
  • 网络Electromagnetic torque;Tem;N.m
  1. 异步电动机定子磁链与电磁转矩的逆系统解耦控制方法

    Stator Flux and Torque Decoupling Control of Induction Motor Using Inverse System Method

  2. 外回路根据机组的运动方程采用自适应最优模糊控制,给出发电机电磁转矩设定值,实现参考转速的渐进跟踪。

    In the outer loop , adaptive optimal fuzzy system is presented based on the motion equation of wind turbine and generator . This method is shown to be able to present generator torque reference and achieve smooth and asymptotic rotor speed reference tracking .

  3. 介绍了三相异步电动机的直轴和交轴模型的建立方法,并利用MATLAB语言对两种模型进行仿真,仿真数据包括定子电流、电磁转矩以及转速。

    Introduces a constituting method for A-axis and D-axis models of three-phase asynchronous motor . Simulating for those two models by MATLAB language .

  4. 计算在磁动势平衡时对应的K值,推导和分析了六相感应电机电磁转矩方程。

    The value of K is calculated of the MMF balanced constant . An equation for the electromagnetic torque is derived and used in the theoretical calculations .

  5. 仿真结果表明,相同占空比下,采用单斩PWM调制方式对产生电磁转矩有利。

    The simulation results indicate that single-chop PWM method is more effective than the double-chop PWM method for the production of the electromagnetic torque .

  6. 理论分析证明稳态时,电磁转矩和电流的比值波动方向与定子电阻变化方向相反,由此可以采用PI调节器来进行电阻预测。

    It proves that the proportion of the electromagnetic torque and stator currents has the opposite variation direction with the stator resistance variation direction .

  7. 基于PCC的纸机异步电机模糊控制系统转速小振荡时感应电动机的电磁转矩

    Fuzzy controller based on PCC for induction motor driven by frequency converter used in paper machine

  8. 从永磁无刷直流电机的驱动过程讨论,分析了永磁无刷直流电机中几种比较常见的PWM调制方案对电磁转矩脉动的影响效果。

    For brushless dc motor drive mode , analysis of brushless dc motor the commonly used several kinds PWM modulation method for the influence of electromagnetic torque ripple .

  9. 通过对一般化感应电机数学模型的分析,提出一种改进的电机模型,该模型使转子电流ir与转差率S呈线性变化,实现了电磁转矩和转速之间的线性关系。

    A improved motor model is proposed by analyzing general inductive motor mathematics model . The model makes rotor current is linear with slip ratio and realizes linear relation between electromagnetism torque and rotation rate .

  10. 另外,出于实际考虑,建议扭振控制转矩以发电机电磁转矩分量的形式实现,而将慢变的机械转矩看作干扰,提出了抑制其影响的H∞性能指标。

    Moreover , for practical consideration , it is suggested that the controlling torque should be implemented as the component of the generator electromagnetic torque , while the slow dynamic behavor of the mechanical torque is considered as a kind of disturbance .

  11. 利用Hilbert-Huang变换中经验模态分解(EMD)方法对启动电磁转矩信号进行了分解,得到若干本征模态函数(IMF)。

    The startup electromagnetic torque signal is decomposed into several intrinsic mode function ( IMF ) with empirical mode decomposition ( EMD ) based on the Hilbert - Huang Transformation .

  12. 首先,在电力系统线性化模型的基础上,分析了安装FACTS装置前后发电机的电磁转矩的变化,从阻尼转矩分析的角度说明了抑制功率振荡的原理。

    Firstly , the change of generator electromechanical torque after installation of FACTS is analyzed on the basis of power system Phillips-Heffron model . The reason of suppressing the power oscillation is explained from the viewpoint of damping torque analysis .

  13. 结合定子电压空间矢量细分方法,可减少电磁转矩的脉动,实现了LPV直接转矩控制。

    The LPV direct torque control used a method of stator voltage space vectors subdivision to decrease the torque pulsation .

  14. 在VB6.0软件下,采取4阶Runge-Kutta法求解状态方程,并进行了实例仿真,说明了恒负载转矩下电机输出的电磁转矩和转速变化情况。

    Then used VB6.0 software and four-step Runge-Kutta method to solve the equations of an example , and discussed the output variations of electromagnetic torque and rotational speed .

