
  • 网络virus reactivation
  1. 环氧化酶-2抑制剂对Ⅰ型单纯疱疹病毒复活的抑制作用

    Inhibition of cyclooxygenase 2 synthesis suppresses Herpes simplex virus type 1 reactivation

  2. 这些发现促进了世界范围对海洋水体中控制病毒不复活因素的研究。

    These findings prompted worldwide research on factors controling the inactivation of viruses in marine waters .

  3. t病毒重新复活了他们的身体。

    The T-Virus reanimated their bodies .

  4. 这回不是指责疯牛病的时候,要说的是几个世纪以来称作口蹄疫的老病毒的复活。

    This time it 's not mad-cow disease that 's to blame , but the resurgence of a centuries-old virus called foot-and-mouth disease .

  5. 在两种有关的病毒之间出现的复活,是一种活性病毒与一非活性病毒之间发生了基因组重组的结果。

    Reactivation between 2 related viruses is the recombination of genome between an active virus and an inactivated virus .

  6. 在免疫功能正常的人群,约0.5%&20%的人群多瘤病毒可以间隙性复活进入复制循环。

    In 0.5 % to 20 % of immune-competent hosts , polyomaviruses can be periodically reactivated and reenter into a replicative cycle .