
  • 网络kindle;e-book;e-reader;e-readers;e-book reader
  1. 话说,全部馆藏估计一个电子阅读器就能装下

    Now , mind you , the whole collection could probably fit on a Kindle ,

  2. 亚马逊,通常集中于网上广告,为了电子阅读器扩展其经营的商业广告的范围。

    Amazon , which generally focuses on advertising online , has been branching out by running commercials for the Kindle .

  3. 在技术和阅读方面,这份报告对想了解电子阅读器和平板电脑对阅读影响如何的父母几乎没什么帮助。

    When it comes to technology and reading , the report does little to counsel parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading .

  4. 智能手机和电子阅读器近年来变得更加普遍。

    Smartphones and e-readers have become more common in recent years .

  5. 基于DSP的中文电子阅读器系统

    A Chinese Electronic Reading System On DSP

  6. 该中文电子阅读器,充分利用了数字信号处理器一DSP的实时处理图象、实时处理声音的能力。

    The Chinese electronic reader that bases on DSP , which adopt digit signal processer for CPU .

  7. 皆因NookSimpleTouch电子阅读器的销量低于预期。

    Lower-than-expected sales of its nook simple touch .

  8. kindle是一个电子阅读器,同时它也是个便携式的书店。

    The Kindle is an e-reader , but it is also a portable bookshop .

  9. 如果iPad能够定位于新一代电子阅读器,会很快成为畅销货。

    If iPad were positioned as the second coming of the e-reader , it 'd be a runaway hit .

  10. 越来越多的电子书服务、电子阅读器和像iPad这样的平板电脑让电子书市场繁荣起来。

    The market is boosted by a rising number of e-book services , e-reading devices and tablets like the iPad .

  11. 现在亚马逊推出了Kindle的最新款Voyage,再一次对它的电子阅读器进行了改良。

    Now , with its newest Kindle , the Voyage , Amazon is refining its e-reader once more .

  12. 那,就是E-BOOK(电子阅读器)。

    It is E - BOOK .

  13. kindle电子书貌似一个电子阅读器,但它更像一家可携带的书店。

    The Kindle may resemble an e-reader , but it is just as much a portable bookstore .

  14. 本课题的主要目的是为下一代电子阅读器做预研,主要任务是在已经存在的硬件、软件环境中构建一个Linux应用。

    My major work is to study the second version of the product beforehand , so we task is how to construct an embedded Linux system on the target board .

  15. 亚马逊在2009年就发布了直接面向学生和教科书市场的9.7英寸KindleDX电子阅读器。

    Amazon released its9.7-inch Kindle DX e-book reader in2009 , which was aimed squarely at students and the textbook market .

  16. 对RS232串口驱动,介绍了接收端即电子阅读器端实现串口驱动接口的主要函数;

    For the RS232 serial port , the principle of the serial port and the main driver of it are introduced .

  17. 确实如此,凭借依托于书籍的产品生态体系,Kindle销量大幅上涨,目前在电子阅读器市场中所占份额高达52%。

    Indeed , that book-driven ecosystem has boosted the Kindle , which currently owns some 52 % of the e-reader market .

  18. 他补充称,另一个担忧是,在iPad之后,主流移动互联网设备将是什么?电子阅读器会被边缘化吗?

    The other concern is what will become the mainstream among mobile internet devices after the iPad , and will e-readers be marginalised ? he adds .

  19. 主持人:Overdrive是全球一万三千座图书馆使用的电子阅读器经销商。

    Host : Overdrive is the digital book 8 ) distributor used by 13000 libraries worldwide .

  20. 传统的图书分类与编目方法存在着严重的不足。那,就是E-BOOK(电子阅读器)。

    The methods of traditional book classification and cataloguing have proved to be seriously defective . It is E - BOOK .

  21. 本周,亚马逊又推出了新款Kindle电子阅读器,最便宜的仅为79美元。

    This week Amazon also rolled out a new range of Kindle e-readers , the cheapest of which costs just $ 79 .

  22. 基于同样的原因,出版业的巨人Hearst公司也正在寻求开发一种适用与自己产品的电子阅读器。

    Publishing giant Hearst has been looking to develop a reader of its own for similar reasons .

  23. 请原谅,我们假定这些用户所用的平板电脑大多数是苹果的iPad,电子阅读器大多数是亚马逊的Kindle。

    Forgive us if we assume most of the tablets are apple ( AAPL ) iPads and most of the eReaders Amazon ( AMZN ) kindles .

  24. 结果是,Kindle更加符合人们购买电子阅读器的根本理由&买书、看书。

    As a result , the Kindle was more in tune with the raison d'etre for purchasing the device : to buy and read books .

  25. 亚马逊说Voyage是有史以来和印刷品最接近的电子阅读器,但在我看来,它要比纸书好得多。

    Amazon says the Voyage offers a better approximation of print than has ever been available on an e-reader , but for me , it 's far better than that .

  26. 但遗憾的是,如果想在电脑、电子阅读器或平板电脑上阅读PDF文档,需要通过滚屏来阅读各个部分,或者要放大字体很小的文本。

    Unfortunately , trying to read a PDF on a computer , e-reader or tablet can require scrolling to various sections of the page or zooming in on minuscule text .

  27. 亚马逊在电子阅读器领域占有61%的市场份额,而且据分析人士预测,今年四季度KindleFire的销量可能达到500万台,这意味着巴诺必须有所行动。

    Amazon's61 % market share in the e-reader space and analyst predictions that the Kindle Fire could sell up to5 million units during the fourth quarter meant Barnes and Noble had to make a move .

  28. 罗伯特o布伦纳曾在1989年到1997年间担任苹果公司工业设计总监,后来也为亚马逊首款电子阅读器Kindle的设计出过一份力。他对Fire手机的前景却要悲观得多。

    Robert Brunner , who served as Apple 's director of industrial design from 1989 to 1997 and later collaborated on the design of Amazon 's first Kindle e-reader , gave a much more pessimistic assessment .

  29. 亚马逊的Kindle电子阅读器在11月19日迎来了自己的十岁生日,但仍有许多人更爱用传统方式阅读。

    Amazon 's Kindle e-reader turns 10 years old on November 19 , but there are still plenty of people who prefer to read the old fashioned way .

  30. 本文首先从USB的基本概念入手,继而将USB接口与其它外围接口作比较后,分析了选用它作为第二版电子阅读器的通信接口的原因。

    Fist of all , this dissertation starts from the base concept of USB . Then the reason why we choose USB interface for our second edition E-Book would be given when it compares with other periphery communication interfaces .