  15. 通过推导统一潮流控制器(UPFC)稳定控制器的状态方程,分析了UPFC稳定控制器对同步发电机电磁转矩的影响。

    By analyzing the state equations of unified power flow controller ( UPFC ) stabilizer , the influence of UPFC stabilizer on electromagnetic torque of synchronous generator is presented .

  16. 若采用转矩及磁链滞环型直接转矩控制(基本DTC)策略电机电磁转矩及定子磁链脉动较大。

    Therefore the torque and stator flux linkage ripples are high in the direct torque control ( DTC ) drive of ESM with torque and flux linkage hysteresis controller ( basic DTC ) .

  17. 为减少转矩脉动,系统设计采用了基于SVPWM的永磁同步电机直接转矩控制技术,实现对目标定子磁链矢量的准确调制和电磁转矩平滑控制。

    To reduce the torque ripple , the DTC controlling system was designed using SVPWM technology , developed from vector control , to modulate the stator flux correctly and control the output torque smoothly .

  18. 以给定转速和实际转速作为输入信号,给定电磁转矩作为输出信号,设计了ADRC速度调节器,提高系统的抗干扰能力。

    The ADRC speed regulator is designed with the given speed and real speed as inputs and the given electromagnetic torque as output to improve the anti-interference ability of system .

  19. 针对无刷直流电机的单斩PWM的4种调制方式,建立了换向过程中电机相电流及电磁转矩的数学模型,研究了换向转矩脉动与PWM调制方式的关系。

    Based on four single chop PWM modes used in BLDCM ( brushless DC motor ) control system , the mathematic models of phase current and electromagnetic torque in course of commutation are derived . The relation between commutation torque ripples and PWM modes are discussed .

  20. 电源电压从0~100V变化时,电动机的电磁转矩逐渐增大,但增大率逐渐降低。

    When the voltage of power source changes from 0 to 100V , the electromagnetic moment of motor gradually increases , but its increasing rate decreases gradually .

  21. 当感应电机转子发生断条故障时,转子绕组的不对称将会使电磁转矩中引入2s同步速的脉动转矩(s为转差率)。

    Researches show the asymmetry of the rotor caused by broken bar fault will give rise to the appearance of additional frequency component of 2sfs ( s is slip and fs is supply frequency ) in the electromagnetic torque spectrum .

  22. 深入分析了直接转矩控制的基本思想,对基于Bang-Bang滞环控制的传统方式进行了研究,分析了空间电压矢量对定子磁链和电磁转矩的影响。

    After that , the theory of DTC is studied deeply and traditional control system based on Bang-Bang mode is researched . The effects of space voltage vectors towards to stator flux and electromagnetic torque are also analyzed .

  23. 实例计算和分析了一台30kW的三相感应电动机在转速小振荡时的电磁转矩,并得到了一些有用的结论。

    Finally , the electromagnetic torque of a 30 kW induction motor during hunting is calculated and analyzed , and some useful conclusions are obtained .

  24. 当电源电压增至72V以后,电动机的电磁转矩增大率降至很小。

    After the voltage of power source increases to 72V , the increasing rate of the electromagnetic moment of motor is very small .

  25. 仿真结果表明,与u-n模型比,提高了定子磁链与电磁转矩的精确度,可以实现高、低速的快速平滑切换,取得了较好的动、静态性能。

    Simulation shows that the system takes on a preferable performance of the static and dynamic state , realizes quick and smooth switch from low-speed to high-speed , and enhances the precision of the stator flux and the torque in their observatory .

  26. 突加负载时感应电动机的电磁转矩

    The Electromagnetic Torque of Induction Motor under Abrupt Change of Load

  27. 异步电机电磁转矩微机在线测试系统设计

    The Microcomputer System of On-line Measurement of Torque for Induction Machines

  28. 旋转电机电磁转矩的数值计算方法

    A Numerical Method for Calculating Electromagnetic Torque of Rotating Electrical Machines

  29. 旋转电机电磁转矩统一性的分析

    An Analysis on Unity of Electromagnetic Torque of Rotating Electrical Machinery

  30. 节能型直接电磁转矩负载的交流调速系统研究(英文)

    A Study of Energy-Saving AC Speed-Governing System with Electromagnetic Load ;