
nán yǎn yuán
  • actor
男演员[nán yǎn yuán]
  1. 他获得了最佳男演员的提名。

    He was nominated best actor .

  2. 那个男演员的名字我一时想不起来了。

    It was an actor whose name escapes me for the moment

  3. 男演员托举着女芭蕾舞演员,她们在上面抬臂摆出造型。

    The men support the ballerinas , who pose with their uplifted arms .

  4. 她对男演员们着了迷。

    She went into ecstasies over actors .

  5. 我们得找一名能真正入戏的男演员,而且他还得能让观众跟上复杂的剧情中。

    We had to have an actor who could generate real empathy . Plus he had to carry the audience through a lot of plot .

  6. 两名男演员在万丈悬崖上打斗的场面给我留下了深刻印象。

    The scene in which two actors fought on an abysmal cliff gave me a deep impression .

  7. 她向那位漂亮的男演员暗送秋波。

    She made eyes at the handsome actor .

  8. 男演员们穿着维多利亚时代的服装。

    The actors were in Victorain costumes .

  9. 以其粗犷美而出名的男演员

    An actor famous for his rugged good looks

  10. 这位退休男演员在写回忆录。

    The retired actor is writing his memoirs .

  11. 年轻的男演员在这出新戏里被分派担任一个小角色。

    The young actor was given a minor part in the new play .

  12. 这男演员演得很好。

    The actor plays very well .

  13. 第二个男演员演得好。

    The second actor plays well .

  14. 这位男演员的新影片下个月公开发行。besupposedto被认为,据说,应该

    The actor 's new film will be released next month .

  15. 我最喜欢的男演员是PaulWesley。

    My favorite male cast member was Paul Wesley .

  16. 乔弗瑞·拉什凭借《彼得-塞勒斯的生与死》(THELIFEANDDEATHOFPETERSELLERS)获得最佳电视电影男演员奖。

    Geoffrey Rush of " The Life and Death of Peter Sellers " accepted the award for best actor in a mini-series or television movie .

  17. 迷你剧集/电影类最佳男演员:考特尼•B•万斯(CourtneyBVance),《美国罪案故事:公诉辛普森》(ThePeoplev.O.J.Simpson:AmericanCrimeStory)

    Actor in a Mini-Series or Movie : Courtney B. Vance , " The People v. O. J. Simpson : American Crime Story "

  18. 喜剧类最佳男演员:杰佛里•塔博(JeffreyTambor),《透明家庭》(Transparent)

    Actor in a Comedy Series : Jeffrey Tambor , " Transparent "

  19. 《速度与激情6》帮助其另外两位男演员在我们榜单中获得较高的排名:范·迪塞尔(VinDiesel)和已故的保罗·沃克(PaulWalker)。

    Fast Furious 6 helped place two other actors high on our list : Vin Diesel and the late Paul Walker .

  20. 本周,在面向独立影片的哥谭奖(GothamAwards)上,基顿也收获了最佳男演员奖。

    Keaton also won best actor this week at the Gotham Awards , for independent films .

  21. 基顿获得最佳喜剧男演员提名,片中演员艾玛·斯通(EmmaStone)和爱德华·诺顿(EdwardNorton)分获最佳男女配角提名。

    Mr. Keaton received a best comedic actor nomination , and Emma Stone and Edward Norton were recognized for their supporting work .

  22. 知情人士向《人物》杂志证实,38岁的《魔力麦克》男演员正在和歌手JessieJ交往。

    The Magic Mike actor , 38 , is dating singer Jessie J , a source confirms to PEOPLE .

  23. 艾美奖男演员JamesGandolfini在罗格斯大学学的是交流专业。

    James Gandolfini , Emmy award-winning actor , majored in communications at Rutgers .

  24. 还有讽刺男子气概的配图——男演员大卫•哈塞尔霍夫(DavidHasselhoff)竖起大拇指。

    along with an ironic depiction of masculinity in the form of actor David Hasselhoff giving a thumbs-up .

  25. 凯拉·奈特利之前和男演员鲁伯特·弗兰德(RupertFriend)交往几年,分手后,去年2月经由电视出品人艾莉克莎·陈(AlexaChung)介绍认识现男友詹姆斯·莱顿。

    The London-born star , 27 , started dating the 28-year-old keyboard player last year after being introduced by mutual friend Alexa Chung .

  26. Gaga和这位出演了《吸血鬼日记》的男演员于2011年9月开始约会,当时她雇他参演了她的MV《YouAndI》。

    The singer started dating the Vampire Diaries actor in September 2011 when she recruited him to star in the music video for You And I.

  27. 但是像男演员BradPitt这样的肌肉适度和身材匀称的男人却使女人倾倒。

    But a moderately muscular guy like actor Brad Pitt , who is also blessed with symmetrical features , is a hit with the ladies .

  28. 《神探夏洛克》男演员MartinFreeman今年将会过一个相当古典的夏天。他已经确定会在伦敦上演的莎士比亚的戏剧《理查三世》中扮演主角理查三世。

    Sherlock star Martin Freeman is going classical for his summer . The actor will play the title role in William Shakespeare 's play Richard III in London .

  29. CW的青少年剧集总是如此,大多数男演员都能上AbercrombieFitch的

    As is almost always the case in the CWs teen dramas , most of the actors are worthy of the Abercrombie Fitch catalogue

  30. 英国男演员罗温·艾金森(RowanAtkinson)在中国也是一位大明星,他创造了“憨豆先生”这位令人捧腹的幽默角色。

    Rowan Atkinson , the British actor who created the humorous character , is quite a star among Chinese audiences .