
  1. 而后,画家对疏密二体在理论和创作实践上作了进一步的生发。

    Then , the painter of the " density " two-style theory and creative practice was further hair growth .

  2. 可以说,不管是从学理层面还是从绘画创作层面,疏密二体均有重要的研究价值。

    Whatever may be said that from a theoretical level or levels from the painting , " density " Two styles have important research value .

  3. 而追溯中国画的发展历程,则可以看出疏密二体具有深远的渊源和清晰的发展路线。

    To trace the course of development of Chinese painting , you can see the " density " of the origin of the second style has far-reaching and clear development path .