
  • 网络ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING;Electronics;Electronic engineering;electronics engineering
  1. 我大学的专业是电子工程学。

    I was majored in electronic engineering in college .

  2. 1986年在美国南方卫理公会大学获电子工程学博士学位。

    Zhang Rujing received a doctor degree in Electronic Engineering from Southern Methodist University , the US , in1986 .

  3. 罗曼提毕业于美国西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity),拥有计算机科学和电子工程学的学位,于1981年作为系统工程师加入了IBM。

    Rometty earned a computer science and electrical engineering degree from Northwestern University , and joined IBM in1981 as a systems engineer .

  4. TomKrupenkin在威斯康辛大学讲授电子工程学。

    Tom Krupenkin teaches electrical engineering at the University of Wisconsin .

  5. 帕鲁•杜贝(ParulDubey)是在印度攻读电子工程学学位时,看到了伦敦商学院(LondonBusinessSchool)为近期毕业的大学生提供管理学硕士(MastersinManagement,简称MiM)项目的计划。

    It was when Parul Dubey was studying for her electrical engineering degree in India that she read about London Business School 's plans to launch a masters in management ( MiM ) degree for recent graduates .

  6. Tilak在印度加尔各答的Presidency学院获得了物理学学士学位,并且已经在班加罗尔的印度科学学院获得了电子工程学学士和硕士学位。

    Tilak did his Bachelors in Physics from Presidency College , Calcutta , India , and has an Integrated Bachelors and Masters in EE from Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , India .

  7. 这听起来似乎有些天方夜谭,但南加利福尼亚大学电子工程学教授艾伦o威尔纳最近已经开发出一种类似技术,能够使无线电传播速率达到每秒32G&大约比LTE无线传输快了30倍。

    This might sound farfetched , but Alan Willner , a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Southern California , has recently developed a similar technique , which achieved a rate of 32 gigabits per second & about 30 times faster than LTE wireless .

  8. 这听起来似乎有些天方夜谭,但南加利福尼亚大学电子工程学教授艾伦o威尔纳最近已经开发出一种类似技术,能够使无线电传播速率达到每秒32G——大约比LTE无线传输快了30倍。

    This might sound farfetched , but Alan Willner , a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Southern California , has recently developed a similar technique , which achieved a rate of 32 gigabits per second - about 30 times faster than LTE wireless .

  9. 现在,人们在开发三维印刷电子工程学的新方法。

    Now new ways of printing electronics in three dimensions are being developed .

  10. 司徒海先生曾就读于不莱梅科技大学,并取得电子工程学学位。

    He has a degree in electrical engineering from the technical university in bremen .

  11. 佩琪比我多上了几年,拿到了电子工程学博士学位。

    Peggy stayed a couple of years longer to get her Ph.D. in electrical engineering .

  12. 大学里,大多敏捷宣言发起者学习计算机科学或电子工程学。

    In college , most of the Agile Manifesto Originators studied computer science or electrical engineering .

  13. 耀文选择科大电子工程学,希望学习这个领域最前沿的知识。

    Stanley chose electronic engineering at HKUST to learn what was happening at the cutting edge in the field .

  14. 因此,用电子工程学的术语来说,量子点与石墨烯的杂化有极高的“增益”。

    In the jargon of electronic engineering , therefore , the quantum dot-graphene hybrid has enormously high " gain " .

  15. 成为电子工程学课程的高材生,卢志华已达到目标,并培养出做研究的兴趣来。

    As one of the top graduates in electronic engineering , Chi Wa surpassed his goal and found something he loves-research .

  16. 我也很开心我选择了电子工程学,因为这项课程开拓了我的视野,我学到不少东西。

    I 'm also glad that I chose EEE as it is a very broad subject and I have learned a lot .

  17. 1992年赴美国加州大学伯克利分校学习,获电子工程学博士。

    Deng Zhonghan went to University of California , Berkeley , the US , in1992 and received a doctor degree in Electronic Engineering .

  18. 参量扬声器系统的实现包含了多种学科知识即非线性声学、电子工程学以及计算机科学等。

    The realization of parametric loudspeaker system involves the knowledge of many disciplines , including non-linear acoustics , electronic engineering , computer science and etc.

  19. 首先,这位是,他是,电子工程学教授,也是本中心主任。

    Sharad Malik First of all , I 'd like to introduce here Sharad Malik , Professor of Electrical Engineering , the director of the center .

  20. 25岁的辛西娅•斯帕诺曾荣获富尔布莱特奖学金,她正在哥伦比亚大学攻读电子工程学硕士学位。她也表示自己不指望短期内会回国工作。

    Cynthia Spanou , 25 , a Fulbright scholar pursuing a master 's degree in electrical engineering at Columbia University does not expect to return any time soon either .

  21. 近代高新技术的成就促进了分子电子学这门涉及化学、物理、生物、材料科学及电子工程学的交叉学科的建立。

    It is the modern high technology that promote the foundation of molecular electronic , which is a cross-discipline involved with chemistry , physics , biology , material science and electronics .

  22. 海绵比基尼,一款旨于吸收海洋污染物的泳衣,由加州大学河滨分校电子工程学教授Mihri设计,穿戴者只要在海里游一游泳、划一划手就能清理污染物。

    The Sponge Suit bikini , designed by UC Riverside electrical engineering professor Mihri Ozkan , is designed to absorb pollutants from the ocean as its wearer swims around in the sea .

  23. 氟云母微晶玻璃自上世纪诞生以来在医学、化学、电子工程学领域得到广泛应用,新的加工技术也为云母微晶玻璃在各个领域的应用提供了新的可能。

    Mica based glass-ceramics have been widely applied in medicine , chemistry , electronic engineering for a long time since they were developed in the 19th century . The new fabricating technology also expanded their application in many fields .

  24. 施密特生于1955年,1976年获得普林斯顿大学电子电气工程学学士学位,随后在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校取得工程学硕士学位及计算机科学博士学位。

    Schmidt was born in 1955 and graduated from Princeton University in 1976 with a degree in electrical engineering . He then earned a graduate degree in engineering from the University of California at Berkeley , and a doctorate in computer science from there as well .

  25. 信息化作战环境下的航空电子系统人机工程学研究

    Study of Ergonomics for Avionics System in the Information Warfare Environment

  26. 电子工程是工程学的分支之一,它在现代化进程中起着至关重要的作用。

    Electronic Engineering is part of Engineering , which plays an important role in the modernization development .

  27. 电子设备人机工程学

    Man-machine engineering in electronic equipment

  28. 其后,他对电子的兴趣有增无减,现正于电机与电子工程学系继续攻读哲学硕士课程。

    His interest in the subject has continued to grow , and he has stayed on at HKUST to pursue his MPhil in Electrical and Electronic Engineering .