国集团计划在未来5年里,把其澳大利亚煤炭出口增加一倍。

    Peabody already ranks fifth in Australia 's coal industry and the US group plans to double its exports from the country in the next five years .

  25. “事先我从来不知道篓子会是什么形状,这经常让我伤神。”米尔巴赫在接受皮博迪埃塞克斯艺术馆的采访时这样说。

    " I never know what the shape will be beforehand , which often leaves me scratching my head ," said Miebach , in with the Peabody Essex Museum .

  26. 未来几天将是这场大战的关键时刻,分析师指出,皮博迪必须将报价从每股14澳元提高到15澳元或更高。

    The coming days will be crucial to the battle 's outcome as analysts suggest Peabody needs to lift its offer of A $ 14 a share to A $ 15 or more .

  27. 撇开上述形象生动的言辞不谈,皮博迪的报价突显出全世界对澳洲煤炭资源的孜孜渴求。与此同时,澳大利亚的铁矿石和液化天然气行业也在中国需求的刺激下迅速发展。

    Colourful language aside , Peabody 's bid underscores the global appetite for Australian coal , just as the country 's iron ore and liquefied natural gas sectors are booming from China-fuelled demand .

  28. 我记得,在我们似乎感到安稳无忧的日子里,我们的老校长皮博迪博士说过:“生活中的事情并不总是一帆风顺的。

    I remember that my old schoolmaster , Dr. Peabody , said , in days that seemed to us then to be secure and untroubled : " Things in life will not always run smoothly .