
  • 网络Movie street
  1. 在1987年的电影《华尔街》(WallStreet)中,手持这部巨大手机的戈登•杰科代表了手机用户的普遍形象:富有、傲慢、无礼。

    Gordon gecko , who carried one of the behemoths around in the 1987 movie Wall Street , typified the cell phone user : rich , arrogant , brash .

  2. 若原计划的住宅改造得以实施,Chetrit原本打算对一套复式公寓开价最高3200万美元——对于电影《华尔街》(WallStreet)曾拍摄内景的建筑来说,这一价格十分合适。

    Chetrit had planned to charge up to $ 32m for a duplex unit if its planned conversion into residential space had gone through - fitting for a structure where interior scenes for the movie Wall Street were filmed .

  3. 在电影《华尔街之狼》(TheWolfofWallStreet)中,莱昂纳多・迪卡普里奥(LeonardoDiCaprio)饰演上世纪90年代臭名昭著的骗子乔丹・贝尔福特(JordanBelfort)。贝尔福特对自己卓尔不群的推销能力颇感骄傲,也确实骗走了投资者数亿美元。

    In ' The Wolf of Wall Street , ' Leonardo DiCaprio plays Jordan Belfort , the celebrated crook of the 1990s who prided himself on his ability to sell anything and did in fact swindle investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars .

  4. 这位年轻的金发美女和泰坦尼克号的万人迷莱昂纳多最近一起出演电影《华尔街之狼》,并在片场首次见面。

    The young blonde beauty and Titanic heartthrob Leonardo DiCaprio are currently filming The Wolf Of Wall Street together , and first met on the set .

  5. 但是这位完美主义且富有远见的导演波兰斯基,却在他1974年的电影《唐人街》拍摄过程中与女演员费·唐纳薇结下梁子。

    However , Polanski , being a perfectionist and visionary director , didn 't mix well with actress Faye Dunaway during the filming of 1974 's Chinatown .

  6. 电影《桂香街》将于周五上映。

    The film Gui Xiang Jie is due on Friday .