
  • 网络movie poster;film poster
  1. 其中,当代电影海报与当代数字插画艺术的共同点最为突出。

    Among them , the contemporary poster art and contemporary digital illustration to highlight the most common .

  2. 不是电影海报是大师画的阿够昏倒的!

    Not film poster made by computer , it is painting !

  3. 《Mondo电影海报艺术典藏》将这一备受欢迎的艺术汇集成册,将工作室艺术家们难以置信的创造力展示出来,而这些千奇百态的风格遵守的是同一个原则,即对电影主体的无限热爱。

    The Art of Mondo brings together this highly sought-after art in one volume that showcases the incredible ingenuity of the studio 's diverse stable of artists whose vastly different styles are united by one guiding principle : limitless passion for their subject matter .

  4. 詹姆斯邦德(jamesbond)电影海报的需求一直持续不断,奥黛丽赫本的海报也是如此。

    James Bond posters are in constant demand , as are any that feature Audrey Hepburn .

  5. 首先,搜集大量的平面媒体图片,其中包括书的封面、CD封面和电影海报,人工标记和提取其中的文字区域。

    First , collect large quantities of text images , including book covers , CD covers and movie posters shot with cameras . We manually label and extract text regions in them .

  6. 1992年至2003年,他是克里斯蒂拍卖行(Christies)在伦敦的旧电影海报顾问。

    Between 1992 and 2003 he was Christie 's London consultant for vintage film posters .

  7. 其对于当代电影海报的影响也是十分巨大的。

    Its impact on contemporary film posters is also very significant .

  8. 曾有电影海报称福尔摩斯是披风斗士原型。

    One movie poster called Holmes the original caped crusader .

  9. 曾有电影海报称福尔摩斯是“披风斗士原型”。

    One movie poster called Holmes " the original caped crusader . "

  10. 除非电影海报还有什么要说的。

    Not if the film 's poster has anything to say about it .

  11. 还有这个电影海报呢?

    Yeah ? Yeah . And the movie poster ?

  12. 当代电影海报从中汲取的养分也最多。

    Contemporary poster also learns the most nutrients .

  13. 站在电影海报前的小女孩。

    Young girls in front of movie posters .

  14. 为此,电影海报还做了解释,说他们没有使用黑白照片。

    The poster even makes an explanation that this is NOT a black-and-white picture .

  15. 我们看到你们的电影海报。

    We saw your poster for your movie .

  16. 只是电影海报,何必大惊小怪?

    Sara , it was a movie poster . It 's no big deal .

  17. 伴随着预告片,导演周星驰也向公众展示了自己手绘的电影海报。

    A series of hand-painted posters by the director come out along with the trailer .

  18. 那幅照片是一张电影海报。

    The photo is a movie poster .

  19. 你的电影海报怎么啦?

    What happened to your movie posters ?

  20. 欧美电影海报以其强烈的视觉效果,具有不同的艺术风格。

    There is intense visual effect in Occidental movie posters which have different artistic styles .

  21. 还有你的名字,施瓦辛格,根本不适合上电影海报。

    And your name , Schwarzenegger , it will never fit on a movie poster .

  22. 1946年,几个阿富汗的年轻人注视着喀布尔一家戏院外的好莱坞电影海报。

    Afghan youths contemplate a Hollywood movie poster outside a theater in Kabul in 1946 .

  23. 当代电影海报的一些新特征是很值得我们去思考和研究的。

    Contemporary characteristics of some of the new poster is worthy of our thought and research .

  24. 通过大量例证对不同风格图像的审美需要进行分析,研究电影海报图像是怎样对应或满足观众审美需要的。

    And illustrates the aesthetic needs of different image style through a large number of examples .

  25. 电影海报的这些新特征都与当下的时代特点紧密联系在一起。

    Characteristics of these new posters with the current closely linked to the characteristics of the times .

  26. 而且,当代数字插画艺术对当代电影海报的影响最为巨大。

    Moreover , the number of illustrations of contemporary art on the most contemporary of the great poster .

  27. 凡购买电影海报,既原件和重印,加上自己喜欢的明星的照片。

    Where to purchase movie posters , both originals and reprints , plus photos of your favorite stars .

  28. 中国当代电影海报跟随中国电影在这一时期一同经历了重要的发展。

    Chinese contemporary movie posters to follow the Chinese film together during this period experienced an important development .

  29. 在他们认识了影院老板后,小努尔曼德就经常会得到电影海报。

    As they got to know the cinema owners , the youngster was often given the posters from the films .

  30. 努尔曼德指出,在过去10年中,老电影海报的价值一直不断上升。

    Nourmand points out that over the past 10 years Vintage film posters have consistently been going up in value .