
  • 网络Voltage regulation;Voltage Regulator;voltage adjustment;AVR;Voltage Setting
  1. 500kV变电站的电压调整

    Voltage Regulation of 500 kV Substations

  2. 在调制器电压调整技术中,发展了阻容振荡型De-Qing电路最佳设计。

    An optimum design of R-C oscillatory De-Qing circuit has been developed for voltage regulation of the pulse modulator .

  3. 一种低温漂低电源电压调整率CMOS基准电流源

    A Novel CMOS Current Reference with Low Temperature and Supply Dependence

  4. 超低压差单片CMOS电压调整器的设计

    Design of a One-Chip Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage Regulator

  5. 到目前为止,大部分的软件节能都是基于动态电压调整DVS(DynamicVoltageScaled)。

    So far , most of software techniques are based on DVS ( Dynamic Voltage scaled ) .

  6. 结果表明,由电流型PWM控制器构成的微机电源具有良好的电压调整率、负载调整率和系统稳定性等优点。

    The results show that this PC power supply has high load regulation rate and high stability .

  7. CMOS电压调整器的设计

    The Design of CMOS Regulator

  8. 用于电压调整模块的改进型双频Buck变换器

    Improved Double Frequency Buck Converter for VRM

  9. Matlab仿真和两相并联样机实验研究表明,相比传统的电压调整模块,该新型磁集成电压调整模块可以有效地提高动态响应和变换器工作效率。

    The Matlab simulation and prototype experimental results of two-phase VRM show that integrated coupled inductor can improve steady and dynamic performance compared with the conventional non-coupled VRM .

  10. 因此,提出了电容器的LDO电压调整器是适合便携式设备的SoC解决方案。

    Thus , the presented capacitor-less LDO voltage regulator is suitable for portable devices ' SoC solutions .

  11. 针对发光二极管阵列光源和CCD的温度特性,提出了电压调整器和热敏电阻(负温度系数)相结合的温度补偿方法。

    According to the temperature characteristic of LED and CCD , a kind of temperature compensation method with voltage adjuster and thermal resistor combined is presented .

  12. 提出了一种适用于主板电压调整模块(VRM)数字控制芯片的新结构ADC&延迟环ADC的设计和实现方法。

    The design and implementation of a novel ADC architecture called ring-ADC for digital voltage regulator module controllers are presented .

  13. 12V输入电压调整模块的现状与分析

    The Analysis of Voltage Regulator Module with 12V Input Voltage

  14. 内部的功率因数校正(PFC)电路以临界导通模式(CCM)工作,可获得高功率因数、低总谐波失真(THD)及直流电压调整。

    PFC circuitry operates in critical conduction mode ( CCM ) and provides for high PF , low THD and DC bus regulation .

  15. 低压差(LDO)线性电压调整器是电源管系统中一个成员,其通常用于提供给低电压,低噪声的模拟电路系统。

    Low dropout ( LDO ) voltage regulators are generally used to supply low voltage , low noise analog circuitry .

  16. 7.5V高精度BiCMOS电压调整器的设计

    Design of a 7.5V High Precision BiCMOS Voltage Regulator

  17. 吉林省电网220kV系统加装并联电抗器调压方案500kV变电站的电压调整

    Research of Voltage Regulation by Distributing Shunt Reactor on 220 kV Power System in Jilin Province

  18. ZK-1可控硅电压调整器在控温炉中的应用

    The Application And Using of ZK-1 SCR Voltage Converter In Temperature - controlling Stoves

  19. 第三章介绍了一个常规SVC控制器系统中的各类组件,如测量系统、电压调整器、门极脉冲发生器、同步系统和补充控制及保护功能。

    Chapter 3 presents the details of various components of SVC control and protection systems of SVCs , such as measurement system , voltage regulator , gate pulse generator , synchronous system and supplemental control ect .

  20. TH11〈A〉型内燃机车电压调整器改装

    Refit on Voltage Adjustor of TH11 〈 A 〉 Type Internal-combustion Engine

  21. 动态电压调整(DVS)技术可以在不影响处理器性能的前提下,通过性能预测软件根据处理器的繁忙程度调整处理器的工作电压和工作频率,达到降低芯片功耗的目的。

    Dynamic voltage scaling ( DVS ) can reduce power consumption without impact on performance . According to different throughput , a predicting software determines the appropriate operating voltage and frequency .

  22. 在1kVA的样机上进行实验研究,其结果在额定阻性负载下的稳态总谐波畸变率(THD)为2.49%,空载与额定负载间阶越变化下的电压调整率为6.75%。

    The total harmonics distortion ( THD ) for a 1 KVA prototype at rated resistor load is 2.49 % with the voltage regulation for a step change from null load to rated load of 6.75 % .

  23. 本文介绍了电压调整模块(VRM)常用的建模方法和控制方法的原理,着重研究了VRM的非线性控制方法,引入了无源控制的概念。

    This article describes the principle of common modeling method and controlling means for Voltage Regulator Modules , and focus on study the nonlinear control method of VRM , then the concept of passive control is introduced .

  24. Spectre仿真结果表明,设计构成的LDO输出电流典型值达到3.0A,最低压差可达1.3V,电压调整率为0.015%,负载调整率为0.05%。

    Spectre simulation shows that a typical output current of 3.0 A , a low dropout voltage of 1.3 V , a line regulation of 0.015 % , and a load regulation of 0.05 % have been achieved for the regulator .

  25. ZK-1可控硅电压调整器作为可控硅的触发部件,在控温炉中得到了充分的应用,本文讲述了ZK-1可控硅电压调整器和控温炉以及PID智能控制器的匹配问题。

    As the triggering components of SCR , ZK-1 SCR Voltage converter has been widely used in the usage of temperature - controlling stoves . This essay talks about the problem that ZK-1 SCR Voltage converter and temperature - controlling stoves match with the PID intelligent controller .

  26. 一种数控式AC/DC电压调整方法

    A digital control method for a ac / DC voltage conditioner

  27. 电容器在电压调整和功率因数提高中的作用原理分析

    Principle analysis on capacitor in voltage adjustment and power factor improvement

  28. 变压器短路阻抗及电压调整率计算

    Calculation of Short Circuit Impedance and Voltage Regulation Rate of Transformer

  29. 动态电压调整多处理器实时系统任务调度

    Tasks Scheduling with Dynamic Voltage Scaling in Multi-Processor Real-Time Systems

  30. 内置式永磁同步发电机的低电压调整特性

    Low Voltage Regulation of Interior - type Permanent Magnet Alternator