
  • electronic spreadsheet;Excel;xls;Spreadsheets
  1. 论述了应用microsoftexcel电子表格进行矿山测量资料管理及坐标计算的方法,以某采场天井罗盘点的坐标计算为例,说明了应用的具体过程。

    This paper discusses the method to apply Microsoft Excel electronic spreadsheet to information management of mine survey and the calculation method of coordinate . A specific course applied is explained by means of points of a box and needle of the quarry raise as an example .

  2. 电子表格软件完全可以适用于工程计算。

    Electronic spreadsheet software is perfectly suitable to engineering calculation .

  3. 我随电子邮件附上电子表格一份。

    I attach a copy of the spreadsheet .

  4. 后来,当某个雇员使用这个电子表格程序时,病毒就又可能传播到另一个程序上。

    When an employee uses that spreadsheet subsequently , the virus can be spread to another progarm .

  5. 也许是传播到了另一个由该雇员保存的与电子表格程序存储在同一个软盘上的目录列表程序上。

    perhaps to a directory listing progam that the employee keeps on the same floppy disk as the spreadsheet data files .

  6. 因此在机构中的任一台计算机上对编辑程序的使用,都会导致病毒从编辑程序传播到该机构计算机内所存储的某个程序上,也许是传播到了一个电子表格程序上。

    Using that editor on one of the organization 's machines causes the virus to spread from the editor to one of the progarams stored on the organization 's machine , perhaps to a spreadsheet program .

  7. 类似的文件dataheader.txt和datafooter.txt组成电子表格data标签中的表。

    Similar files , data_header.txt and data_footer . txt , bracket the table in the data tab of the spreadsheet .

  8. 这个指南是一个包含许多动态公式的复杂的电子表格,可以使用它帮助确定Power服务器的规模。

    This guide is a complex spreadsheet full of dynamic formulas , which are used to help size Power Servers .

  9. SUN工作站电子表格数据输入设计

    On the Date Entry into Electronic Table on SUN Work Station

  10. 无法打开指定的xml电子表格。

    The specified XML spreadsheet could not be opened .

  11. 首先需要为价格电子表格创建一个feed

    You first need to create a feed for the pricing spread sheet

  12. 应用部件家族(Partfamily)及电子表格的技术,建立了模块库及常用零件库;

    A die block warehouse and frequent using part warehouse was established as well applying Part family and Spreadsheet technique .

  13. 同时,应用程序为BigBoss编写一个Excel电子表格。

    Meanwhile , the application writes an Excel spreadsheet for the Big Boss .

  14. 包括MATLAB?本示范和电子表格来帮助计算。

    Includes sample MATLAB ? scripts and spreadsheets to help with the calculations .

  15. 电子表格与SqlServer的结合应用

    The Connection of Excel and SQL Server

  16. 样例应用程序包含来自虚构的PlanetPower公司的一个叫做EmployeeList.xls的Excel电子表格。

    The sample application contains an Excel spreadsheet called Employee_List.xls from the fictional Planet Power corporation .

  17. J2EE平台上的HTML电子表格工具的设计

    A Design Tool for Dynamic HTML Form on J2EE Platform

  18. XML文档的呈现通常是利用XSLT电子表格做到的。

    Rendering of XML documents is typically done with an XSLT stylesheet .

  19. 早期版本的Monitor包括将数据导出为Excel电子表格的功能。

    Earlier versions of Monitor included the ability to export data as an Excel spreadsheet .

  20. [方法]运用电子表格Excel软件处理药物稳定性试验数据。

    The data of experiment were treated with microsoft excel .

  21. 用Excel电子表格确定精馏塔灵敏板位置

    Determination the Position of Sensitive Plate Using Excel in Distillation

  22. 电子表格软件EXCEL在财务管理工作中应用广泛。

    Electronic form software Excel is applied widely in the financial management .

  23. 利用Excel电子表格软件自动绘图、输出结果。

    Using Excel electronic table software plots and exports result .

  24. 请定位要导入的excel电子表格文件。

    Locate the Excel spreadsheet file you want to import .

  25. 在真空计量领域中,Excel电子表格软件得到了广泛的应用。

    Excel is widely applied in the vacuum metrology .

  26. 如果说维护Excel电子表格结构很重要,也许可以这样做。

    If maintaining the Excel spreadsheet structure is important , that might work .

  27. 白板、卡片、大的实际图表等简单工具得分为57,而基于Web的敏捷工具得分为52,电子表格是43。

    Tangible tools like whiteboards , cards , big visible charts got a score of57 ahead of52 for web based Agile tools and43 for spreadsheets .

  28. 还有,如果结构发生改变或者BigBoss想要将代码重复用于其他电子表格,情况会如何呢?

    Also , what happens if the structure changes or the Big Boss wants to recycle the code for other spreadsheets ?

  29. 下载Excel电子表格和样例代码。

    Download the Excel spreadsheet and sample code .

  30. 用Excel电子表格制作血常规室内质控图

    Making the Internal Quality Control Diagram of Blood Routine Examination by Excel Electronics Form