
  • 网络Calculation of po wer system;Electric Power System Calculation
  1. 派克方程在电力系统计算中的应用

    Application of the park 's equations to the electric power system calculation

  2. 本文首先介绍电力系统计算与控制问题中所应用的线性规划模型。

    This paper introduces a linear programming model applied to electric power system calculation and control .

  3. 基于GIS组件的可视化电力系统计算软件的研究

    The Research of Visual Calculation Software of Power System Based on GIS Control

  4. 本文实现了仿真计算软件与BPA、PSS/E电力系统计算软件之间的接口。

    This paper has competed interfaces between the Simulation software and BPA or PSS / e electrical network calculation software .

  5. 采用基于CIM的变压器模型,不仅可以方便地实现系统的互联,也可以保证电力系统计算的正确性。

    Using transformer model based on CIM can not only accomplish system interconnection , but also guarantee the correctness of power system calculation .

  6. 我们充分考虑了目前这些软件的不足,在参考了国内外关于电力系统计算与相关图形软件的近几年研究成果,利用Visio开发了实用的图形化电力系统计算软件。

    We considered the deficiency of the software at present and utilize Visio to develop the practical graphic power system calculating software from many references to research results of power system calculation and relevant graphic software .

  7. 负荷模型在电力系统计算中的作用及其发展

    Effects on power system calculations and development of load modelling

  8. 图形化电力系统计算分析软件的研究

    The Research of Graphic Electric Power System Analysis and Computing

  9. 电力系统计算软件包中类层次的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Class Hiberarchy in the Electrical Power System Computing Software

  10. 电力系统计算中的二维稀疏结构技术

    The 2-order sparse structure in power system calculations

  11. 以网络为基础的大规模电力系统计算示范应用研究

    Demonstrating application of web-based large-scale power system calculations

  12. 基于人工单相接地短路试验的电力系统计算用模型参数校核方法研究

    Research on Verification of Man-Made Single-Phase Earth Fault Based Model Parameters Utilized in Power System Calculation

  13. 电力系统计算坐标系的变换研究

    Summarization on characteristics and available field of transformation among several common coordinate systems in electrical power system

  14. 基于电力系统计算所用的节点编号,开发了一种新型的多智能体电网操作票专家系统。

    The paper develops a new multi-agent operation order expert system based on node number of power system counting .

  15. 本文在电力系统计算和动态优化领域进行了一些新的探讨和尝试。

    In this paper , dynamic optimization of power system and power system calculations will be explored and tried .

  16. 采用了小扰动算法近似化简了并联型变流器的模型并详细给出了计算流程,最后通过舰船综合电力系统计算,说明了该方法的作用。

    The small perturbation algorithm the approximate simplified parallel converter model and the calculation process is given in detail , with the example of ship power system .

  17. 本文首先从分析基于时间断面和系统模型算法的误差入手,借助于矩阵分析理论,研究了传统电力系统计算方法中存在的误差来源以及它们对计算结果的影响。

    Starting with analyzing the error of algorithm based on time-fraction and system model , the dissertation investigates the inherent limitation of traditional power system calculation methods .

  18. 为了对大规模电力系统计算,许多部分特征根分析和降阶方法开始用于大系统的小干扰稳定性分析。

    For the purpose of studying large power systems , the part eigenvalue analysis technique and order reduction method are applied to the small signal stability studies .

  19. 该方法不仅体现了基于测量,面向过程的电力系统计算思想,而且对于提高暂态稳定计算的准确性与适应性具有重要意义。

    This method incarnates a new ideologies of Measurement based and process oriented in power system calculation , and can improve the veracity and adaptability of transient stability analysis .

  20. 根据对计算的不同需求,本文将电力系统计算划分为面向短期目标的实时计算、面向中期目标的离线计算和面向长期目标的规划计算,并指出了各种计算对测量、模型以及算法的依赖性。

    According to the demand for the power system calculation , the calculations are classified as real time calculation orienting short-term objects , off-line calculation orienting medium-term objects and planning calculation orienting long-term objects .

  21. 输电线路工频参数是正确进行潮流计算、继电保护整定计算等各种电力系统计算的基础,对电力系统安全、稳定、可靠运行具有十分重要的意义。

    The transmission line power frequency parameters are the foundation of the load flow calculations , setting calculation of relay protection etc. and also have important significance for the power system working steady , safety and reliably .

  22. 介绍甘肃电网数据库的功能,如统计、图形显示、计算以及接口程序等功能,阐述甘肃电网系统参数规范化管理在电力系统计算中的应用。

    In this paper , the writer introduces the functions of Gansu power system database , such as statistics , plot display , calculation and interface programs . The application of database standard management in Gansu power system is also presented .

  23. 面向对象技术的出现不仅为电力系统计算分析软件的编写提供了新的方法,而且使软件具有界面友好、操作简单、更好地抽象现实物理电网、方便的功能扩充及代码重用性等优点。

    The appearance of object oriented technique not only provides power system calculating and analysis software with a new method , but also make it have friendly interface , operate simply , abstract real physical network better , extend function better and have code reuse .

  24. 电力系统计算对输电线路参数的准确性要求越来越高,准确的输电线路参数是正确进行潮流计算、故障分析、网损计算和继电保护整定计算等电力系统计算的基础。

    Power transmission line system for calculating the parameters of an increasingly high demand for accuracy , so accurate transmission line parameters for power flow calculation , Failure analysis , loss calculation and relay coordination , and so on is the basis of calculation of power system .

  25. MATLAB在电力系统优化计算中的应用

    Application of Matlab in the Optimization and Calculation of Power System

  26. 含FACTS元件的电力系统潮流计算

    Power Flow Computation for Power System Containing FACTS Devices

  27. 综合考虑了以上的功能需求,我们设计了基于Web的电力系统网络计算系统。

    Taking the above factors into account , we designed the Web-based graphic network computing system , which adopted the Web-based multi-tier distributed frame .

  28. 含HVDC和FACTS装置的混合电力系统潮流计算方法

    Calculation method of power flow in hybrid power system containing HVDC and facts

  29. Excel在电力系统故障计算中应用

    Application of Excel in electric power fault calculation

  30. 预条件处理CG法大规模电力系统潮流计算

    The Preconditioned CG Method for Large Scale Power Flow Solution