
jiè xiàn
  • limit;boundary;bounds;range;divide;confine;demarcation line;dividing line;cut-off;pale;compass
界限 [jiè xiàn]
  • (1) [boundary]∶[领土或运动场]边界;分界线

  • (2) [dividing line]∶事物之间的分界

  • 划清界线

  • (3) [limit]∶限度;止境

  • (4) [divide]∶分隔;划分

  • 长江天堑,界限南北

界限[jiè xiàn]
  1. 隐性采访的合法界限

    Legal Demarcation Line of Secret Interview

  2. 椭球与周围淋巴组织之间界限明显,其间的强嗜酸性物质主要由纤维构成;

    The demarcation line between ellipsoids and peripheral lymphatic tissue is obvious , and the acidophilic matter is mainly made up of fiber .

  3. 我们要超越种族、性别和宗教的界限。

    We want to cut across lines of race , sex and religion .

  4. 在工作和闲暇之间很难划出明确的界限。

    It was hard to draw clear lines of demarcation between work and leisure .

  5. 是非之间没有明确的界限。

    There is no clear dividing line between what is good and what is bad .

  6. 是非界限是所有道德问题的核心。

    The distinction between right and wrong lies at the heart of all questions of morality .

  7. 科学事实和科幻小说之间的界限变得有点儿模糊了。

    The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy .

  8. 他们标出了我们视觉经验领域的界限。

    They marked out the boundaries of our visual universe

  9. 正面人物与反面人物之间界限分明。

    There was a fine line between the good guys and the bad guys .

  10. 父母担心他们可能会逾越这些无形的界限。

    Parents fear they might overstep these invisible boundaries

  11. 考虑到你已经与这个男人划清了界限,你的反应有一点儿过头。

    Considering that you are no longer involved with this man , your response is a little extreme .

  12. 在这个界限内可任便。

    Within the limitation you are free to do as you choose .

  13. 你必须和他划清界限。

    You must make a clean break with him .

  14. 敌是敌,友是友,必须分清界限。

    A friend is a friend ; a foe is a foe ; one must be clearly distinguished from the other .

  15. 在地球的重力场中,负的能量相应于有界限运动,正的能量相应于无界限运动。

    In the gravitational field of the earth , negative energy corresponds to bounded motion and positive energy to unbounded motion .

  16. 生活在今天,我们特别感激麦卡德尔、卡欣、霍斯、威尔金斯和马克斯韦尔以及其他将美国时尚从巴黎设计的界限中解放出来的女性。

    We live today indebted to McCardell , Cashin , Hawes , Wilkins , and Maxwell , and other women who liberated American fashion from the confines of Parisian design .

  17. 这就需要进行更广泛的超越政府机构和科学团体界限的,将学生、业余爱好者以及任何可能受到使用立方体卫星技术影响的人都包括在内的公共对话。

    Here 's where there needs to be a much wider public conversation that extends beyond government agencies and scientific communities to include students , hobbyists , and anyone who may potentially stand to be affected by the use of CubeSat technology .

  18. 并不是全部民意都与种族界限有关。

    Not all public opinion has fallen along racial lines .

  19. 一旦你有了优秀的对手,制定一些基本规则,这样每个人都能理解责任和界限。

    Once you have worthy opponents , set some ground rules so everyone understands responsibilities and boundaries .

  20. 所有的调查都发现,人们对于名字的混淆往往存在于某种关系群体中,如孙子辈的孩子们、朋友和兄弟姐妹,但是很少跨越这些界限。

    All the surveys found that people mixed up names within relationship groups such as grandchildren , friends and siblings but hardly ever crossed these boundaries .

  21. 但是,阿德霍尔德的信没有让这些家庭联合起来,相反他的信揭示了这个有着9,700名学生的学区歧基本以种族界限为边界。

    But instead of bringing families together , Aderhold 's letter revealed a divide in the district , which has 9,700 students , and one that broke down roughly along racial lines .

  22. 然而,对于个人而言,两种类别的界限并不是十分明显。

    For any individual , of course , the boundaries of these two classes are not stable .

  23. Workweekcreep(译为“公私不分”)有两种意思:其一,表示随时随地通过智能手机和电脑与别人联系导致工作和私人生活的界限完全被打乱;

    Workweek creep means : 1 ) Constant connectivity via your smartphone and computer blurs1 the boundaries between your work life and your personal life .

  24. 实际上并没有一个明显的界限将半导体和绝缘体分开。

    There is no sharp line separating conductors from insulators .

  25. 他们会对自己的网络行为设定界限,会避免每天换头像或者随时把个人想法分享到微博等平台等这样的行为。

    They limit their online activities . They avoid habits like changing their profile3 picture daily and putting every thought they have on Twitter / Weibo .

  26. 英国董事学会认为,划清工作和家庭生活之间的界限变得越来越难,而且如果不能在个人时间内放下工作,那么人们就有可能面临更多的压力及工作效率的降低。

    The Institute of Directors agreed that it was becoming hard to draw the line between work and home life and that if people were unable to switch off , it would mean more stress and a reduction in productivity .

  27. CT增强扫描肾髓质密度增高,肾小盏界限模糊。

    On enhanced CT scanning the density of renal medulla increased , the margin of renal calyces became indistinct .

  28. 目的探讨老年和老年前期心电图P波终末向量(PTFV1)正常界限值及临床机理。

    Objective To study the critical value of P wave terminal force ( PTFV 1 ) in elderly and pre elderly and its clinical mechanism .

  29. 据上述结果,界限日硒摄入量应在750~850μg范围内。

    Above results indicate the maximum safe margin of daily Se intake should be at a range of 750-850 μ g.

  30. 由Weibull子系统数据综合的系统可靠度的置信下界限

    Confidence lower limits of the system reliability of Weibull subsystems