
  • 网络The White Castle
  1. 有一天,他正闷闷不乐地坐在白色城堡时,发生了一件事,使他那绝望的心灵燃起了希望的火花。

    One day as he was sitting unhappy in the white castle , a thing occurred that kindled a spark of hope in his despairing mind .

  2. 请告诉我城里哪儿还有白色城堡?

    Please tell me there 's another white castle in town .

  3. 我看那个不太像是白色城堡。

    That does not look like a white castle to me .

  4. 永远结束我们去白色城堡的梦想。

    And end our hopes of ever going to white castle .

  5. 现在是午饭时间,他在白色城堡。

    It 's lunchtime . he 's at white castle .

  6. 你们昨晚一直在谈论白色城堡。

    You guys kept talking about White Castle last night so much .

  7. 这个位置曾经有一个白色城堡。

    There used to be a white castle right here in this location .

  8. 从这儿怎么到白色城堡吗?

    How to get to the White Castle in Cherry Hill from here ?

  9. 这家连锁店叫做白色城堡。

    This chain was called @ White Castle .

  10. 从冲突到混杂再到互换的文化身份&论《白色城堡》的象征性文化寓意

    Cultural Identity from Conflict to Hybridism to Exchange & A Symbolic Allegory about The White Castle

  11. 报警后,我们接着去白色城堡,对吧?

    After we talk to the cops , we 're still going to white castle , right ?

  12. 可以说第一快餐店起源于美利坚合众国与白色城堡于1916年。

    Arguably the first fast food restaurants originated in the United States of America with White Castle in1916 .

  13. 由于白色城堡耸立在高高的山上,其四面环山和湖泊。

    Because white castle towers aloft to go up in high hill , its all around annulus hill and laky .