
  • 网络White wax;Fraxinus chinensis;Fraxinus pennsylvanica;Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hance;white beeswax
  1. 永久收藏品有油画、雕刻品、银器、白腊制器、陶器、18-19世纪家俱以及地区当代艺术。

    Permanent collection of paintings , sculpture , silver , pewter , ceramics , 18-19c furniture and regional contemporary art .

  2. 奥德修斯为了不让手下的船员被诱惑而触礁,他让手下的海员以白腊封住双耳。

    Odysseus had to stop up the ears of his men with wax so they wouldn 't be lured onto the rocks by the Sirens'bewitching song .

  3. 肉夹馍是两种食物的绝妙组合----白吉馍和腊汁肉。

    Marinated meat and baked bun are the perfect combination .