
  • 网络Electron Technology Applications;Application of Electronic Technique;Application of Electronic Technology
  1. 积极应用电子技术加速钢铁工业上现代化新台阶&在第2次全国冶金电子技术应用工作会议上的报告(摘要)

    Be active in application of electronic technology , to quicken the steps of iron and steel industry to go up onto a new stage of modernization ── A summary of the speech on the 2-nd working conference of the application of electronic technology in nation -

  2. 为此,高功率因数和低电流谐波畸变的PWM整流器成为电力电子技术应用中的研究热点。

    Therefore , high power factor and low current harmonic distortion of PWM rectifier is becoming a hot spot of power electronic technology application .

  3. 有源电力滤波器(ActivePowerfilter,APF)被公认为是治理电网谐波及无功污染、改善电能质量最有效的手段,已成为电力电子技术应用中一个比较新的研究热点。

    APF ( Active Power Filter ) has been a key project in power electronics application technology , as the most effective method to solve harmonic and reactive power currents pollution , and improve the power quality .

  4. 随着电力电子技术应用的深入,尤其是主开关器件工作频率的不断提高,对功率二极管性能提出了更高的要求,多年来硅P-i-N二极管一直在这方面扮演着重要角色。

    With the more and more extensive application of power electronics technology , especially with the increasing frequency of main switching device , there have a higher requirement to the power switching diode . The Si p-i-n diode have played an important role in these areas so many years .

  5. 模拟电子技术应用性强,其教学应采用基于工作过程的教学模式。

    The teaching mode of mock electronical skill should be based on working course .

  6. 使其在电子技术应用领域有重要的现实意义和实用价值。

    It is important in reality and valuable .

  7. 现代汽车电子技术应用状况

    Applications of Modern Automobile Electronic Technology

  8. 通过风电场选址以及将新型电力电子技术应用于优化风电场电能质量输出等。

    The paper introduces other measures such as selecting the address of wind farm , new power electronic .

  9. 国际无梭织机发展趋势是继续提高电子技术应用水平,增强品种适应性。

    The international shuttleless loom development trend is continuing improving the technological application level of electron , strengthen variety adaptability .

  10. 在电子技术应用领域。要求信号源的温度、频率的稳定性都比较高。

    In the field of electronic technical application , the requirements for the stability of the temperature and frequency are higher .

  11. 研究方向:自动测试、电子技术应用。主讲智能仪器原理及设计、自动测试系统、电子技术等课程。

    Main Course : Principle and design of intelligent machines , Automatic Test System , Electronic technology ? and so on .

  12. 该系统包括电子学理论课教学,实验课教学,课程设计教学和电子技术应用电路四个方面的内容。

    The system includes 4 parts : theory , experiment , course design of electronics technology and application circuit of electronic technology .

  13. 电子技术应用于政府管理实践,已经是政府界与实务界都认可了的积极举动。

    The Applications of Electronic Technique manages the practice in the government , was already the government and the practical realm has all approved the positive action .

  14. 《电子技术应用》为广大应用工程师、企业管理者提供了实用、专业、丰富的行业发展趋势、技术应用方案和市场产品信息。

    AET provides the majority of application engineers , business managers with practical , professional , and a wealth of industry trends , technology applications and market product information .

  15. 建立在电子技术应用基础上的现代书籍装帧应该充分吸收中国古代书籍的书卷美,从而赋予现代书籍装帧以更深的文化内涵。

    Electronic technology applications built on the basis of the design of modern books should be fully absorbed by the ancient Chinese books , and thus designed to give modern books deeper cultural connotations .

  16. 在新能源发电系统、不间断供电电源、电机驱动、有源电力滤波器、感应加热电源等很多重要的电力电子技术应用场合,对逆变器的性能和效率有着较高的要求。

    In many important power electronics applications , such as : renewable energy generation , uninterrupted power supply , electric machine drive , active power filter , induction heater , etc. the performance of power inverter is quite crucial .

  17. 在现代电力电子技术应用中,整流装置的非线性特性会使网侧输入电流发生畸变,产生谐波电流注入电网,给电网带来污染,对电气设备造成危害。

    In the application of modern power electronics technology , the nonlinear nature of rectifier causes distortion of input line currents , forming harmonic currents which pour into power grid , thus it brings pollution into power grid and does harm to electrical devices .

  18. 基于WEB方式的电子海图技术应用

    The technology of ECDIS based on Web

  19. 将可视化仿真技术应用于CAI,使学生在学习中达到理解知识与感官感受的完美结合,并将CAI中学习掌握的知识用于电子技术的应用研究中。

    The application of visualized simulation technology will help students understand their knowledge and learn easily .

  20. 竞赛以EDA工具为基本分析和设计工具,以仿真分析为基本内容,比较全面地突出了现代电子技术的应用技术与方法。

    The EDA tool is the basic analysis tool and the simulation is the basic method of analysis and design .

  21. 近些年,绝缘栅双极型晶体管(IGBT)在现代电力电子技术中应用广泛。

    In recent years the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor ( IGBT ) has been widely used in modern power electronic technology .

  22. 通过对国内外回弹仪系统的分析比较,根据回弹仪系统的检测原理,结合现代光电转换技术和电子技术的应用,提出了基于线阵CCD的智能回弹仪系统。

    Via compare with domestic and aboard rebound hammer , according the principle of rebound hammer , combining the photo-electricity and electronic technology , we design a new intelligent system of rebound hammer based on linear CCD .

  23. 电力电子技术及其应用的最新发展(一)

    The Recent Developments of Power Electronics and Its Applications ( 1 )

  24. 汽车照明系统中电子技术的应用

    Use of Electronic Technique in the Lighting System of Cars

  25. 国外汽车电子技术的应用&新型的汽车电子产品

    Application of Auto Electronic Technology Abroad & New Type Auto Electronic Products

  26. 锁相环路在现代电子技术中应用十分广泛。

    Locking phase ring circuit is widely used in Modern electronic technology .

  27. 电子技术开始应用于推土机,向着机电一体化的目标迈进。

    Electronictechniques begin to be applied on bulldozers , which areadvancing toward mechatronics .

  28. 古代盐盆找钾中扫描电子显微镜技术应用

    The application on prospecting potash with scanning electron microscope in Ancient Salt Basin

  29. 风力发电中电力电子技术的应用

    The application of power electronics technology in wind power

  30. 电子技术现已应用于各行各业。

    Electronic technology has been applied in every field .