
yì miáo jiē zhònɡ
  • Vaccination;vaccine inoculation
  1. 方法统计分析沂蒙山区1997~2003年HFRS疫情资料。人群血清流行病学调查,HFRS疫苗接种效果观察。

    [ Methods ] Statistic analysis was made on the epidemic data of 1997 ~ 2003.Epidemiological survey was done , and the effect of HFRS vaccine inoculation was observed .

  2. 母源性抗-HBs对婴儿乙型肝炎疫苗接种效果的影响

    Effects of Anti-HBs Maternal Antibody on Hepatitis B Vaccine Inoculation in Infants

  3. 这个部门正在审度其有关疫苗接种的政策。

    The department is reviewing its policy with regard to immunisation .

  4. 可以采取疫苗接种和其他预防措施。

    Vaccination and other prophylactic measures can be carried out .

  5. 在疫苗接种率高且接种全面的国家,所有人都受到了保护。

    When vaccination rates are very high , as they still are in the nation as a whole , everyone is protected .

  6. 甲、乙肝疫苗接种的条件?

    The condition with vaccinal vaccine of liver of armour , second ?

  7. 目的:将能表达抗原的DNA作为疫苗接种。

    OBJECTIVE : DNA with expressing antigen was used as vaccine .

  8. 鸡毒支原体F株弱毒疫苗接种剂量与免疫保护力的关系

    Correlation between Inoculation dose of Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Live Vaccine and Immunoprotection

  9. 新城疫病毒F基因疫苗接种剂量的研究

    Study on the Dose of NDV F Gene Vaccine

  10. BALB/c小鼠多疫苗接种的安全性和有效性研究

    Study on the safety and effectiveness of multiple vaccines to BALB / c mice

  11. DNA疫苗接种后,机体细胞摄取DNA,并在细胞中表达所编码的抗原。

    DNA vaccines are typically comprised of plasmid DNA molecules that encode an antigen ( s ) derived from a pathogen or tumor cell .

  12. 目的探讨Aβ1-15亚单位疫苗接种对AD转基因模型鼠学习记忆能力的影响。

    Objective To explore the effects of A β 1-15 peptide vaccine on learning and memory ability of transgenic model mice .

  13. 这种疫苗接种可以降低HPV相关性外阴和阴道癌的发生率。

    With time , such vaccination could result in reduced rates of HPV-related vulval and vaginal cancers .

  14. 免疫原性测定结果表明,用各代次疫苗接种鸡都能产生良好的免疫力,能有效地抵抗强毒R株的攻击,保护气囊不受损伤。

    All of the chickens which inoculated with various generation vaccines could produce good immunity to against virulent MG R strain challenges for protecting air sac lesions .

  15. 因此,在这个前瞻性双盲研究中,研究人员希望知道,是否值得等待到患者进行ART治疗、病毒载量受到抑制后再进行疫苗接种。

    Therefore , in this prospective double-blind study , the researchers looked to see if it is worth waiting to vaccinate until after patients have been on ART and their viral loads are suppressed .

  16. 然而,联合国粮农组织去年修改了其自导原则,开始支持疫苗接种。(参见联合国支持更广泛使用禽流感疫苗(UNtosupportwideruseofbirdfluvaccine))。

    However , the UN Food and Agricultural Organization revised its guidelines last year in support of vaccination ( see UN to support wider use of bird flu vaccine ) .

  17. [目的]探讨铝佐剂AB42及其C端亚单位肽Aβ36-42疫苗接种大鼠能否产生特异性抗Aβ42抗体。

    [ Objective ] To study whether inoculating A β 42 or its C terminal fragment A β 36-42 vaccine with aluminum adjuvant can induce rats to produce specific antibody against A β 42 or not .

  18. 目的:研究特异性T细胞疫苗接种联合环孢素A(CsA)对大鼠肝移植排斥反应的抑制作用。

    Objective : To investigate the anti rejection effect of T cell vaccination combine with CsA of rat liver transplantation .

