
  • 网络pathogenic microorganism;pathogenic microbes;pathogenic organisms
  1. 目的探讨病原微生物在慢性前列腺炎发病中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the effects of pathogenic organisms on chronic prostatitis .

  2. 昆虫抗菌肽对病原微生物作用的研究进展

    Advances in the research of the functions of insect antibacterial peptides against pathogenic organisms

  3. DNA生物传感器快速检测病原微生物的实验研究

    Experimental Studies on DNA Biosensors for Rapid Detection of Pathogenic Microorganisms

  4. 病原微生物DNA的超快速提取方法建立与应用

    Development and application of an ultra-fast DNA extraction method of pathogenic microorganism

  5. 用PCR检测慢性前列腺炎的病原微生物

    PCR detection of the pathogen microbes in prostatic fluid of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis

  6. 水环境中病原微生物PCR法检测原理及应用进展

    The principle and application progress of PCR technique about pathogenic microbes in water environment

  7. IL一2能增强机体免疫细胞对病原微生物的杀伤能力。

    IL-2 can strength the sterilization ability of immunocyte to pathogens .

  8. 该系统可直接检测基因组DNA并可广泛应用于病原微生物的临床检测。

    The system can be used for the direct detection of gene DNA as well as in the clinical detection of pathogenic microbes .

  9. 目的从临床诊断的SARS病人血清中分离病原微生物。

    Objective A microorganism pathogen was isolated from the serum of SARS patients .

  10. 研究目的:TORCH感染是孕妇宫内感染的常见病原微生物。

    TORCH is a group of pathogens which can lead to prenatal infection .

  11. 当外界的病原微生物或其它异物侵入机体,DC获取抗原,迁移至外周免疫器官中,在此过程中,DC获得成熟,主要表现为抗原摄取能力降低,而抗原递呈功能增强。

    During this process , DC have gained powerful capability of presenting antigen , with their ability of taking up antigens decreased .

  12. 目的:探讨不同病原微生物的急性感染对小儿发热起始时间(beginningtimeoffever,BTF)的影响。

    Objective : To explore the effects of acute infection from different microorganism on the beginning time of fever in children .

  13. 结论M-RAPD技术对不同种株病原微生物染色体DNA扩增时,能获取较丰富的遗传信息,可迅速、简便地鉴定不同种株的病原微生物。

    Conclusion M RAPD is a simple and rapid technique for the identification of different kinds of pathogenic microbials , and it can provide rich genetic information .

  14. 本文对PCR技术在食源性病原微生物检测中的研究与应用情况进行了综述。

    In this paper , the progress on researches and applications of PCR in the detection of food borne pathogenic microorganism were reviewed .

  15. 本文回顾了DNA疫苗的发展史,论述了DNA疫苗的免疫机理和在病原微生物中的防制现状,并探讨了其安全性及需要解决的问题。

    In this paper we had reviewed the phylogeny of DNA vaccine , detailed immunization and pretection in pathogeny of DNA vaccine , and discussed its security and problems .

  16. 病原微生物以细菌最常见,真菌、病毒次之;在易感因素中,粒细胞减少症及其持续时间、病人年龄、AL类型、住院时间长短及空气层流与感染有关。

    Agranulocytosis and its duration , patient 's age , type of AL , days of hospitalization and laminar air flow were most susceptible factors of infection .

  17. Toll样受体(Toll-Likereceptors,TLRs)是一类在机体识别、清除入侵病原微生物免疫过程中起重要作用的受体。

    Toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) are essential receptors in the host defense against invading pathogenic microorganism .

  18. 16Srdna序列分析法在国际船舶压载舱沉积物病原微生物检测中的应用

    Application of 16S rDNA Sequence Analysis Method in Pathogens Detection from Ballast Sediments of International Vessels

  19. 根据II级生物安全柜的防护性能,以及不同级别的病原微生物实验室的实际工作,提出了选择II级生物安全柜的基本原则。

    The primary principle of selection of II class biosafety cabinets is based on protection capability , research program and detection program of microbiology laboratories or medical laboratories .

  20. 此外,制剂加工方法的改进,病原微生物与昆虫制品的综合利用,特别是转基因技术和DNA重组技术在菌株改良上的应用成为真菌除草剂的热点研究方向。

    In addition , the improvement of formulation , comprehensive utilization of pathogenic microbes and insect agents , especially strain improving by transgenic technology and DNA recombination technology have become hot research directions .

  21. 系统获得性抗性(SAR)是植物防御病原微生物侵染的一条有效途径,利用基因工程技术改造其表达特性可以提高植物的抗病性。

    Systemic acquired disease resistance ( SAR ), a major effective way against many types of pathogens , can be manipulated through genetic engineering to improve plant disease resistance .

  22. 目的:比较荧光杂交定量PCR和ELISA法进行产前TORCH筛查的差异,探讨病原微生物拷贝数在临床诊治中的作用。

    Objective : In order to know the clinical value of microorganism DNA copy the difference of prenatal TORCH screening was compared between fluorescent hybridization quantitative PCR and ELISA .

  23. Toll样受体,作为重要的模式识别受体,能通过识别不同的病原微生物,活化特异的信号通路,起始细胞因子的表达。

    Toll-like receptors , serve as pattern recognition receptors ( PRRs ), activate specific signaling pathways that initiate the production of cytokines through recognizing different microbial components .

  24. 防御素(defensins)是生物体在抵御病原微生物的防御过程中产生的一类重要的抗菌肽类物质。

    Defensins was an important antimicrobial peptides generated by the organism during the defense reaction .

  25. 随着生物技术的发展及微生物污染的严重化,利用SERS技术检测病原微生物的研究也越来越多。

    With the development of biotechnology and microbial contamination , detection and discrimination of pathogenic microorganisms using SERS is also increasing .

  26. 结果183例标本中检出STD病原微生物感染144例,检出率78.7%,其中化脓菌感染29例,阳性率33.3%(29/87)。病原体中以支原体居第1位,占45.9%;

    Results In 144 specimens taken from 183 cases after screening STD pathogenic microorganisms were detected with a positive rate of 33.3 % ( 29 / 87 );

  27. 已经证明,Mip蛋白是一些动物病原微生物(例如嗜肺军团菌、沙眼衣原体、淋球菌等)的重要致病因子。

    Mip proteins have been identified as important virulence factor in several animal pathogens such as Legionella pneumophila , Chlamydia trachomatis , Neisseria gonorrhoeae .

  28. 针对HPV病毒的检测难题,设计一种将荧光偏振技术用于病原微生物检测和基因分析的荧光偏振自动检测系统。

    Considering the difficulties of HPV detection , an automatic detection system is designed with fluorescence polarization technology , which is used in pathogenic germs detections and gene analyses .

  29. 基因芯片技术最早用于监控基因表达和DNA序列特异性的点突变,目前较多地应用于环境和临床中的病原微生物检测鉴定。

    While DNA microarray are genomic tools originally developed to monitor gene expression , also applied for the detection of specific mutations in DNA sequences , and lately employed in the parallel detection and identification of microorganisms in environmental or clinical samples .

  30. 分泌性IgA的参与也是防御机制之一,IgA抗体通过阻止病原微生物的入侵和定植并竞争受体和代谢底物。

    One of these mechanisms is the secretory immune system through IgA antibodies . IgA prevents the invasion and colonization of pathogenic microorganisms and competes for receptors and metabolic substrates .