- turbulence

The Contribution of Plasma Turbulence Fields to the Stark Broadening Functions
The creation mechanism and formation condition of interfacial turbulence were introduced , and four different situations of Ra and Ma number were analyzed respectively .
The effects of turbulent plasma scattering on the X-ray spectra of celestial bodies
Based on plasma turbulent wave dynamo equation ( p - ω dynamo equation ) and using spherical polar coordinates , a set of scalar dynamo equation is obtained .
The main difference is that the velocity of CMC solution is weakened because of high viscosity .
Turbulence stochastic heating of corona by Alfven waves
The result shows that the pseudo turbulence level is directly proportional to the void fraction and approaches the potential formula result with increasing particle Reynolds numbers .
Estimates of dissipation rates of thermal variance and turbulent kinetic energy are made by scaling temperature gradient spectra in the inertial-convective subrange from well-resolved measurements on the equatorial ocean mooring .
But at the temperature of 100 ℃ and CO_2 pressure of 1.488 MPa , the corrosion product film forms easily , mesa attack corrosion occurs under action of mechanical forces of the turbulent flow .
Small-scale turbulent spectrum cascade and nonlinear stability theory of equatorial spread f & (ⅰ)
Fluidized bed reactor simulation . A turbulent fluidized bed reactor model was developed for the MTO process , which included two parts .
Moreover , Langmuir wave accelerates thermal electrons . A thermal electron with v ≈ 24 v_ ( Te ) can be accelerated to 6 MeV and it seems that the acceleration of the electrons caused by Langmuir turbulence is efficient .
Starting from the theory of weakly turbulent plasma , we have derived from the Vlasov equation the evolution of maser generated resonance waves .
Marangoni convection , which is a kind of interfacial turbulence , is induced and maintained by the surface tension gradient on the interface .
The eddy viscosity of subgrid-scale stress in LES model was modified in order to improve the description of turbulence near the wall , and the present results was close to those of DNS .
The velocity , turbulent intensity , and Reynolds stress of the liquid was measured with LDV , while the hold up , velocity of gas were measured with PIV .
A closed PDF equation for particles was developed by using a generalized Fokker-Planck diffusion model for particle entrainment into liquid turbulence eddies and a modified BGK model for particle collisions .
A Monte-Carlo method is used to simulate the turbulent electrostatic field with space correlation . Evolution processes of relative and absolute diffusions of charged particles in this turbulent field can be obtained by integrating equations of motion of the particles .
Marangoni effect , also called convection driven by surface tension , is a kind of interfacial turbulence which is induced by surface tension gradient happening in the interface during the transport .
The micro-and macro-turbulence approximation can be safely used when the correlation length is less than 40 km , and it has no great influence on the model calculations .
Fitting the data calculated by Colebrook equation with the above method , a new explicit equation for calculating the friction factor for the turbulent flow in pipes was obtained .
On the other hand , the feedback with 0 o or 180 o or - 90 o phase shift can enhance the amplitude of the edge turbulence .
And it has been shown that by considering the combined acceleration by Langmuir turbulence and a regular electric field , the spectra of energetic protons and the power-law spectra of energetic electrons , which are coincided with the observed data in a fair way , can be obtained .
Methanol to olefins ( MTO ) is an important coal chemical process . In this paper , modeling and simulation of the turbulent fluidized bed reactor applied to MTO process were carried out . The works include the following three parts : 1 .
The friction factor for the turbulent flow in pipes is the binary nonlinear function of Reynolds number and relative roughness . Calculating friction factor by implicit Colebrook equation have to use iterative algorithm , which is discommodious .
By using pressure probes and optical fiber probes , the upper and lower limit of gas velocity and the criteria of discrimination of the turbulent flow regime have been investigated in fluidized beds of 114 mm and 244 mm i.d.
Investigation on the transition from bubbling to turbulent fluidization based on computer analysis of the pressure fluctuation was conducted in gas-solid fluidized beds with different diameters ( 457 , 139 , 280 and 475mm ) .
When the gravity waves propagate in the dust plasma with stratified electron density , it can be reflected and lead to energy focusing which may cause turbulence . The irregularity of the electron created by the turbulence could be the mechanism of PMSEs above the polar region .
The Measurement of the Mass Transfer Coefficient in Turbulent Fluidized Bed
Optical observation of structure of interfacial turbulence in mass transfer processes