  19. 目的探讨Aβ42及其C端亚单位肽疫苗接种正常成年SD大鼠后能否产生高滴度的抗Aβ42抗体。

    Objective To study whether inoculating complete or C terminal fragment of A β 42 vaccine could induce normal rats to produce high titer of antibody against A β 42 or not .

  20. 在随后诊断为HIV-1感染的受试者中,疫苗接种对病毒血症程度及CD4+T细胞数量未显示出作用。

    Vaccination did not affect the degree of viremia or the CD4 + T-cell count in subjects in whom HIV-1 infection was subsequently diagnosed .

  21. 在无甲肝疫苗接种史的人群中,抗-HAvIgG阳性率随年龄而上升,20岁以上人群的阳性率几乎都在90%以上。

    In the population without the vaccination , anti-HAV IgG positive rate increased with age . The positive rate of the population above 20 years old almost exceeded 90 % .

  22. 结论:HFRSⅡ型灭活疫苗接种4年内,预防效果良好;接种人群未出现免疫增强反应病例。

    Conclusion : The preventive effect of type ⅱ inactivated vaccine against HFRS was good and the immune enhancement cases were not found in four years after immunization .

  23. 其中乙肝疫苗接种者的HBsAg阳性率、抗-HBc阳性率及HBV感染率分别为1.80%、15.54%、17.34%,显著低于未接种者(P<0.01);

    The positive rates of HBsAg , anti-HBc and HBV ( 1.80 % , 15.54 % , and 17.34 % ) in vaccinees were significantly lower than those among the non-vaccinees ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 提出一种基于对等网(P2P)技术的免疫网络入侵检测方法,建构了一个P2P免疫网络,定义自体/非自体,实现了免疫学习、疫苗接种等过程。

    A method of intrusion detection based on P2P technology and immune computing is put forward , P2P immune network is established , self / nonself and bacterin are defined , immune compute and bacterin inoculation is realized .

  25. [方法]按容量比例概率抽样(PPS)法,调查630名2001年1月1日至2003年12月31日出生儿童的四苗及乙肝疫苗接种情况。

    [ Methods ] We investigated 630 children bored from January 1 in 2001 to December 31 in 2003 to understand EPI and hepatitis B vaccine coverage rate according to pps .

  26. 目的掌握云南省儿童乙型肝炎(乙肝)疫苗接种率及乙肝病毒(HBV)感染状况,为乙肝疫苗纳入儿童计划免疫管理提供本底资料。

    [ Objective ] To study the inoculation rate of hepatitis B vaccine and the infection of hepatitis B among children in Yunnan Province , and to provide basic data for the enrollment of hepatitis B vaccination into planned vaccinations for children .

  27. 应GACVS要求,会议介绍了有关1976年猪流感A型病毒(H1N1)暴发和美国当时启动的疫苗接种工作的历史经验。

    At its request , GACVS was presented with historical experience from the1976 swine influenza A ( H1N1 ) outbreak and vaccination efforts initiated at the time in the United States .

  28. 本文采用ELISA法检测无疫苗接种史502例航管人群乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染标志物,其中102例检测IgG、IgA、IgM。

    ELISA method was applied to test markers of hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) among 502 air traffic control personnel who had no histories of injection hepatitis B vaccine from plasma , and 102 persons were tested IgG 、 IgA 、 IgM .

  29. 委员会审议了亚急性硬化性全脑炎(SSPE)的流行病学资料以及发生该病与麻疹疫苗接种有关的传闻。

    The Committee reviewed the epidemiology of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis ( SSPE ) and the purported relationship between measles immunization and the occurrence of SSPE .

  30. 方法采用组群随机试验方法确定试验组和对照组所需样本量,并组织实施大规模疫苗接种,在试验组接种伤寒Vi疫苗、对照组接种流脑疫苗。

    Methods Simple size calculation of cluster-randomized trial was used to determine the sample size of the two groups and a vaccination campaign was conducted . The study group was given typhoid Vi vaccine and the control group was given meningococcal A vaccine .