
  • 网络White box;white-box;beige box
  1. 基于白箱测试的源代码在线评测系统

    Source Code Online Judge System Based on White Box Test

  2. 用系统论中的白箱模型描述物流外包决策的临界效应。

    The critical effect was described with a " white box " model of system theory .

  3. Boost的优势就在于白箱测试:由开发人员编写测试,对类和函数进行语义检查。

    Where Boost comes in so handy is in white box testing : As a developer , you code the tests that do the semantic checks for your classes and functions .

  4. 结果Mor依赖形成(对白箱的偏爱出现)后,纹状体和海马的DA、NE、5HT及中脑NE的含量均降低;

    Results Mor could significantly decrease the contents of NE , DA and 5 HT in the hippocampus and striatum , and that of NE in midbrain .

  5. 基于不确定度评定白箱模型的平面度认证

    Verification of flatness based on the transparent box model of uncertainty estimation

  6. 关于白箱和黑箱;

    " White box " and " black box ";

  7. 在白箱测试中,测试工程师能够访问内部数据结构和算法。

    In white-box testing , the test engineer has access to the internal data structures and algorithms .

  8. 浅谈司外揣内与黑箱、白箱、灰箱理论

    A Brief Talk on " Siwaichuainei " and " Black Box "; " White Box ", " Grey Box " Theories

  9. 通过使用白箱测试,常常很容易找到出错的地方,不必使用调试器。

    By using white box tests , it 's often easier to see what 's going wrong without having to use a debugger .

  10. 归纳了常用的功能测试方法:白箱测试、黑箱测试和灰箱测试,并说明了其不同的应用场合;

    Summaries general function verification approaches : white-box verification , black-box verification , and grey-box verification , and shows their different application situations ;

  11. 设计方法是产品设计的生命。文中阐述了白箱黑箱灰箱法的设计理论和这一设计理论在产品创新中的运用,通过具体实例说明这一设计理论的可行性。

    The paper elaborated how to apply the design method of white-black-gray box to innovation product that is feasible by illustration concrete examples in this paper .

  12. 通常情况下,一个单元测试在特殊环境下只测试一些特殊的方法,因此它将白箱测试分为更广泛的种类。

    Usually , a unit test exercises some particular method in a particular context , thus it falls in the broader category of white box testing .

  13. 软件测试是保证软件质量的主要问题之一,传统的软件测试方法主要有黑箱方法和白箱方法。

    Software test is one of the main questions for ensuring quality of software . Traditional techniques for this question include black box and white box methods .

  14. 核心内容包括了基于白箱测试的思想,通过对源代码进行静态分析,实现对代码的安全检查和对代码剽窃的自动检测。

    The core content is the implementation of code security and code plagiarism detect via static analysis of source codes based on the idea of white box test .

  15. 吗啡-刺激组在伏隔核刺激条件下完成条件性位置偏爱训练后,在白箱停留时间长于吗啡-假刺激组(P<0.01),表明电刺激伏隔核显著强化了大鼠的觅药行为。

    The average stay of morphine stimulation group was longer than that of morphine-fake stimulation group ( P < 0.01 ), indicating that the electrical simulation greatly enhanced the drug-seeking behaviors of rats .

  16. 利用白箱模型和特征参数流模型阐述方案的总体流程,分析了方案的特点及方案实现的关键技术。

    The overall process of the solution is described through the white-box model mixed with features parameters flow model , and the characteristics as well as the key technologies of the solution are analyzed .

  17. 在白箱条件下,软件的测试充分性可通过语句覆盖、判定覆盖、条件覆盖、判定/条件覆盖和路径覆盖等方法进行度量。

    In the condition of white-box , the adequacy of software testing can be measured by sentence coverage , distinguish coverage , condition coverage , distinguish / condition coverage , route coverage and so on .

  18. 对于单元设备的分析使用的是黑箱模型和白箱模型,黑箱模型只适用于对简单的设备或过程做出粗略的分析,但是,对于复杂的设备就要用到白箱分析模型。

    For the analysis of unit equipments , we use model of black box , which is only applicable for the simple equipments or processes and model of white box , which is more applicable for the complicated ones .

  19. 与抽象级别类似的是黑箱视图(不显示实现细节的较高级别)和白箱视图(显示事物工作方式的内部视图)。

    An analogy that applies to levels of abstraction is that of a black-box view ( a higher level that does not show implementation details ) and a white-box view ( an inside look at how things work ) .

  20. 结果吗啡-假刺激组训练后,在白箱内平均停留时间明显长于训练前和同期的正常对照组(P<0.01),吗啡诱导的心理依赖模型建立成功。

    Results : The average stay in the white case of morphine-fake stimulation group was longer than that before training and that of the saline control group at the same step ( P < 0.01 ), suggesting that the model of morphine-induced psychological dependence was successfully established .

  21. 该文简要介绍编程中常见的错误类型,通过黑箱测试法、白箱测试法、等价分类法、边界分析法和错误推测法对程序错误进行分析判断和定位。

    This paper discuss the mistake type common in programming , through black box testing , white box testing , methods of classification , methods of boundary ana lysis and methods of calculating mistakes to carry on analysis ' judging and posi tioning to the program mistake .

  22. 然后他拿出一个蓝白相间的冷藏箱,也把它放到车后面。

    Finally he removed a blue and-white ice chest and put that in the back as well .

  23. 好了,六箱加利西亚白葡萄酒,十二箱教皇干红,我下次去兰斯(法国东北部)给你寄一箱那种巧克力。

    Okay , so that 's six cases of Albario , 12 of the neuf-du-pape , and next time I 'm in Reims , I 'm sending you a box of those chocolates .