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  • 网络Baidu map;Map;app
  1. 运用百度地图API接口实现信息可视化展示。

    Using the API interface of Baidu map to achieve the visualization display of information . 7 .

  2. 系统采用成熟的百度地图api接口显示地图信息,节约了开发成本,提高了效率。

    The system uses sophisticated Baidu map api interface to display map information , saving development costs and improve efficiency .

  3. 应用该模型分别在百度地图与GoogleEarth上实现了影像二维叠加以及三维航迹可视化模拟。图48幅,表4个,参考文献52篇。

    Application of the model , implement image superposition of two dimension and three dimension visualization simulation of track in baidu maps and Google earth , respectively .

  4. 乘客无需预约,即可通过百度地图或ApolloGo应用免费呼叫无人驾驶出租车。

    Passengers in Beijing can hail autonomous cabs free of charge via the Baidu Maps or Apollo Go apps without a reservation .

  5. 接着本文介绍了系统实现的关键技术:GPS模拟、Android权限问题、在百度地图上作业、应用程序安装部署等难点问题。

    Secondly , then the article describes the key technologies of the system : GPS simulation , the conversion of the address and geographic coordinates , Baidu map operations , application installation and deployment and other difficult problems .

  6. 许多中国用户经常使用百度地图搜索理想的旅行路线。

    Many Chinese users often search for an ideal travel route using Baidu Maps .

  7. 他还表示,它可能最终会成为百度地图的公共服务功能。

    It may eventually provide the function as a public service feature on Baidu Maps , according to Wu .

  8. 但是,百度地图能否赢得海外用户的青睐还仍然是个疑问。

    But whether or not Baidu Map can win the hearts of those who were born and raised outside China is still a question .

  9. 根据百度地图收集的大数据显示,北京的平均通勤距离为18.9公里,这会在路上耗时50分钟。

    According to big data collected by Baidu Maps , the average commute in Beijing is 18.9 kilometers and takes 50 minutes on the road .

  10. 扩大版本的百度地图可为游客规划出最佳路线,今后还将增加导航、预定当地餐厅等更多服务。

    The expanded Baidu service will allow tourists to plan the most appropriate routes , and more services are expected to be added such as navigation and booking local restaurants .

  11. 在中国已经拥有3亿用户的百度地图,接下来的国际化战略将使其与世界顶级地图服务产品谷歌地图形成直接竞争。

    The internationalization plan puts Baidu Map , which has more than 300 million monthly active users in China , in direct competition with the top global mapping service provider , Google Map .

  12. 为实现到2020年百度地图50%的用户来自海外的雄心壮志,搜索引擎巨头百度公司正加紧将其地图服务推广至海外市场。

    Search engine giant Baidu Inc is gearing up to take its mapping services beyond borders with an ambitious goal to have 50 % of its map users coming from outside of China by 2020 .

  13. 在2014年就开启海外战略的百度地图目前已经扩展到18个国家和地区,其中绝大部分集中在亚太地区,如日本、韩国、泰国和新加坡等。

    Baidu Map , which started to offer overseas services in 2014 , has already expanded to 18 countries and regions , mostly in Asia Pacific , such as Japan , South Korea , Thailand and Singapore .

  14. 百度的地图应用可以让用户约优步(Uber)平台上的车,预定餐厅或酒店,订餐,买电影票,还可以找到所在位置附近几乎所有类型的商铺。

    Baidu 's mapping app lets users order an Uber , reserve a restaurant or hotel , order in food , buy movie tickets and find just about any type of store nearby .

  15. 可以在百度或谷歌地图上搜索酒店位置图,然后将地图发送给受邀亲友,确保大家都清楚目的地。

    In Baidu or Google Maps search location of hotels , and then map send invited friends and relatives , ensure that everybody knows the destination .

  16. 咨询公司艾瑞咨询(iResearch)的数据显示,百度和阿里巴巴的地图各自拥有2亿左右的月活跃用户,而腾讯独立的地图应用仅有800万月活跃用户。

    Figures from iResearch , the consultancy , show that Baidu and Alibaba 's maps have around 200m monthly users each , whereas Tencent 's standalone map application has only 8m .

  17. 百度在今年早些时候启动了汽车研发项目。这是百度利用其地图服务,并收集有关中国道路行驶状况的数据的研发项目之一。

    Baidu started the car project earlier this year as one of several research and development projects designed to utilise its mapping service and gather data about Chinese road travel .

  18. 百度大数据实验室周二发布的研究报告指出,该算法使用了百度地图应用程序的数据,研究地图查询和用户在一个地区的数量。

    The algorithm uses data from Baidu 's map app , said a research report published by Baidu 's Big Data Lab Tuesday , studying the number of map queries and the number of users in an area .

  19. 百度公司于上周二正式宣布,将于2016年底前在全球150多个国家和地区推出百度地图,初步计划是满足中国1亿多出境旅客的导航需求。

    Baidu said on last Tuesday that it will launch Baidu Map in more than 150 countries and regions by the end of 2016 , with an initial plan to serve the navigation demands of China 's more than 100m outbound travelers .