
  • 网络Electronic yarn cleaner;UQC
  1. RS-485总线在电子清纱器系统中的应用

    Application of RS-485 in electronic yarn cleaner system

  2. DQSS-4型电子清纱器控制络筒机的一种方案

    One Way of Controlling Cone Winder by Use of Electronic Yarn Clearer DQSS-4

  3. 电子清纱器转换特性的测量与数据处理

    Measurement and Data Processing of Transition Property of Electronic Yarn Cleaner

  4. 改性聚苯醚在电子清纱器上的应用

    Application 0f the modified polyphenylene oxide in the electronic yarn clearer

  5. 试论电子清纱器信号处理

    Try to Discuss about the Signature Treatment of Electronic Yarn Cleaner

  6. 电子清纱器与成纱质量

    Yarn Quality Control by Use of its Monitoring of Electronic Yarn Cleaner

  7. DQS&8603型电子清纱器电容传感器的几个问题的研讨

    Several problems in designing capacitance sensor of DQS-8603 electric yarn clearing apparatus

  8. 电子清纱器切纱机构的改进设计

    Design and Analysis on Cutting Mechanism of Electronic Yarn Clearer

  9. 电子清纱器使用中几个问题的讨论

    Several Problems in the Usage of Electronic Yarn Clearers

  10. 电子清纱器在纱线生产中的作用

    The Role of Electric Yarn Clearer in the Production An Electronic Monthly Ticket

  11. 试论国产电子清纱器的发展方向

    A Study of Development-Trend of Home-Made Electronic Clearers

  12. 新型电子清纱器及其性能比较

    New Electronic Clearers and the Performance Comparison thereof

  13. 正确使用与管理电子清纱器,降低出口纱10万米纱疵

    Properly Operating and Maintaining Electronic Yarn Cleaner , Reducing Yarn Faults per 100000 Meters

  14. 电子清纱器长粗(细)节通道工艺试验及评价方法

    Testing and Evaluating Method of Nubs ( Snicks ) Passage on Electronic Yarn Cleaner

  15. 电子清纱器的神经网络实现方案研究

    Study on Electronic Clearing Using Nerual Networks

  16. 电子清纱器检测头的设计

    Desing of an Electronic Yarn Cleaner Sensor

  17. 电子清纱器灵敏度失效。

    Failures in electronic yarn clearer sensitivity .

  18. 本文对国际九十年代的新型光电式电子清纱器光电传感器进行了解剖分析;

    The new types photoelectric sensor used on 90 ' world electronic clearer were analyzed in this paper .

  19. 它的性能决定了电子清纱器能否很好的实现检测并清除纱疵、控制纱线质量的目标。

    The electronic yarn cleaner can detect and exscind the flaw effectively or not rest with the sensor 's quality .

  20. 导向管喷动床小麦干燥工艺优化研究电子清纱器在络筒中的工艺优化及问题探讨

    Technology optimization of drying wheat by spouted bed with draft tube Technology Optimization of Electronic Clearer in Use of Cone Winding

  21. 电子清纱器的电气部分由检测单元、信号处理单元、控制箱及各种连接电缆所组成。

    Electronic yarn clearer by testing the detection unit , signal processing unit , control box and various connection of cable .

  22. 论述了络筒机上利用电子清纱器进行在线检测存在质量缺陷的纱管,并介绍其原理与方法。

    The quality abnormity can be analyzed timely and exactly via online testing of electronic yarn cleaner in the cone winding machine .

  23. 叙述了电子清纱器在纱线生产中的另一个用途,即检测纱疵。

    The paper states another kind of use with the electric yarn clearer in the production , which is checking up the yarn faulty .

  24. 本次电子清纱器电气部分的设计就是实现对检测单元、信号处理单元、电源单元、控制单元的设计。

    The designation of electrical part of electronic clearing device is to achieve the designation of detection unit , a signal processing unit , a power supply unit and control unit .

  25. 文章在分析了新型半自动络筒机的功能需求之后,给出了带智能接口的数字电子清纱器的实现思路和解决方案。

    Based on the analysis of functional requirements of this yarn winder , a practical way and settlement to design digital electronic yarn clearer with intelligential interface are given in the article .

  26. 认为异纤检出机的检出率一般应在80%左右,将开清棉工序异纤检出机和带异纤检出功能的电子清纱器结合使用,可有效提高异纤检出率,保证产品质量。

    The result shows that cleaning rate of profile fiber cleaning machine is about 80 % normally , combing profile cleaning machine with electronic cleaner which has profile cleaning function can enhance profile fiber cleaning rate and guarantee product quality .

  27. 电子清纱器中材料系数自动修正系统的工作原理和出现调偏故障的原因;以及如何正常发挥该系统作用所采取的改进措施。

    Having presented various factors affecting yarn material coefficient values , the paper elaborates here on the working principles of material coefficient auto-correcting system on electronic yarn cleaner as well as the causes and countermeasures for the malfunction of error adjustment of the system .