
  • 网络Type;battery type;cell type
  1. 本文介绍伏特效应放射性同位素电池的工作原理及电池类型。

    The basic principles and some kinds of voltaic effect type radioisotope batteries are reviewed .

  2. 进军钴矿开采在一定程度上反映出亚洲电池企业的崛起,全球很大一部分锂离子电池——从智能手机到电动汽车的多数现代电子设备普遍使用的电池类型——都由亚洲电池企业生产。

    The move into cobalt partly reflects the rise of Asian battery companies , which already account for the bulk of the world 's production of lithium-ion batteries , the main type of battery used in most modern electrical devices , from smartphones to electric vehicles .

  3. 尤其是有尺寸要求的行业,我们或许很快将看到多种多样的电池类型。

    Especially when there is a size requirement , we may see differentiation among battery types soon .

  4. 提供了如何计算当标定与测量光源光谱不匹配、标准与被测电池类型不匹配时的修正因子的方法。

    Provide a calculation method for spectral mismatch correction factor when the light sources and solar cells do not match between the standard and test . Innovations : 1 .

  5. 并对燃料电池各种类型进行对比分析,得出SOFC作为一种高效、低污染的能源转换装置所具有的独特优势。

    It also makes a contrastive analysis of various kinds of fuel cell . Then , it concludes that SOFC which is an energy transformation instrument with high efficiency and low pollution has a unique advantage .

  6. 在充电过程中可根据电池不同类型调用相应的充电算法,以达到延长电池使用寿命。

    In order to prolong the life of the batteries , the controller will call different charge intelligent-algorithm according to different type of the batteries during the process of recharge .

  7. 由于锂电池相对其它类型电池(如镍镉,镍氢)具有重量轻、体积小和能量密度大的特点,很适合于移动电子产品,这推动了电池技术以及与之相关的电池充电控制技术迅速发展。

    Because Li batteries have less weight , smaller size and higher available energy densities than its counterparts in the battery system ( such as NiCd , NiMH ), they are very suitable for portable electrical appliances . It promotes the development of battery technologies , charge control technologies .

  8. 因此,本文研究了电池管理系统的类型和基本功能,基于水平铅布电池设计了一种模块化的电池管理系统(BMS)。

    So , this paper studies the types and basic functions of the BMS , designs a modular BMS based on the horizon lead-acid batteries .

  9. 通过氧消耗计算和转移电子数的分析,说明甲烷在电池阳极发生不同类型的反应。

    Consumption of oxygen and shifted electrons were calculated to certify the different reactions occured .

  10. 结合高铁酸盐的物理化学性质,确定了高铁电池可用的电解液类型。

    The practicable electrolyte systems for super-iron battery were determined based on the Properties of ferrate (ⅵ) .

  11. 电池容量决定于所用电池的类型和牌号。

    The capacity of the batteries depends on the brand and type of batteries used .

  12. 电池信息管理主要包括:电池系统厂家及类型管理、电池各组件的厂家及类型管理、电池信息查询、电池入网、换电管理、电池退网和运营中电池相关信息的统计分析。

    The battery information management system mainly includes : battery system manufacturers and its model management , battery components manufacturers and its model management , battery information query , battery replacement , accessing and quitting network and the statistical analysis for related battery operation information .

  13. 介绍了产业化的锂离子电池生产工艺和流程,包括圆柱形电池和方形电池两种类型。

    The production and assembly of two kinds of Li-ion batteries , cylindrical and prismatic cells were introduced .

  14. 本文在对燃料电池混合动力汽车驱动系统中的主要部件分别进行比较后,确定了燃料电池、动力电池、电机的类型。

    In this article , the main components of fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle drive system were compared . And then the fuel cell , battery and motor were determinate .